Sea of Yellow (rain coats)

Just got back from a week at my second home. I've have gone the same week in June for the past 6 years and have never seen so much rain in one week. Of course, now that i'm gone it will probably quit. I know FL needed rain but why my vacation week.

Anyway, here's my point. With the first few raindrops, the parks turn into a sea of yellow raincoats. WDW sells yellow ones, every once in a while, you'd see a blue Universal one. During this time, i've have never seen so many lost kids looking for their parents. I heard one kid say, "Yeah, my mom and dad are wearing yellow rain coats" Sure, them and 2 million other people.

My suggestion, if you have kids (mine are 11 and 5), take your own raincoats and make sure are some other color than yellow. That way you can spot you kids and they can see you. But hopefully you wont have any rain........

Just a suggestion...........


New Member
Just make sure there is no lightning... cause the park will close then.
I was there when lightning started and people were asked on speakers to leave the pools. Good call! :animwink:
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New Member
Originally posted by Cheryl

Ok, so if we put our name on it, someone's not going to steal it? Give me a break!

I bet if your name on it was big enough they wouldnt take a chance using it in the parks... they dont know what you look like and could run into you w/ it! ;)

AK use to sell tan ponchos. Im not sure if they still do?
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New Member
When we went it rained a lot, but in a few of the shops they sold jackets (not raincoats) That folded down really small. They would get soaked but afterwards they folded up really nice into the pouches. We also bought those rain bucket hats that repelled the water rather nicely if you want to save your hair. We also took a change of clothes that we kept in our purses so if the wetness was COMPLETLY unbearable we'd change, but the raincoats just seemed more of a hassle than a help. They make nice memorablia items, but not much.
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Buzz Lightyear

Original Poster
I did see some tan AK ponchos but i think they were old ones. It seems like they were selling the yellow ones.

That's another good point about the strollers. Go buy a clear stroller cover from WalMart or some place like that. It's better for the young ones. We could hear a lot of screaming and crying coming from yellow covered strollers.

And as for stealing someones poncho, that's just down right mean. I mean if you don't have 5 bucks to buy one, you need to go home!:brick:
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One time at MK it started raining so we went on its a small world. When we were in line there was a tour group that would not leave the building. The CMs couldnt unload the ride or anything they sat there for about 15 min's till the CM's told them to leave.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear
Mom is right Ratcat, if I had not been covered up and would still be soaked from the monsoon that hit us last week. Hopefully it will be dry for your trip.
Oh, I don'y doubt that for a minute. On the worldwide weather forecasts Florida has been totally hidden by clouds.

Hope no one gets washed away, unusual weather like that can be so dangerous.
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New Member
How is the water level? I remember the lake at The Commons (housing for international cm´s) was almost reaching the street when we had hevy rains and so "deep" when it was dry!
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Turbogames
One time at MK it started raining so we went on its a small world. When we were in line there was a tour group that would not leave the building. The CMs couldnt unload the ride or anything they sat there for about 15 min's till the CM's told them to leave.

The nerve of some people.....:mad: :mad: I'd be ed...thats extreamly rude!!:mad: :mad:
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Active Member
Originally posted by disneydudette

The nerve of some people.....:mad: :mad: I'd be ed...thats extreamly rude!!:mad: :mad:

exactly. Groups larger than 15 or so should break up anyway. they just tick people off when going on rides. I hate getting behind a tour group of 50 people, especially right when they walk in the line for a ride. besides, it is so much easier to break up, you are going to have a bit more freedom.

and the least they could have done is move to the side where there was room for people to move around them.....:mad:
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Buzz Lightyear

Original Poster
Maria, at downtown disney there was alot of construction going on and some of the roads around the area had about a foot of water. As we were leaving Orlando early Sat morning we drove through some areas that had some major flooding. They blocked off some roads completely. But i'm sure it was only a temporary thing.
As far as the lakes and area water ways, there was no overflow but they were very high.
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Account Suspended
Imagine if you will...

You're a CM at an attraction. This attraction has an uncovered exterior queue. Additionally, the building itself is sloped so that when the rain falls hard enough it begins to gush over the front like a massive waterfall and onto the queue.

Then, in the ride itself, a leak opens in the roof causing it rain down on top of vehicles 5 and 6 and you've been informed that the problem cant be fixed.

And then, to top it all off, your ride unloads 500 people every 13 minutes into a small "post show" room which no one wants to leave. The room cannot hold that many people, so you have to tell people they can't stay there - 500 new people every 13 minutes.

Oh, i forgot to mention, your "rain gear" is cheap plastic which has torn and is useless so you're soaked to the bone but you're trying to console people complaining about getting a little damp with their poncho and umbrella.

Please don't rain tomarrow.. please...

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New Member
I know im just being paranoid but i m worried now:lookaroun
We go to disney on the 5th of july (Next Friday!! YAY!!) and im worried it will still be raining and there will be floods and other general:( has the weather cleared at all? Does it look like its clearing.... fingers crossed!!! It had better clear up...I want a tan dammit!
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New Member
Originally posted by The Mom
Also, a baseball type cap or visor worn OVER the hood will keep it from blowing off, and also keep the rain out of your eyes...

Baseball cap over the hood. Great idea. This is the tip of the day, folks. I am going to try it.

Thanks Mom
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New Member
well guys the weather man said it is going to be raining till at least wed in south florida dont know about orlando but guys i am sick of rain I keep thinking of last year when we prayed for rain because we had a drought i dont know which one is worse rain or no rain oh well hopefully it will not be raining July 15-15
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New Member

Hey people who are very familiar with the weather. How is the rain in January. Personally I love rain and the last two times we went to WDW in the summer it rained a lot- probably not as much as it has been but we live in a desert in NM and we haven't had rain for a couple months. It is a welcome change. Actually we aren't even supposed to leave our houses for a while becuase the smoke from the fires in Arizona have settled here- you can barely see 30 feet ahead of you. Apparently the sky won't clear completly unless we get some rain to wash it out. I Really hope it rains some in January!!! :cool:
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear
TOT was up and running during the rain but there was no lightening. The only thing i know for sure that changed at MGM was the last part of Indiana Jones show. They didn't do the airplane scene due to the actors possible slipping. Oh, and the characters were not out and the parade didnt happen.
At Epcot, they obviously shut down TT.

i wasn't there, but in addition to that, i'm sure they cancelled Fantasmic, and maybe even Backlot Tour. i don't know if they close down HISTK Play Set or not during rain. i remember back when the only stage show MGM had was Beauty and the Beast (back when there was no Sunset Blvd.) the seating wasn't covered at all, so you were just out in the open (i think it does have a cover over the seating now like Hunchback, right?) not to mention, there were some young trees planted here and there amoungst the seating area, so if you were unlucky, your view would be obstructed! anyway, the day my family and i saw the show, it was REALLY windy, so they cut the show short a bit. i'm sure they had to do the same back then when it rained (most likely, cancelled showings)
those are the only things i can think of that MGM would close during heavy rains.
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Well-Known Member
hey, Rob, which attration are you talking about? i've been trying to figure it out, but for the life of me, i can't think of any ride with a post show that's queue is outside, is sloped, and the post-show area fits 500 people!
the only attration i could come up with is Universe of Engery...but the post-show room isn't a place where people can hang around and not leave, is it? it's been so long since i've ridden that ride! (last time i rode it was before the days of Elene (sp?) and Bill Nye!) i'm so stumped! :confused:
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