Brazilian Tour Groups

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
The thing with the tour groups is that you need to let them know what they can and can't do. Example, my son and I were at BB and were climbing up the stairs, this guy runs, RUNS by in front of his crowd and just about knocks my son over trying to get by, he turned laughed and tried to get away. I grabed his arm and lightly pulled him to stand behind us and just stared him down. He tried to go by but I blocked him and kept up the stare, his friends came up behind him and said something after some of them went by, he then said sorry in good english, I said not me my son and pointed at him to which he looked at him and said sorry, at which point I said be careful and let him pass. There are other times that i did something and they got the idea. Now I'm a large person but you don't have to be large, just get the idea across that you aren't kidding and they should stand down.
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I grabed his arm and lightly pulled him to stand behind us and just stared him down. He tried to go by but I blocked him and kept up the stare

They irritate me to no end when they do that kind of stuff, too, but as a law enforcement officer, I must tell you that you should never, ever, under any circumstances(Barring prevention of violence) grab someone or pull them somewhere. May not seem like a big deal, but it could be considered assault, as well as false imprisonment. Just something to keep in mind...
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Well-Known Member
They irritate me to no end when they do that kind of stuff, too, but as a law enforcement officer, I must tell you that you should never, ever, under any circumstances(Barring prevention of violence) grab someone or pull them somewhere. May not seem like a big deal, but it could be considered assault, as well as false imprisonment. Just something to keep in mind...

I completely understand this but it really is a sad state of affairs if you can get arrested for assult because you grabbed someones arm. To me this is just another way to get away with being rude and arrogant.

Sure, if someone just grabbed you for no reason with excessive force etc causing you to panic then yes, you mihgt have a case but stopping someone to slow them down and get them to appologise for hurting others - seems alright to me.
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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, it is usually left up to a handfull of front line CM's to enforce that...and for those that don't give a %*(&*( about rules, they just laugh at them.

Believe me, I haven't done any laughing as a seasonal CM these past four Julys. Individually, they are actually very nice kids - but, like ALL kids, when they travel in large and mostly unsupervised packs, they are a hazard.

If things continue how they are financially, I think Disney will be glad for any attendance that they can get.

...and that's the bottom line. Disney is very happy to take their money, but reluctant to address their behavior.
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2nd Star TTR

New Member
If things continue how they are financially, I think Disney will be glad for any attendance that they can get.

I was just there two weeks ago, and it was the most crowded it has ever been during any of my 15 previous visits. Even though so many claim to be having financial problems, you would not believe it at Disney.
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We used to go the first week of January and stay at Radisson Maingate we finally stopped going that week because of the Brazilians they were all over the hotel and would run through the hallways yelling at all hours. It was almost impossible to get off an elevator as soon as the door opened 20 of them would rush in. Then they would do all the things they are famous for at WDW
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Well-Known Member
We were there this past summer the last week of July and first week of August. AUGHHH! We had to get moved to a different room. Every night around 2 AM they decided to play soccer against our door. I complained to the manager, explained that last year I brought down a group of 36 and was instructed that there must be an adult in each room. The manager said, "Well, just someone over 18, so any 18 yr old could then been 'watching' 3 17 yr olds." No wonder they are out of control at the resorts and parks.
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Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
We used to go the first week of January and stay at Radisson Maingate we finally stopped going that week because of the Brazilians they were all over the hotel and would run through the hallways yelling at all hours. It was almost impossible to get off an elevator as soon as the door opened 20 of them would rush in. Then they would do all the things they are famous for at WDW
Wait, they come in January, too now? :cry:
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Well-Known Member
During the summer, somone posted a thread about the Bralian tour groups that explained WHY they act the way they do (sorry I don't have the time to research and attach), but if I remember correctly it said something about families saving up to send their kids on this once-in-a-lifetime vaction to the US and everything is cheaper for them when they come over here - including the Ipods they buy in the mall.

I get annoyed at them as well when they run and push or when 40 of them try to get by you in a long, hot summer long cause one of the friends is up front..................uh too bad, back of the line buddy.

I was in HS this July and their must have over 15 different groups - Fantasmic was rowdy, but fun none the less. I love to see people enjoying themselves, but the Brazil chant was beginning to wear on me. One girl was screaming at someone 2 sections over and could not get their attention. When I had had enough, I got her attention and asked her to PLEASE QUIT SCREAMING and that she would not lose her seat if she walked over to the person she was screaming at. Everyone around me started applauding. I was not mean about it at all, just fed up.
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Well-Known Member
I was just there two weeks ago, and it was the most crowded it has ever been during any of my 15 previous visits. Even though so many claim to be having financial problems, you would not believe it at Disney.

Did you think it odd everytime a server/waiter asked if you wanted vinegar for your fries? Did you notice a large number of people with British accents?
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Well-Known Member
Why are Brazilians so attracted to WDW? I'm not sure I have ever had a problem with them, but I have never encountered the large groups of them that are depicted in the pictures and in the first hand accounts of people.

What about WDW and Orlando, FL, entice large, Brazilian, and mostly teen from the sounds of it, tour groups?
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Why are Brazilians so attracted to WDW?

Just a hunch, but... Nah, it couldn't have anything to do with this... :shrug:

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New Member
I was there in July and it was the first time I had encountered these groups but have heard many horrible things about them. They were horrible. They didn't care who they knocked over and who they cut and I ended up telling them all to shut up at one point because they would not stop chanting Brazil while in line for Buzz Lightyear. That room echoes so bad with all the noise and then that on top of it. We were in the regular line and they were all directly behind us and when we got to the part where the fastpass cuts in, I had begged the CM to put the fast pass people behind me which he did but I am sure it wasn't because I asked, I don't think he wanted to put the fastpass people in the middle of all of them.

