MK Cinderella Castle Rehabs


Well-Known Member
I won't mind having the crane... but to make it back in to the birthday cake? That would be worse! I don't like the castle all dolled up like that I'd rather see it as a more realistic castle than some phoney pink thing. When it looks normal you can really beleive that a princes and her prince live there but when it looks like that you can't. It just doesn't look as magical!


New Member
I don't think the crane would bother me, either. We took a trip to NY some years ago and the Statue of Liberty was encased in scaffolding. We still took pictures, though, and it's kind of neat to see them in the album. Plus, we have a fondness for the birthday castle since it was our first visit to WDW that year. We can always say we were there to see it in person - something that may never happen again.
Ya know, I do have to say I think it stinks that Disney waited until the last minute to announce this. With the 25th anniversary, at least people knew months in advance -- they had the option to change their trip if they wanted to. Had we known a few months ago, we could have left for our trip a few days earlier to avoid this -- but I'm not going totry to mess with our plane reservations 4 days before we leave. We are going with a couple who has never been to Disney before and one of the highlights for us was going to be a photo of the four of us in front of Cindy's, since we never thought we'd get this couple down to Disney. I'm just frustrated that Disney waited so long to let people know.

I must admit it's taken a little of the wind out of my excitement sails.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Jedi Osborn
yeah, but it still stinks for those who have waited so long to come to MK and finally see the castle and then have to look at the cranes too. There has to be a better way.

yeah its gonna be less than pretty and yes will disapoint many who have never seen it before...
remember when they covered the castle with that (in my opinion dumb) cake thing? people didnt get to see the beautiful castle then either...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne

yeah its gonna be less than pretty and yes will disapoint many who have never seen it before...
remember when they covered the castle with that (in my opinion dumb) cake thing? people didnt get to see the beautiful castle then either...

oops im quoting myself because i just realized that someone already mentioned the cake thing... i need to learn to read all the posts before replying LOL:rolleyes:
sorry guys


I really don't think it's a big deal for them to have a crane near the castle. I mean, sure it's not the usual thing, but it has to be done sometime. If it doesn't affect your trip it'll affect mine, or someone elses. Think of it as a future investment. The next time you come to MK, the castle will look as good as new!
Really though, once your in MK, walking up Main Street towards the castle, you won't really notice the crane. You'll be to taken up with all the magic around you!
And if your not...well then, maybe Disney isn't your thing.


Active Member
Well, here's the dealio...

Just like any other building in the WORLD, rehabs need to take place. As unfortunate as it is, even the castle, after 30 years, needs a rehab. I don't recall the castle receiveing a major rehab in the time that ithas been up. Now, If I know Disney, the cranes will mnost likely be retracted during the day and hidden as much as possible. If not, here are some alternate photo locations that are just as magical and can only happen in the magic of Disney...

Group photo in front of the Tree of Life

Group photo in front of the Partners Statue

Pics on front of Space Mountain, taken from the bus depot at the Magic Kingdom, are nice also

If you really want to try, take some pics in front of the castle from the bridges around the castle (Tomorrowland and Liberty Square) and try to have the subjects block out as much of the cranes as possible.

Don't let a rehab ruin your trip. Be creative. Go to a character dinner and take pics with them. I don't think that I have taken a pic in front of the castle in years....

Above All, Have Fun!!!

Oh, and visit the Exposition Hall on Main Street. They do Computer Generated pics, one of which is an awesome one in front of the castle. Check it out.


Actually Kaos, I think the castle has had a semi-major rehab.
I'm pretty sure that when they took all the pink cake junk off the castle they repainted it all.
I'm just trying to think back to 1997, and I could SWEAR seeing scaffolding on much of the castle. The pink stuff had already been completly removed, and they were just giving it a new coat of paint, much like they plan to do now.


New Member
I'm really upset about what's going on during my trip Sept. 7-12. First, I was booted out of Caribbean Beach Resort for refurb. All of World Showcase is being worked on. Cinderella Castle is going to have ugly cranes next to it along with the more construction on the gazebos. Oh yeah, I'm going during hurricane season, too!


Someone please tell me if you know of more refurbs.!!

I'm sorry about wining like this, I'm just trying to get it out of my system. I want to know what to expect on my trip.


Well-Known Member
Getting bumped from your original reservations bites. Sorry K9, no pun intended. Please no cake castles again. Blech! You know at least its only the castle and not a major attraction ie ride. Does anyone know if pedrestrians will be allowed access through it? I hate detours. And does anyone know the refurbishment schedule(the real one) for the next 2 months? 42 to go!


Account Suspended
People actually consider going through the castle an easy way to get to anywhere in MK?!?!!

I use it as a last resort!



New Member
A word or two about the cake/castle...Our first trip to WDW was in December, 1996. The "cake" was still fresh and we thought it looked great. Our next rip was in January, 1998. The cake was still up but had faded terribly in that amount of time and looked not so grand. If my memory serves, there were two differents methods used in the change-over. One was the inflatable pieces (candles/spires,etc.), the second was simply painting exposed gray sections of the castle pink, to match the color of the inflatable sections. The scaffolding mentioned in a previous post may have been used to return the painted pink sections back to the original (gray) color.


Active Member
Trying to find something positive about the situation, I remembered the rumor about the fiber optics being installed into the castle. Perhaps this will happen too?


New Member
K9, I know how you feel. I'm going in September, and we are taking my girlfriend's little brother. It will be his first time, so I am a little disappointed to hear about the castle and, from what I have heard, the near total rehab of World Showcase.

Does anyone know if the Mexico boat ride will be down as well?

Does anyone have a complete list of rehabs for September?

Anyway, rehabs must be done, I just wish that the first timer who will be with us didn't have to see the castle with cranes in front of it.



RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by Tigggrl
cant you just use photoshop to airbrush out the cranes???

Tell you what...I'll do you one better...If anyone goes during this time, and wants to send me a scanned pic or digital pic, I will remove the crane in photoshop for you.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the mexico boat ride will not be closed because it was closed in I think it was June for refurbishments(I think but I'm not possitive:confused: ).

Also everyone that's goingto WDW and whining about the refurbishments I wish you would just think for a minute. Your going to WDW the most magical place on earth( even if things aren't open or completely normal), the magic is always there it changes a litttle bit each visit but it still makes you feel wonderful inside. I wish you wouldn't worry about the little things isn't it suppose to be a place where families and friends come together and just have fun(even if there's a crane in your castle pics). Your lucky you get to go not everyone gets to go to WDW and if they do maybe only once in their lives.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Don't be surprised if you see the Mexican Boat Ride down after Maelstrom opens. They will probably one of the next attractions to get the new safety gates.

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