Mission: Space Lawsuit - A New Perspective

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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Corrus said:
OK... STOP IT!!! All of you!!!

Threads have been removed in the past for less...

So please, everyone... quit this nonsense...

People have been banned for less...

I surprised this thread was allowed to continue, it shows the worst of us all.


New Member
Thanks magicfan,

I am really sorry if in my post I sounded rude, mean, or etc. A lawyer told them they had a very very good chance of winning so they took it thats all.

Jekyll Baker

New Member
Just a quick personal comment on the difference between the length of the green and orange lines. The once that I rode the green version (first week of June, mid-to-late afternoon), I was the only rider in the entire pod -- that's one person in a ride designed to hold 40. And in my opinion, the green version is actually rougher than the orange version (which I've ridden many times since Sept 2003).


Well-Known Member
I strongly feel that Disney is not, by ANY stretch of the imagination, responsible for that child's death. It is tragic, and I feel terrible for his parents, but suing Disney will not bring their beloved child back to them. As had been stated several times already in this thread, he suffered from a pre-existing condition that could have ended his life at any time. Sad, indubitably. Disney's fault, no way.


Well-Known Member
wdwmagic said:
I really dont undertstand your argument, either in your original post, or the one above.

If your dessert is bad, that quite possibly is Disney's fault, and they would accept that, and replace it.


How is it Disney's fault that a boy had an existing heart condition, and then died of sudden death? You dont seem to be able to answer that.

Perhaps he's expecting Disney to Imagineer a new son? :hammer:

This is such an obsurd thread I refuse to read anymore beyond this quote. My thoughts are with the family on their terrible loss. I would be a complete wreck if I lost my son in similiar circumstances. However, I'm not about to take him on MS or any other high force attractions (include roller coasters and Tower@MGM) until he's older than that. Sometimes, situational tragedy strikes and you can't point a finger at. The parents chose to ride, they did not know they were putting their child in danger. It's not their fault. However, if blame must be assigned (and I think it should not be in this case), they are more to blame than Disney.

And yes....had he not died there, it's obvious he would have died playing sports or the like unless his condition was caught prior. Sad but simple facts.


New Member

Mimi said:
But if my child dies on one of their rides I get nothing but "sorry" from Disney and hatred from my countrymen. Frankly I expect that from my countrymen but not from Disney.


It never did happen to me but if it did...

I would destroy that company.

Ouch. That kinda hurts me to think that you would want to destory a company that has brought some much joy and magic to lives of people everywhere.

(I don't remember who posted it, but I was curious to what Disney intially did for the family, so whoever posted that the vacation and medical bills were paid thanks.)

I have my own view on this, but I think I just wanted to say what I did. And so ends my post. Hope i didn't offend anyone. (But sorry if I did)


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
Fact: M:S Orange is currently pulling substantially higher hourly numbers.
Soarin has nothing at all to do with it.:rolleyes:
No kidding. I reported (and I'm not the first nor the only!) from the 10th that orange had three times the wait of green:
Green had a 10 minute posted wait; Orange 30 minutes after lunch.
Trust me, people are still riding the original in good quantity. Adding in a less intense version is merely opening the ride to more people, not some admission of guilt or some-such absurdity.

There's a reason it's called an "accident." (And not a "malfunction.") No one did anything wrong or caused it to happen, it just did. That's life and that's how it goes sometimes. Is it sad? Sure. Is it Disney's fault? Of course not. I mean, really. End of story. Accidents are accidents and there's truly nothing to debate on this topic.


New Member
Perhaps we should all agree to disagree.

Change of topic....

So, how's the weather where you are? ;) TN is getting rather warm and humid. :D Oh, and could someone please send some rain my way. Everytime I mow, I stir up a dust storm! :lol:


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
GothMickey said:
OK I guess it can be.. granted.. But there are a lot worse things that I would say were more highly offensive that I never saw removed... But whatever...

If you see anything offensive please use the report to moderator feature! I'm getting very sick of people complaining in threads about things that are offensive when I never see reported posts from them! I think maybe everyone should think more about what they post before they post it. Do I have to ban the topic of Mission Space (how ridiculous would that be on a Walt Disney World forum!)?
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