A quick Survey



We live in Pittsfield, MA
We visit WDW two to three times yearly (our children are young adults now)
We visited Disney World 3 times last year (07) and have attended this year in Aug. and have scheduled Nov. 29. to begin our 8 day visit. We will not be going to WDW in 2009. The economy is the primary reason and I am retired and spending the money now has me troubled. I envision at least a year to a year and a half before the economy turns around and the stock market is healthier.:xmas: :sohappy:


God bless the "Ignore" button.
From Sioux Falls, SD, I suppose we go once every two or three years. My family is going for sure, but just because my dad has a conference at WDW. I don't know if I'm going for sure or not, though. I REALLY hope so...


Well-Known Member
Is the airfare that much if you book it THROUGH Disney? I had been watching airfare all year this past year, just in case we decided to go.

That was actually the quote through Disney's booking engine. My travel agent managed to do a little bit better, but not significantly.

Flying out of NY during the 'holiday' season, the airlines know they have you by the you-know-whats...


There's been a lot of speculation in other threads as to whether attendance will be down substantially in 2009. Some say definitely, others say the parks are as crowded as ever, at least right now. The way Disney is acting, i.e., entertainment cuts, discount offers, it appears they are expecting a loss in visitors for 2009.

The parks have great attendance now, but 2009 isn't going to be pretty.

I thought it might be interesting to see what others on these boards are doing next year. I'm mainly asking those that go to WDW from out of state or overseas as an annual vacation. It's obviously a lot less expensive for Floridians to visit frequently, but you're certainly welcome to join the discussion.

As far as our family goes, we've visited at least once per year, every year since 2000, traveling from New England. We will most likely NOT be going this year due to the economic conditions. I just wanted to see if we are in the minortiy or the majority.


Where are you from?

How often do you usually visit WDW?

Are you going in 2009?


Edit: Sorry, just realized I posted in Rumors. Feel free to move, Mom.

I'll be going a couple times next year, but to be fair I work when I'm down there, so I can pay for my trip, and I stay with friends so I don't have to pay for a hotel.


Well-Known Member
AP Holders for the last 2 years.

We live in Middletown, Maryland. Drive down.

Gone to WDW twice a year since 2006.

Going down 12/17/08 and plan to go 02/09.


Well-Known Member
Where are you from?
I am from southern Ohio
How often do you usually visit WDW?
Used to live in Tampa when I was little so I went all the time. But now we have been going in the summer for the past 2 years.
Are you going in 2009?
Yes, to my amazing summer camp actually in the World. So it will unfortunately be in July but still so fun!


Well-Known Member
I'm probably a good data point for you. I've been to WDW in some capacity (ie. work conference or vacation) at least once per year for the past 8 years. We've gone for vacation once per year for the past 3 years but won't be going back next year I don't think.

I think discounts for Apr-Jun will tell the tale though


New Member
We live in Minnesota.

For a while it was every two years, last month was first with DH.

Hopefully going in 2009, but may have to help relative with new baby next year.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
We are from NY (NYC suburbs)

We have DVC and have been going reliably twice a year for the last several years, in the spring for Flower & Garden and in the fall for Food & Wine. A couple of times, I have made three trips in a year because I took my mom down for a long weekend. DH and I have APs.

Prompted by the "free on your birthday offer", I booked a trip for March for DH's birthday. We can also get in a couple of spring training baseball games, which he will enjoy. March is also prior to our AP expiration. Also, if airfares are ridiculous, we can use frequent flyer miles to fly for free.

So, yes, I am going in 2009, but depending on circumstances (DH may be out of work), March may be our only trip, and we may skip a year on the APs.


New Member
OK, can't resist a survey. We go every other year on the even years, 04, 06, 08. So, really not planning on Disney in 09, but, it will be interesting to see what the big promo that is being announced at 5pm today will bring.

We are paying down debt and have demolished $25,000 this years so far. So, after all my lectures to the family, I can't very well up and say that Disney is in the cards for 09.

DD is also in Jr High this year, so can't take dear children out of school like we did in past years.

We'll wait and see and always hope.


