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  1. smayco

    Actual quote from Guest...

    These are great! I haven't posted in ages, but I wanted to add something my son once said, when he was 5 years old. After riding Splash Mountain, he exclaimed (very LOUDLY!), "Wow, that really tickled my !!!":lol: ~Sue GO GIANTS!
  2. smayco

    May I vent??

    No, she said she stayed at the value resort because she "couldn't afford" to stay anywhere else. Then she went crazy buying souvenirs!
  3. smayco

    May I vent??

    I recently went to Disney in April, the same week as a friend (though we didn't go together). She's always given me a hard time in the past, about how often I go, and how can I afford it, etc. After our trips, we compared notes. Resorts: Us--Beach Club, Them--AS Sports Length of stay: Us--6...
  4. smayco

    hall of presidents

    While I do sometimes find the film boring, I just love watching the animatronics. I see something new each time...they whisper to each other, Lincoln checks his notes, etc. My 8yo son LOVES this attraction; it's actually his favorite!, so we wouldn't ever skip it even if we wanted to. :animwink...
  5. smayco

    Dining plan changes to KILL Free Dining???

    I agree with everything you said here! We were very disappointed with both the meal choices and the service on the DP. Our biggest problem was with our 11 yo son. He was sometimes hungry enough to eat an adult meal, but sometimes was not. If we tried to order him a kids' meal, because we'd...
  6. smayco

    Question for Character CMs...

    Me too, it's my favorite. I even have the theme song as my cellular ringtone :ROFLOL: I've always often wondered if the characters are smiling for pictures or not, great thread! ~Sue
  7. smayco

    Interesting scenario...

    My SIL is gay, so my sons (ages 11.5 and 8.5) have known what being gay means for years. However, since they've never seen a gay couple kissing, I'd imagine that what they'd do in this scenario is bust out laughing! :lol: I also believe that any public displays of affection are inappropriate at...
  8. smayco

    Has anyone done the math for the dining plan?

    There's another problem with "tween"-aged kids on the Dining Plan. My DS, at age 11.5, counts as an adult on the DDP. He'd sometimes want an adult meal, and sometimes want a kids' meal. During our stay, the nights he only wanted a kids meal, not only did we lose out (by ordering him a cheaper...
  9. smayco

    Spectromagic spectromen?

    I find them really creepy too. My husband says they look like something out of a bad Pink Floyd movie! :lol:
  10. smayco

    Can someone desribe the green side of Mission Space to me?

    Happymom, it sounds like I react to rides exactly the same as you do! :wave: I don't like rollercoasters or rides with big drops (like Tot) at all. I tried Star Tours, as well as M:S green, for the first time this year, and I LOVED both of them. They do feel similar. On both rides, if the motion...
  11. smayco

    Number of Walt Disney World visits

    I just started going more recently. The only thing that prevents me from going more often is my fear of flying :o If that wasn't an issue, I'd probably go once every 1-2 years; as much as I love it there, more than that feels too often. ~Sue
  12. smayco

    Scared of

    I too am petrified of rollercoasters. I just *hate* that feeling I get in my stomach on the drops. I've never been on Splash Mountain, but I rode Space Mountain once, and liked it, but I was 19 yo and now I'm too old and scared to try it again, LOL. I just tried BTMR for the first time last...
  13. smayco

    What to Do With Extra Dinner on Dining Plan

    Absolutely! We had an extra CS meal (for 4), and on our last day, we paid for the next family's meal in line at Hurricaine Hanna's (at BC). Even that felt great :) ~Sue
  14. smayco

    Epcot rides and attractions

    ITA! :sohappy: Soarin' is my absolute favorite ride in all of WDW. (Mission:Space green would be a close second.) ~Sue
  15. smayco

    Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

    I am *thrilled* by this news, as we were given a smoking room at BC in April, and weren't given a new room until we told them our son has asthma (which he doesn't). Though the smoking room was thoroughly clean, the stench almost knocked us over when we opened the door. ~Sue
  16. smayco

    Favorite Que?

    This reminds me of something hysterical that happened during our recent ride on Star Tours. A Stormtrooper was standing very still, near the end of the queue, and I, along with others, thought it was just a statue. Imagine our collective surprise when he came to life and started following one of...
  17. smayco

    Early risers

    I can second all of this. We also got up early every day, and made sure we were at the park by the opening (whether or not it was an EMH day). We were always able to get on the most popular rides with little to no wait. ;) ~Sue
  18. smayco

    soarin question

    I love that analogy; it's perfect! I am also afraid of heights, and I thought Soarin' was THE best ride in all of WDW. (I was in Row 2 both times I rode it.) With Soarin', as well as Star Tours and Mission:Space Green, I found that if the motion seemed too intense at some point, I'd just close...
  19. smayco

    Boardwalk questions

    I had to answer this because I also just got back from WDW on Saturday :wave: We stayed at the Beach Club, and the convenience of being able to walk to Epcot, and ferry to MGM, was Awesome! We also ate dinner at Spoodles and had breakfast once at the Boardwalk Bakery. I was very happy with the...
  20. smayco

    Dining Plan problem

    We actually thought about doing this, but by the time we realized what was happening, we didn't have time for anymore TS meals. It would've meant less time in the parks. ~Sue
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