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  1. AliceFan

    Funny questions guests ask.

    I also witnessed once, a man and woman in front of the castle arguing as to which one was the castle and where their dinner reservation was at. They had reservations for Crystal Place, and the man kept pointing at the castle saying they were eating there. However the woman looked at the castle...
  2. AliceFan

    CM Costumes

    I do love that I can go anywhere in the park with this costume, but personally, it doesn't fit me at all. The shirt on me looks like something Hulk Hogan size on me. Kinda sucks but I do love that I have back pockets! The Fantasyland costume is ok. The shirts are a little to girly for most men...
  3. AliceFan

    Mission: Space Lawsuit - A New Perspective

    ouch Ouch. That kinda hurts me to think that you would want to destory a company that has brought some much joy and magic to lives of people everywhere. (I don't remember who posted it, but I was curious to what Disney intially did for the family, so whoever posted that the vacation and...
  4. AliceFan

    Worst thing you forgot

    I guess this not forgetting but it is cute anyways! When I was 10 my mom decided that I was old enough to pack for myself. Big mistake! We were going in the middle of summer for 7 days and I only packed one dress, and no socks, or underwear. I also only put a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt...
  5. AliceFan

    How much does cast members know??

    Honestly, it depends on who you talk to. Believe it or not, not every CM you see or talk to in the parks WANTS to know much of anything about Disney They don't like it enough that they have to know where the bathrooms are located in a certain land much less what is going on behind a refurb wall...
  6. AliceFan

    Ride refurbs what would you do?

    I agree 100%! Peter Pan needs to be more wheel chair friendly. It needs to be completely redone. The AA's inside are falling apart, (Literally) and the scenes needs a great deal of touch ups. You can't tell because it is so dark in the ride, but if you have ever been on when the lights go on...
  7. AliceFan

    all rides that are rumors and you think will happen!

    Great Idea. One problem, they would never put that ride in Fantasyland. But I would love to see that ride.
  8. AliceFan

    Should CMs allow you to return after your Fastpass time expired?

    I am not quiet sure if it is fully understood why late fastpasses are taken. The rides are all computers and face facts, computers break all the time. So do the rides. So CM are sometimes told to inform guests that their fastpass will be vaild the rest of the day. With the shifts changes during...
  9. AliceFan

    "Mean" Cast Members

    I will admit that there have been guest that I am just not nice to and don't find any reason to be. But let me explain why. When I am working a ride, for example, Cindy's Carrousel, seems reasonable to me that just as in any other ride, you will remain fully seated at all times if you are on a...
  10. AliceFan

    What happenes when an Attraction goes down...

    Most area's in attractions, when you get trained, they will try to train you on more than one ride. Therefore if the ride goes down, you have other rides to work at. For example, It's A Small World just went down. But the CM in Fantasyland were trained on other rides in Fantasyland such as Peter...
  11. AliceFan

    Weight limits

    I know of not any ride where there is a weight limited. In fact, cast members usally try to make the guest comfortable. For example, the last seat in the Space cars, is a little bit bigger and so therefore is more comfortable, so they might either let them know that or try to sit them in that...
  12. AliceFan

    The lengths Disney will go to

    The number 12 I don't think has anything to do with it. But when I took a class session for the HCOE, they said that when they talked with the experts this was suppose to be the day when the earth was most in balance.
  13. AliceFan

    Funny Ride Problems

    Well, this is bad becasue you talk about the music stopping halfway through the ride, but I have forgotten to turn the music on period! And what makes it worse, is the ride is Peter Pan's Flight! So think about a dark ride with barley any music and then all of the sudden, loud music will come...
  14. AliceFan

    Change in SpectroMagic question

    This change took place sometime in Jan. or Feb. I don't remember when but I know that after the christmas parade when they had the hippos with the rollar skates, which is where the coustume came from, they decided to put a coustume chacter on the float instead. Hope that helps!
  15. AliceFan

    No, It couldn't be, it wouldn't be. . . is it?

    I hate to break it to ya, but that is not it. What they actually have in mind is, the book from 20K. However they never put it up or at least they haven't put it up yet. It will be in Pooh's house, (or Mr. Sanders however you think of it). I went in there today to check it out and guess what, no...
  16. AliceFan

    Bring back the Chili dogs at El Pirata y el Perico

    Menu Changes. They changed a lot of things on that menu and they still have plans to change it within the very near future. Also, there was no where to cook the hot dogs, cheese and chili anymore. You could find them in Pecos for a while, but alas, yet another menu change, this one was recent...
  17. AliceFan

    Sept 11-18 Rehabs

    The Libery Square Riverboat is temp. closed. Will not be reopened by next week though. That's the only one new I know of.
  18. AliceFan

    Pooh's Pointless Preview!

    Just to clear something up that I have heard many people say, Pooh's Playful Spot WILL NOT be a meet and greet area for Pooh and his friends. If you want to meet them then you can go to Toontown in the Hall of Fame or make reservations for the Crystal Palace. And the cast preview was to show the...
  19. AliceFan

    Pooh's Playful Spot added to the MK map

    Offically opens on Sept. 1st, this Thursday.
  20. AliceFan

    crowds right now at WDW

    From guest, I have heard they are having no problems with crowds right now. Come labor day, the crowds might peak a bit more, but for now, everything is calm. It is nice! Have fun!
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