Favourite little bits


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I just wondered, since in my view its the special moments that make disney what it is, what are the most 'magical' momaents from your trips to wdw? I think up there with mine would be watching the main street electrical parade on the last night of our trip next to cinderella's castle in the most amazing thunderstorm ive ever seen. How about you? :wave: :p :confused:


New Member
Walking around WS after illuminations with my fiancé, almost by are self’s, and listing to the music, and hearing promise, and realizing this would be grate for our first dance song at our wedding.


Meega, nala kwishta!
Surprising my wife last year when we booked the AKL. She thought we were getting a standard view, but I really booked a savanna, and when she opened the drapes and saw the animals, she though Disney gave us the wrong room. :D

Then, at the end of the week, I sprung Cirque du Soleil on her, she was stunned I kept this all from her for months. :D


New Member
I love two thinsg about the WDW both at the MK. First I like to take the ferryboats because it is more magical and if its a nice morning and you sail across with castle just coming into view and also when you walk through the main gates into the bottom of MainStreet USA and the castle is ahead...oh yeah I just thought of one more, I love MK at night especially the castle changing colors and TommorowLand at night :D :D :D


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My most memorable moment from Disney came when I was 5 or 6. I went on the jungle cruise and the skipper let me "drive" the boat. I know you can't really drive the boats, but I didn't know that back then. It was alot of fun.


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The "freshness" of the parks when you enter each morning, the water dripping from the hanging flower baskets, the smell of freshly cut grass.......


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I really appreciate unexpected entertainment. There is so much going on at Disney that you can't help but occasionally stumble across a character or a show out in the open. I tend to plan a lot, and I know we are going to do things my wife, kids, and I are going to enjoy. What's really a magical moment for me is when we discover something that was not on one of my lists that we get a big kick out of.

My favorite was when we happened upon a street performer in the France pavilion. My wife thought it would be fun and nudged me to get out the videocamera and start taping. I'm extremely glad she did, because a couple minutes later the performer invited my middle son to be part of the act. I could barely contain my excitement (or keep the camera steady!), and I think that was the highpoint of our trip.


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Favorite bits

We've been so many times and had so many that the post would be filled!

My most memorable was the first time my family and I saw Illuminations in 1990. We watched the show from the front of the American Adventure (before the theater was there) and in our stroll back watched the lasers project a spinning world image on Spaceship Earth, while playing a version of Small World.

One of the best comments was from my now 10 year old, then one year old, after watching Beauty and The Beast at the Studios, she asked 'again? rewind? again'. We got it on tape and it is one of our treasured memories


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The first times my kids met Mickey. The first was in 98 when my son was just turned 2 and again this year with my 1 year old daughter.

Both times they ran up to him and gave him a massive hug and both times a little tear trickled down my cheek.:)


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Two magical moments for me from our last trip. The first was when my daughter really got into the Tapestry of Dreams parade and the puppeteers really made an effort to involve her. I saw her light up like I have never seen before. Of course, I felt just as much as she did in watching her have such a great time.

Second, listening to The Liberty Singers last September--3 weeks after 9/11--and hearing them sing our National Anthem brought me to tears. That ain't an easy thing to on a crusty old guy like me!


New Member
My wife and I were at EPCOT without the kids. No plans at all. Just walking around and it started pouring rain. We ducked under the nearest cover -- the line for the launch across the lake. We took the boat and ended up in front of Chefs de France. Another dash to the restaurant for cover and we were soaked.

We checked on a table and were immediately seated near the back. It was about 6pm. Thunder and lightning crashing outside. Again, we had no plans, so started with champagne and appetizers. Then dinner with wine, and a little more wine. Dessert with coffee (some kind of liquer in it -- can't remember). We talked and talked. Incredibly romantic. (My wife was slightly jealous of the beautiful, charming waitress. But there were some very handsome waiters around, too. I'm not the jealous type, though.)

The storm slowed down after an hour or two. We left at 845 just in time to see Illuminations.

One of the best memories of my life.

Kingdom Konsultant

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Watching my daughter (at age 18 months) have her eyes light up when she saw Pooh for the first time. She ran over and hugged him and didn't want to let go! She danced around and clapped her hands because she was so happy to see Pooh. :sohappy:


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Being at Epcot after the Illuminations crowd left. Everything was lit up, and me and my dad were leaving. It was so beautiful.

Being on the monorail and pulling up to the magic kingdom. I always wished it would stop right in front and let us out. Course, we'd fall 20 feet to teh pavement, but at least we'd see the train station first thing outside, instead of teh queue for the monorail.:lol:

Hearing the Mark Twain's whistle blow.


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I don't have any children, but my most memorable "little bit" was when we saw a small boy crying (for whatever reason). Mickey happened to see him and gave the lad a kiss on the head. Cheered him right up. Not a big deal, but really illustrated what the Disney magic is all about. hmmm, maybe I could rent some kids to take along next time so I could share some of their joy??? :animwink:


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I would have to say the first time I saw RoE at Epcot. Especially when all of the torches around the World Showcase lagoon are blown out all at once. Sends chills down my spine.


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For me, it was after my daughters got Kida's autograph. She signed their hats in Atlantean, which to them meant that she just had to be the real Kida from Atlantis. No one else would know how to write that way, was what they told me! They truly experienced the Magic of Disney that day!


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Our honeymoon was during the 25th anniversary. We were walking down Main Street and were asked if we would like to participate in the Every day's a Holiday show. Before the show they would have people carry the year of their first visit. The earliest visit was mine in 1974. When they found out it was our honeymoon they asked us to be the guest of honor to carry the 1971 sign. It was real cool to be backstage with the characters, and when we were out on the stage I pulled my camera out and started taking pictures of the crowd!

Absolutely unforgettable!


New Member
Originally posted by ukcoasterfreak
I love two thinsg about the WDW both at the MK. First I like to take the ferryboats because it is more magical and if its a nice morning and you sail across with castle just coming into view and also when you walk through the main gates into the bottom of MainStreet USA and the castle is ahead...oh yeah I just thought of one more, I love MK at night especially the castle changing colors and TommorowLand at night :D :D :D

Hey, I think just the same way! Mk is my favorite park, and it gets awesome at night. I also love the Castle and Tomorrowland at night. The best moment for me is when you are sitting on main street sidewalks, waiting for spectromagic (my favorite parade), just looking at the Castle changing colors, and the main street lights... I like to take the ferry to come back from the MK, and see the park at night. To go to the MK, prefer to take the monorail, I love to see the park from the monorail, and listen to "Please stand clear..." OH, how I miss WDW!

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