Weight limits


Well-Known Member
I've never seen anyone be refused or or have their seating re-arranged :eek: dur to weight. However, like several others on here, at 6'6" I've had a few tight squeezes with the old legs in small ride vehicles


Well-Known Member
krueg66 said:
I'm 6'6" and about 315lbs and I have no problems on any of the rides so pretty much everyone should be fine...

The only ride I have slight problems on is Space Mountain. Those cars are alittle cramped for me. My legs stick out the side and I always feel like I'm either going to fall out or be beheaded by a beam!!!

Wow, I feel cramped at 6'3" on Space Mountain. Isn't it even more fun trying to shoehorn yourself back out of the car?



PhilharMagician said:
Wow, I feel cramped at 6'3" on Space Mountain. Isn't it even more fun trying to shoehorn yourself back out of the car?

Brutal....absolutely brutal. I always get the looks from the CM's too as if they can't believe I stuffed myself into the car in the first place. It almost looks like I'm riding the car as opposed to sitting in it. It's all good though.

I smack my knees on Big Thunder Mountain too! I've never complained though because I could ride all the rides when I was a kid. Height requirements were never a problem! I wonder if I rode the Dumbo ride, would the button still make me go up??? I might try that when I'm there next week...


New Member
shoppingnut said:
I'm not sure who fits through those turnstiles, may be only kids because I'm not that overweight, but I have problems getting through them.

When I started working there, I was told that they were the tightest turnstiles on property. I can't even begin to imagine how many people I let the chain down for them so they wouldn't feel like they were squeezing through. As far as I can tell, and what I always tell everyone is that they weren't designed with adults in mind. Normal adults have trouble on this one. It's ridiculous.


New Member
Disney parks are designed great... no probs in sight anywhere -- I've been there with a 380 lb guy once, after all, so I should know. He was able to ride EVERYTHING with not one problem.

However, Islands of Adventure -- if you're larger than me, forget about going on any of the coasters. At 6'4" and 250lbs, I'm pretty much the maximum for any of the coasters -- and even some of them are a bit of a tight squeeze for me (need to get somebody to help push that extra centimeter to lock). No extentions either... the same will go for Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH since many of the coasters there were designed by the same company that designed the IoA coasters.


Well-Known Member
Yes, FrumiousBoojum said it. Good design is everything. Its a marvel how something that fits a 6' 380lb man, can fit a small child. Imagineers rule!


New Member
krueg66 said:
I'm 6'6" and about 315lbs and I have no problems on any of the rides so pretty much everyone should be fine...

The only ride I have slight problems on is Space Mountain. Those cars are alittle cramped for me. My legs stick out the side and I always feel like I'm either going to fall out or be beheaded by a beam!!!

If you're afraid of being hit by a beam, don't go on it anymore. That beam thing is not an illusion. if you ever ride it with the lights on, the beams really ARE that low, with some spots that have a small rise for people that are stupid enough to put their arms up.


New Member
On the opposite end of the spectrum, when ToT had lap bars, my exchange student and I went on together (she was 5'10 and 120 lbs, I'm 5'0 and 100 lbs). We sat with another man who was larger, so I had about 6 inches between me and the bar. When you're that small, on a ride like ToT, that's a LOT.
When the CM asked if everyone is ready, I said "Can I trade seats? I have a lot of space between my lap and the lap bar." The CM came up (we were in the back row), looked, noticed the amount of space, and asked the person sitting in the middle seat (when it was the only one with a belt) to switch with me, as they were more average size (height/weight).
So, if you do have any issues, CMs will try to accomodate!


Well-Known Member
I'm "only" 6'3", but I have long legs so that causes some problems at the parks. My knees touch the back on Splash Mountain, any rides with boats like Pirates and Small World, Great Movie Ride, all Fantasyland Dark Rides, Living With The Land, Primeval Whirl, Dinosaur, and Space Mountain. I can fit on all of these, but it's not the most comfortable thing in the world. And on some of them I have to sit sideways. I cannot ride Mad Tea Party, Astro Orbitor, and Goofy's Barnstormer anymore either.

The biggest problem at IOA is seat width on the roller coasters. Hulk and Dueling Dragons have narrow seats that dig into my sides. And Ripsaw Falls was certainly not designed for tall people when they put the seat backs in the logs.

