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  1. M

    Favourite little bits

    I don't have any children, but my most memorable "little bit" was when we saw a small boy crying (for whatever reason). Mickey happened to see him and gave the lad a kiss on the head. Cheered him right up. Not a big deal, but really illustrated what the Disney magic is all about. hmmm, maybe I...
  2. M

    Favourite Show?

    I like the music from Tarzan, so Tarzan Rocks gets my vote. Also like Beauty&The Beast at MGM. You know what I have never seen?- the Hunchback show at MGM. Can someone give me their review? It's on my must-see list for next time.
  3. M

    DAK Hippos

    Yea, the water is real murkey. The only reason we knew a hippo was in there was the CM told us. We waited a while, but didn't get a good look. The San Diego Zoo has a similar exhibit, but it seemed the hippo had to stay closer to the front of the tank for better viewing. They are cool dudes!
  4. M

    MK Cinderella Castle Rehabs

    I don't think the crane would bother me, either. We took a trip to NY some years ago and the Statue of Liberty was encased in scaffolding. We still took pictures, though, and it's kind of neat to see them in the album. Plus, we have a fondness for the birthday castle since it was our first visit...
  5. M

    Disney World upgrades Fast Pass computer

    Sorry if I'm dense, but I don't understand your post. I don't think the system has been upgraded to the point that it knows if you have actually used your Fastpass. I mean, when you present your FP to the CM don't they just toss them into a box? It's not like they are scanning them into a...
  6. M

    Walt Disney Weekly News

    Do you mean you are starting your own site? or are you going to be posting here on the boards?
  7. M

    Best Breakfast?

    Mr Nutz - Don't miss the omelet station at Boma. It is not well marked and we missed it on our first trip around. But, they will make up a great omelet to your order - at the same spot they make the pancakes. Everything there is fantastic! Enjoy!
  8. M

    Odyssey Restaurant

    Is that the round shaped building on the walkway as you head into World Showcase? I always wondered about that myself, as I have never seen it open - didn't even know it used to be a restaurant. Seems like prime real estate to me and a shame to sit there empty.
  9. M


    You said it's already booked - do you have vouchers? If so, here is a tip I learned the hard way. When you arrive at MCO and shuttle over to baggage claim have one person in your party take the vouchers to the Mears desk INSIDE the building while another waits for the bags. Also make sure you...
  10. M

    Rain checks or vouchers ?

    Thrawn, you are still missing the original point. It rains every month in every state, but you have to agree 5 inches in one week is highly unusual. The average for Florida is approximately 7 inches for the entire month.
  11. M

    What's the longest youve ever waited in line?

    We normally skip anything with over 30 minutes wait, but my wife won't dare miss curbside seats for any parade. So, we have waited over 90 minutes for various parades. (It seemed like much longer to me, but I know when to keep quiet:) )
  12. M

    Sea of Yellow (rain coats)

    Baseball cap over the hood. Great idea. This is the tip of the day, folks. I am going to try it. Thanks Mom
  13. M

    Witch Deluxe resort w/ kids?

    Not having kids, I had to confer with a colleague on this. He will only stay at PR. Likes the monorail for the strollers, doesn't like the buses. And he spends most of his time at MK with afternoons back at the resort, so it works out well. No food court sounds like a bummer, though. Oh btw...
  14. M

    can characters talk?

    Don't forget about Pluto - he has a rubber stamp for his paw print. Oh, Mike & Scully don't sign either.
  15. M

    Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

    Of course, you will claim this as income on your tax return. ;)
  16. M

    When do they close an attraction line?

    Sort of on this same subject, how late do they let you into a restaurant? For example, if MK if closes at 7:00PM (no fireworks) can you sit down to start dinner at 7:00PM? Do you then get to stroll out of the now-closed park when you finish around 8:00pm? If so, that sounds like a cool thing to...
  17. M

    good time to visit

    October has been my favorite trip so far. Of course, that was my first, so I may be biased. You didn't say old your daughter was, but when the parks close, you have options of other stuff at Downtown/Pleasure Island. Cirque du Soleil is incredible! You will have a blast no matter when you...
  18. M

    transit authority?????

    You know what? This ride is full of ying&yang. Think about it: 1. Not a thrill ride or overly themed, but still very popular. 2. Very popular, but not FastPass, because there's never a line. 3. Originally billed as an enery efficient future means of transport, but never used anywhere...
  19. M

    Any News on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Play It?

    I thought WWTBAM (is that how you abbreviate it?) was absolutely my least favorite attraction at WDW. I was really into the tv show when it first came out, wouldn't miss it, even "played along" at home. Then I lost interest when, as someone said, it was over exposed. The ride was a complete...
  20. M

    Sammy Duvall waterskiing

    We didn't do the water skiing, but did try para-sailing this past May. It was fun, but once you are up you just keep going around and around seeing the same sights. I probably won't spend the time on it again. As for logistics, as you said the water sports are run by Sammy Duval at the...
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