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  1. 2nd Star TTR

    Cinderella suite being used for Celeb overnighters

    Thanks for the economics lesson. Let's converse in 15 years when you get out of college and into the real world. I think I know how a "market economy" works.
  2. 2nd Star TTR

    Cinderella suite being used for Celeb overnighters

    I could not agree more. Nothing like overpaid celebs, like movie stars and sports stars getting free stuff.
  3. 2nd Star TTR

    Take kids out of school for $1,200???? Y/N?

    As long as they are doing well in school. TAKE THEM OUT. We have taken our children multiple times in the past years, and they usually never miss a beat in school.
  4. 2nd Star TTR

    Trip RIP, ADR's up for grabs

    Sorry to hear that you had to cancel your trip. But, it is the right thing to do until things turn for the better for you.
  5. 2nd Star TTR

    Happy Birthday Walt

    Happy Birthday Walt! Thanks for your creations.
  6. 2nd Star TTR

    Best Ride to Take a Nap

    Universe of Energy! I fell asleep on my last visit.
  7. 2nd Star TTR

    Poly or Contemporary

    I have stayed at both many times (Conferences for work). I would recommend the Poly anyday over the CR.
  8. 2nd Star TTR

    Polynesian or Contemporary

    Poly hands down. It is by far our favorite resort. Have been to both at least 3 times each.
  9. 2nd Star TTR

    A quick Survey

    From Ohio Have gone every year for the last 12 years. Will return in December 2009.
  10. 2nd Star TTR

    Brazilian Tour Groups

    I was just there two weeks ago, and it was the most crowded it has ever been during any of my 15 previous visits. Even though so many claim to be having financial problems, you would not believe it at Disney.
  11. 2nd Star TTR

    Have you ever been in the spotlight in the Laugh Floor

    I got to be "that guy." My 4 year old loved it, especially because I got to wear a sticker for the rest of the day.
  12. 2nd Star TTR

    Kingdom Keepers

    What a great book. Every member of our family has read it, 6 in all.
  13. 2nd Star TTR

    Disney Store ??

    Our Disney store also closed. Bummer. The bigger bummer, is that my wife inquired about the store display items, and the manager told my wife that she was required to smash all display items and take pictures, so no items could be sold to the public. :fork:
  14. 2nd Star TTR

    AirTran anyone? Reviews?

    Have flown Airtran just about every trip to Disney. Our family has never had a problem, and we are a party of 6. Flights have always been on time, and Disney now has resort check-in.
  15. 2nd Star TTR

    Mom's club package in the mail?

    My wife got one in the mail, also. But the bummer was, that is was already opened and the 2 pins were gone!!!
  16. 2nd Star TTR

    Favorite Hotel?

    My vote would be for Polynesian, also. Just got back from there, our first time at this resort. What a great experience.
  17. 2nd Star TTR

    EpcotServo's April 10th MK Update: Kingdom Krowds

    I was there on the 4th thru the 8th. It rained on the 5th and 6th, so not very crowded (of course due to the rain). But it was the worst I have ever seen it on the 7th and 8th. Good Luck to anyone going this week or next.
  18. 2nd Star TTR

    Attendance at theme parks continues to skyrocket

    Gee, and I thought our economy was in a rescession (according to the media)
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