Funny Ride Problems


Premium Member
I've read that this has happened to many others, but I was also stuck on COP for a very long time. Watched a lot of scenes over and over AND OVER again, and got stuck halfway between a lot of scenes. We thought we'd never get out of there in time to see the great big beautiful tomorrow! It was funny.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
I can't really think of any break downs that I've endured that I would consider funny. Although I have had a good laugh reading other's.


New Member
Working on PotC, I saw a lot of mishaps with the AA's. The "captain" in the scene where they're drowning the mayor (the guy shouting out the orders) for some reason has a lot of problems in his neck. So many times I have gone through that scene and noticed his head upside down dangling at his chest. He's one of the "101 figures" in PotC which means if it's malfunctioning, the ride will be shut down until it is repaired.

Pirate/Custodian Jeff °o°


New Member
Well....this was pretty funny to our family...

On SSE in April, the ride stopped 4 times, each for at least a few minutes. So we were all sitting there staring at the Monk, etc, last time was when you go backwards to see the "network", that was a little dizzying! We had 6 in our group, including G'ma and G'Pa, so by the end my 8 yr old kept teasing that "Paha broke the ride!'.

Then... it seemed all kinds of rides we went on that week stopped while we were on them, so it became a joke about my poor Dad breaking all the rides. The best was Norway Maelstorm (sp?) because we were barely away from the dock and were stuck. The poor cast member kept assuring us that it wasn't going to break on his watch and was on the phone repeatedly. Then we jerked forward and cheered! The cast member bowed... it was great!:sohappy:


New Member
Well, this is bad becasue you talk about the music stopping halfway through the ride, but I have forgotten to turn the music on period! And what makes it worse, is the ride is Peter Pan's Flight! So think about a dark ride with barley any music and then all of the sudden, loud music will come blaring from everywhere. Needless to say I apolized to the guest and then let them ride again.


Well-Known Member
i have been on 3 rides that have "had problems" while i was on them:

- test track: first time i went on it and i was really scared because i didnt know what was going to happen, so anyway as you have gone up the hill the car stopped as we where going through the tunnel, i asked my cousin had this happen before and she was saying "i dont think so" i told her that was no help. so after about 10 minutes we went zooming around the corners and out into the open and from that experience test track has been one of my fave rides. that happen in 2001.

-rock n' rollercoaster: first time on this ride with my cousin we where sitting in the car at the tunnel entrance and it came one the speakers "5,4,3,2,1" my eyes where shut at this time and when i opened them coz we wernt moving and the music was still being played down our ears. that is also one of my fave rides now. that happened in 2004.

- space mountain: this has to be my worst one, i hate space mountain but i only went on it coz i didnt want my cousin goin on it by herself so where in the car climbing up and weve been around a couple of corners when the lights went on and i thought to myself "this cant be good" then the car stopped and i looked to my right there was the platform and to my left was carts below us WE WHERE ON THE TOP FLOOR. this cast member came up the stairs puffed out his face was red and he said that there was a problem with the electricity, so anyway where on the top floor and people going past on the blue line are pointing and the look on there face was saying "that shouldnt happen" when we go by the exit a cast member said that we could stay on and i said no but i told my cousin that she could stay on but she didnt so me and my cousin go off the ride. i will never go on that ride again. that happened in 2004.


New Member
When I was a youngster, probably 7 or 8 years old, we were on COP and sitting in the back row. As I was young and short and couldn't see, my mom told me that since there was no one in back of us, I could stand up to watch the segments. Well, I stand up and not 5 seconds later, the father staps talking mid-word and all of the stages robotic action and music stops and a voice comes over the loudspeaker, "Will the little boy in the red hat please sit down!" I was so embarrased and angry at my mom. My whole family laughed about me being singled out after she was the one that told me to stand up.


New Member
I went to Disneyland with a friend and his family about a year ago. His eldest daughter, who is about 8, had never been on Splash Mountain because she thought it would be scary. We had convinced her by the time we reached the boarding station that it was fun and is filled with lots of singing animals, like the Country Bear Jamboree. Just our luck, all the audio-animatronics went 101, and while the audio played as usual, all of the characters were bent over in unusual and (to a child, I suppose) frightening ways. No one stopped the ride, though, so we went through 10 minutes of dead-looking animals singing "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah." I thought it was hysterical. I always envy those people who are on the rides when they go 101, but was incredibly disappointed I didn't get to get out and walk the track. Needless to say, though, we have not been able get that child to ride Splash Mountain again. Her younger sister, though, loved it when she finally got to go on it.
I only wish I'd been taping it that day...
natalia1681 said:
I think that the CM's may have been having fun with you. There's no manual brake for passengers on any rides that I can think of.