Unfortunately, July seems to be the most logical choice now for my family to be able to go so I will have to endure the pain of them being there when we go. The only good thing now is that I have a DVC so I know they won't be staying at any of those resorts!!:sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
I was there in July and it was the first time I had encountered these groups but have heard many horrible things about them. They were horrible. They didn't care who they knocked over and who they cut and I ended up telling them all to shut up at one point because they would not stop chanting Brazil while in line for Buzz Lightyear. That room echoes so bad with all the noise and then that on top of it. We were in the regular line and they were all directly behind us and when we got to the part where the fastpass cuts in, I had begged the CM to put the fast pass people behind me which he did but I am sure it wasn't because I asked, I don't think he wanted to put the fastpass people in the middle of all of them.

Unfortunately, July seems to be the most logical choice now for my family to be able to go so I will have to endure the pain of them being there when we go. The only good thing now is that I have a DVC so I know they won't be staying at any of those resorts!!:sohappy:

Typical horror story. And in typical Disney fashion, they show their other guests no respect at all by refusing to ask the Brazilians to shut the heck up.
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Craig & Lisa

Active Member
They irritate me to no end when they do that kind of stuff, too, but as a law enforcement officer, I must tell you that you should never, ever, under any circumstances(Barring prevention of violence) grab someone or pull them somewhere. May not seem like a big deal, but it could be considered assault, as well as false imprisonment. Just something to keep in mind...
I understand what you are saying but the assault had already happened (to my son), they do not know our laws, and they fein english, and I did not forcefully ie hurt him in any way, gently grabbed his arm while giving him a stare down, he and his friends got the idea, and suddenly could speak very good english. I know I should have thought before I reacted, but when it's your child and he could have been hurt very badly, ( we were fairly high on the stairs ), instinct is faster than the thought process. :animwink:
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Active Member
My husband and I were at WDW in Jan 2007 and were surprised to see so many young Brazilians. My husband is Brazilian so he enjoyed talking to many of them. We never saw any bad behavior -- I can't even recall line-jumping, but then the parks were not very crowded.
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Do not get the idea the behavior shown the Brazilian tour groups is unique. Cutting in line: Leave any large group of unsupervised teens alone for a week.

Chanting: Try riding a school bus with cheerleaders on it.

DW and I have been at WDW to experience this first hand. We also met a young 13 year old boy and his grandmother with a tour group. She was disturbed by some of the behavior and admonished her grandson for his peers behavior.

I do not see Disney doing anything about the behavior until people boycott during the month of July because of the problem.
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Well-Known Member
Was there in July a few years ago...Brazilians need to follow the rules same as everyone else! It's just plain RUDE when they run and scream:(
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Kudos to Pop Century Manager

I have read all the horrible stories on-line about the BTGs and a common complaint is Disney's lack of response to some of their behavior. We just returned from a two week trip (June 15-29) and on the 27th they began to show up. We were unfortunate enough to be surrounded by them at the hotel...probably 4-5 rooms on both sides of us. We returned to our room around 10:30 on Saturday night. Shortly thereafter the commotion began. Every one of them propped opened their doors with the metal door latch so they could run in and out. It was a constant banging sound as they went from room to room. Then they proceeded to play soccer with one of the beach balls they took from the pool. It was like a party outside of our room. We decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and see if they would eventually settle down and return to their rooms. We gave up around 12:30.

Fed up at this point my hubby called the front desk and they said they would send security up. He watched at the window for 20 minutes and saw nothing. At about 1:45AM he took a walk to the front desk and came back with the hotel manager (Joey). She basically reemed them another you know what. She asked when their curfew was and they responded that they didn't have one. She asked to see the chaperone but none was available. Imagine that. She then told them that she wanted them to have their room keys at all times so she would know if they were in the correct room. And she ended by telling them that if they get just one more complaint from other guests that there will be big problems which would include being thrown off property.
Thanks, Joey! :sohappy:

The next night, our last night there, was peaceful.
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Well-Known Member
I have read all the horrible stories on-line about the BTGs and a common complaint is Disney's lack of response to some of their behavior. We just returned from a two week trip (June 15-29) and on the 27th they began to show up. We were unfortunate enough to be surrounded by them at the hotel...probably 4-5 rooms on both sides of us. We returned to our room around 10:30 on Saturday night. Shortly thereafter the commotion began. Every one of them propped opened their doors with the metal door latch so they could run in and out. It was a constant banging sound as they went from room to room. Then they proceeded to play soccer with one of the beach balls they took from the pool. It was like a party outside of our room. We decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and see if they would eventually settle down and return to their rooms. We gave up around 12:30.

Fed up at this point my hubby called the front desk and they said they would send security up. He watched at the window for 20 minutes and saw nothing. At about 1:45AM he took a walk to the front desk and came back with the hotel manager (Joey). She basically reemed them another you know what. She asked when their curfew was and they responded that they didn't have one. She asked to see the chaperone but none was available. Imagine that. She then told them that she wanted them to have their room keys at all times so she would know if they were in the correct room. And she ended by telling them that if they get just one more complaint from other guests that there will be big problems which would include being thrown off property.
Thanks, Joey! :sohappy:

The next night, our last night there, was peaceful.

Good for you - I'm glad you complained, and glad you got some action! We stayed off-property last July, and were surrounded by BTG's as well. Unfortunately, the front desk staff was not the slightest bit receptive to our complaints. Needless to say, we won't be staying THERE again. :mad:
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