Well-Known Member
Where are you from?
I am from South Jersey

How often do you usually visit WDW?
I have been visiting every year since 1992 when I was 6...and I am 22 now. Only stayed off-site once, which was in 92' and I love the WDW resorts!!

Are you going in 2009?
I probably am most def going in November 09', just like every year.

YAY I leave in 2 days for the World!!!!!!!!!! :sohappy::sohappy:


New Member
We are in Indianapolis

We generally go once every other year (just went last Aug)

I usually use our tax refund to pay for our trip. I have allready decided to use the next one on a HD TV, so we were not planning on going next year.


Active Member

Where are you from?

How often do you usually visit WDW?

Are you going in 2009?


Where are you from?

Birmingham, AL

How often do you usually visit WDW?

At least once a year

Are you going in 2009?

going in Dec, 2008, and will go in May 09 and/or Dec 09


Figuring out ways to cut corners by staying in a moderate instead of a deluxe resort, going with the new annual pass dining plan :sohappy:, and I got a smaller car that gets much better gas mileage so the trip there and back won't be as expensive.


Well-Known Member
Where are you from?
Florida, about an hour and 30 minutes away from WDW.

How often do you usually visit WDW?
At least a day trip once a month, with 2-3 day trips for events like the Food and Wine Festival or Star Wars Weekends. An average from the last few years is comes out to about 28 days.

Are you going in 2009?
Yep. 3-Day trip in January, an overnight stay in February (right before MegaCon) and another 3-day trip in May planned so far.


I'm probably a bad example of even the average WDWMagic forum goer. Living so close and being a FL resident is a big help; if a road trip or flight was involved I can guarantee I'd go once a year tops. I'm a big bargain hunter and I normally go with a group that all have Seasonal Passes. Including the cost of the tickets, on property hotel, food, shopping and travel cost we've worked it down to about $65-$80 a day per person depending on where we stay and eat.

I know that a lot of people have been cutting back on vacations lately but I couldn't do it. I need my time off at Disney even if it's just walking around the Polynesian all afternoon. Everyone in the group tries to get a little overtime or comp time at work at least once a week and any extra pay or paid time off goes to the "Fun-D".


Well-Known Member
Where are you from?
Long Island

How often do you usually visit WDW?
We've been going once per year for the last 5 years.

Are you going in 2009?
Most likely end of August.


New Member
From: West Palm Beach...only 3 hours away

How often: We normally go in February, May, October and December....so 4 times a year.

Are you planning to go in 2009: im 99% sure we will!

And I personally dont feel attendance is down...at least not right now....when we went in October I felt that it was actually more crowded than usual for this time of year. The wait for the mad tea party was 40 minutes....Ive never waited more than 10 or 15... Spaceship Earth also 40 minutes....again Ive never waited more than 10 or 15 although the wait for Misson Space was crazy short....like 10 minutes...

but in my oppinion thats a pretty crowded park for waits that long on those attractions.... :)


New Member
Thought I would give you the foreigner view!!

Where are you from?
Nottingham, England

How often do you usually visit WDW?
Every other year

Are you going in 2009?
Yes, early September

I have gone with a holiday package from Virgin Holidays. They are no longer any more expensive than any of the other operators so there must something going on for them to be able to do this considering that they are a more superior operator than our other main ones (MyTravel, Thompsons etc).

Virgin are also doing deals on DDP (free QS on all resorts, cheap DDP on moderate resorts and free DDP on luxury resort). I had to pay £98 for DDP at Carribean Beach but think this is still a bargin!!

Just thought you would like some insight as to what is going on here.


Well-Known Member
.....And I personally dont feel attendance is down...at least not right now....when we went in October I felt that it was actually more crowded than usual for this time of year. The wait for the mad tea party was 40 minutes....Ive never waited more than 10 or 15... Spaceship Earth also 40 minutes....again Ive never waited more than 10 or 15 although the wait for Misson Space was crazy short....like 10 minutes...
I agree. We were there 10/7-15. It was the busiest I've ever seen. Now we usually go in May. We'll never go that time of year again.

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