I wouldn't want to imagine the mess if someone didn't hit their *brake*:hurl:

There is a manual brake for Indy Speedway...

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I actually broke one of the moving obsticle things at the Winter/ Summerland mini golf course. :lookaroun

You see, its that one set piece in the summer course that looks like the north pole that spins around and elevates your ball up to the top and pops it out next to the hole. Well, I putted my ball into it, but nothing happened. My ball was just stuck there, and the set piece just kept spinning, but my ball never got in. So, I poked my putter around in there to try to get the ball in, and the spinning north pole thing stopped spinning! I finally got my ball out, but it was obviouse that it was broken. So, mom and I skipped it, and went on to the next hole. We helplessly watched the family behind us frantically tyring to get their golf balls out of the hole. :lol: We told the CMs at the end that it was broken, and they said that they would fix it. :)


New Member
One of the funniest things I ever saw wasn't due to a breakdown really but bad weather. We had just boarded the jungle cruise shortly after the usual midsummer afternoon down pour and lots of rain had collected on the roof of the boat. One of cm's was fiddling around with the cover (not quite sure what he was trying to do, maybe roll it up since the rain had stopped). Anyways, the cover came unhinged and all of the water on the roof came rushing down onto a poor woman sitting below in one huge woosh. Needless to say she got completely drenched. We, along with everyone else on the boat, couldn't help but laugh. Luckily she was a really good sport about the whole thing.
adamthegetupkid said:
There is a manual brake for Indy Speedway...

Unfortunately INDY doesnt even have a manual brake on it or a brake pedal. The brakes automatically kick in when the driver takes the foot off the gas pedal...

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
the family and I were on dinosaur, and in the area where you see the larger one eating the smaller one head first, well some of the latex skin had slipped off the the one being swallowed so you could see most of the metal mechanism, really out of place.

Captain Sparrow

New Member
Having been to Disney World more than twenty times I guess I'm lucky to have only had a few memorable ride breakdowns:

1. Skyway to Tomorrowland broke down once when we were above the 20k Lagoon in Disneyland. They had to get everyone down with ladders. That wasn't so much fun.

2. Once we had to endure the 1940's scene in COP THREE TIMES before the CM running the ride realized there was a problem.

3. The last vacation I took the audio on Dinosaur was broken down completely the entire time we rode. It was quite wierd going through and hearing nothing. It didn't seem nearly as exciting without the audio, in fact it really sort of felt like going on a slow dark ride such as Winnie the Pooh. The best part was when the big dino at the end of the ride is supposed to really scare you and they take your pic. Well seeing as there was no roar we all just kinda looked at it wondering why we were normally so startled at this point in the ride.


Active Member
I don't have any particularly funny stories, but on SSE we sat in the communication area where you are going backwards for about 10 minutes it seemed. The audio loop eventually got out of sync.

I have also been splashed by the Turtles in Splash Mountain, we rode it first thing in the morning, at like splashed me right in the face, everyone was laughing.


Well-Known Member
UltimtMickeyFan said:
Unfortunately INDY doesnt even have a manual brake on it or a brake pedal. The brakes automatically kick in when the driver takes the foot off the gas pedal...

I think the other poster just meant that you control whether you go or stop .. not that it necessarily has a brake pedal


New Member
So I'm riding Cop and I'm in act 4. I look at all of the animatroics and they are all faces down. Audio is running, their lips are moving, but thier heads weren't. It was good times. Needless to say the attration closed shortly after I exited.


New Member
Star Tours

We were on star tours and had no video ,you didnt know what way you were going to move next.
Also we were on test track during a small shower ,we were inside the ride would go then stop for a few minutes .In the extreme temp tests and corrosion test included.Then it took off through the hairpin turns with a couple abrupt stops .It was the most fun we ever had on test track.
p.s Ounce we got outside there were no stops.Just rain

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