Those are about the only problems I can think of. Like I said I'm 6'3" and 250 lbs, so while I'm not normal sized, I don't think I'm HUGE. Hopefully in the future most attractions will be better designed for tall and large people. To be honest, you don't have to be that big to be uncomfortable on some of these attractions.


New Member
I know of not any ride where there is a weight limited. In fact, cast members usally try to make the guest comfortable. For example, the last seat in the Space cars, is a little bit bigger and so therefore is more comfortable, so they might either let them know that or try to sit them in that seat. On rides with seat belts, they usally have and extened belt in which they can use. I have only used the one at Dumbo twice and both times was for parties if three, with two adults and a child and they couldn't buckle up.


New Member
I'm sorry to get callous and irreverent for a moment (you guys know that usually, I'm really nice and try to be helpful!)...

But I wouldn't be surprised if the rides got a little wider because the United States is the fattest country in the world. Children are getting type-2 diabetes because of the serving portions people are eating now...people are just getting FAT. But WDW is international, so don't expect things to be widened for a while.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Those blasted things are tiny. :lol:

You should all go to the Older Rides at DL. THOSE are tiny! Than again, California may be "thinner" than FL, (no offence to anyone). I didn't have problems with it, but in 1955 people were TINY! The lady on Snow White told us that they used to seat 3 in a row back in the 60's, and now they seat 2 per row. We managed to squeeze 3 in, and it was SOOOO tight!


Active Member
robynchic said:
I'm sorry to get callous and irreverent for a moment (you guys know that usually, I'm really nice and try to be helpful!)...

But I wouldn't be surprised if the rides got a little wider because the United States is the fattest country in the world. Children are getting type-2 diabetes because of the serving portions people are eating now...people are just getting FAT. But WDW is international, so don't expect things to be widened for a while.

I agree. I find it sad when I see kids these days that are wider than me...


New Member
I mean, I don't mean to rail on the heavy people (some of my closest friends are BBW), but when you look at a serving portion in restaurants nowadays...here's some perspective:
A single portion of red meat is about the size of the palm of your hand, or about the size of a deck of cards.
A single serving of bread, rice, cereal, or pasta is about 1/2 a baseball.

Think about that, and how much you may see on your plate in a restaurant. It's no wonder people are getting obese nowadays. And with video games and computers, kids aren't playing outdoors more.

There's no way people will be able to lose weight or become healthier if they don't know servings.

Oh, and if you're wondering where I got all this info, Health and Wellness class and http://mypyramid.gov help out a lot. The food pyramid isn't what it used to be! Check it out!


Active Member
robynchic said:
I mean, I don't mean to rail on the heavy people (some of my closest friends are BBW), but when you look at a serving portion in restaurants nowadays...here's some perspective:
A single portion of red meat is about the size of the palm of your hand, or about the size of a deck of cards.
A single serving of bread, rice, cereal, or pasta is about 1/2 a baseball.

Think about that, and how much you may see on your plate in a restaurant. It's no wonder people are getting obese nowadays. And with video games and computers, kids aren't playing outdoors more.

There's no way people will be able to lose weight or become healthier if they don't know servings.

Oh, and if you're wondering where I got all this info, Health and Wellness class and http://mypyramid.gov help out a lot. The food pyramid isn't what it used to be! Check it out!

And it's definitly true that we are the fattest country in the world. Do you know why? It's cited above by robynchic. Portions in this country are out of control. I was lucky enough to travel to Europe to see family, and you know what I noticed, there are almost no large people there. Why? I like to think of when we went to get ice cream, I got the largest they offered, and guess what? It was the size of a small here is the good old U.S. of A. I don't have anything against fat people, I just think we, as a society at whole, could do much more to prevent this. Now, I can also understand that it's not easy to loose weight, and doctors are fairly unamious on the point that, once you gain a large amount of fat, it's much easier to gain the wiegh back after dieting. But let's think of it this way: if we prevent people from becoming overweight in the first place, this wouldn't be a problem.

Sorry for the rant, but this is just one of thoes subjects that buggs me.


New Member
I don't have any trouble now but when i was younger I was pretty big into weightlifting and I already have massive shoulders. I couldn't ride the Kumba at Busch Gardens because my arms were too big to fit around the restraints. I was able to ride RnR but it was a little tight. It was hard when I hit the point of being "musclebound". I'm still a big guy but not athletic anymore and now much cooshier :D


New Member
I'm a big girl and I have never had a problem with any Disney rides. Yes I feel that I need to lose a few but even then I have had no problems at all.

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