Interesting scenario...

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Original Poster
It is very common to see men and women kissing in Walt Disney World. Tis all part of having a good time, right? :cool:

Now, Walt Disney World is a place for families, and because America has such a wide range of mixed people all over the country, when they all come into one place i can imagine that disputes often happen. :veryconfu

So for me to see just how different you all are from each other, i am going to throw a scenario at you and i want you to tell me what you would do if this scenario was happening to you at this very moment. :)

Scenario: You're in Walt Disney World having a fantabulous time, you're walking around with your kids, parents etc* when you see a homosexual couple kissing in front of you. This would probably cause a bit of confusion for your children and some awkwardness for you, so if your children asked you what they were doing, what would you say to them?

Would you actually ask the couple to stop? Shout at them? Ignore them?

You're probably wondering why i have put this in a Walt Disney World forum, and i'll tell you why. Walt Disney World is the most popular family park in existance. I can imagine this scenario has happened before, maybe not to you, but probably to someone. I am just curious about how you would react to it considering it is a place for children to have fun. :)


Active Member
It is very common to see men and women kissing in Walt Disney World. Tis all part of having a good time, right? :cool:

Now, Walt Disney World is a place for children, and because America has such a wide range of mixed people all over the country, when they all come into one place i can imagine that disputes often happen. :veryconfu

So for me to see just how different you all are from each other, i am going to throw a scenario at you and i want you to tell me what you would do if this scenario was happening to you at this very moment. :)

Scenario: You're in Walt Disney World having a fantabulous time, you're walking around with your kids, parents etc* when you see a homosexual couple kissing in front of you. This would probably cause a bit of confusion for your children and some awkwardness for you, so if your children asked you what they were doing, what would you say to them?

Would you actually ask the couple to stop? Shout at them? Ignore them?

You're probably wondering why i have put this in a Walt Disney World forum, and i'll tell you why. Walt Disney World is the most popular childrens park in existance. I can imagine this scenario has happened before, maybe not to you, but probably to someone. I am just curious about how you would react to it considering it is a place for children to have fun. :)

I can say this much, I wouldn't say nor do anything to the couple in question. However, I cannot post what I would say to my children without having to zip up my flame suit and it hasn't been washed since last I'll refrain. :zipit:


Well-Known Member
If you find this an "interesting scenario" on a Disney forum you either have way way too much time on your hands or you need psychiatric help! :kiss:
I in fact work at the world seasonaly. and this scenerion did happen to me while I was working. it kinda goes into, what can you do? I mean. we are all different people. unless u yell at every form of public affection, who are you to single out them? I am Bi, and i agree, It does not belong in a family place like Disney. But the fact is, everyone is gonna do what they want, not carring what other's think, selfish as that may be, it is also selfish of someone to think it's wrong because they don' t agree with it. We also must remember not to complain to Cast members. B/c if you haven't realized it yet, about 80% of the Castmembers are in fact, gay, or bi. so just be accepting. and if your children are whitnessing it, then it' sprobobly something they are gonna see the rest of there lives. You honestly can't say much to them. YOu never know where their heart might lye later in Life, and would u want them to be unable to aproch u when comming out because they are afraid you will judge them as harshly as you judge someone u don't even know? Just to clarify it, Being homosexual is not a choice. Believe me. My parents are against it and I spent 6 years shut out of the worl not being myself trying to be normal. until I realized, this is normal. and it' snot something new either. this isn't a fad that came from the 80's it is a real thing that has been with human kind for thousands of Years. in fact, the Ancient greeks and ROmans praised Homosexuality, So why do we shun it as abnormal. I hope u take my words into consideration and know now, yelling at them is not the right thing to do. they can't choose who they love. But I agree in that I would never kiss a guy out in public with the way our world is today. but don't be judgemental if u see it. it's not your place to judge.


Well-Known Member
i'd tell my kids that they like each other just like a boy and girl do, that is if they would be able to understand a boy and girl liking each other. i don't think there's a need to shelter kids from it. it's not a learned lifestyle, you're born homosexual and there's nothing wrong with it


Active Member
Just do a search on the forums for "gay days" to see most people's opinions- that scenario has been discussed way too many times.



you would say to your children that they are just like any straight couple, who care for each is 2007, not 1920...being gay is a fact of life, better to culture them when they are young so they don't end up joining some hate group when they get old :goodnevil


I in fact work at the world seasonaly. and this scenerion did happen to me while I was working. it kinda goes into, what can you do? I mean. we are all different people. unless u yell at every form of public affection, who are you to single out them? I am Bi, and i agree, It does not belong in a family place like Disney. But the fact is, everyone is gonna do what they want, not carring what other's think, selfish as that may be, it is also selfish of someone to think it's wrong because they don' t agree with it. We also must remember not to complain to Cast members. B/c if you haven't realized it yet, about 80% of the Castmembers are in fact, gay, or bi. so just be accepting. and if your children are whitnessing it, then it' sprobobly something they are gonna see the rest of there lives. You honestly can't say much to them. YOu never know where their heart might lye later in Life, and would u want them to be unable to aproch u when comming out because they are afraid you will judge them as harshly as you judge someone u don't even know? Just to clarify it, Being homosexual is not a choice. Believe me. My parents are against it and I spent 6 years shut out of the worl not being myself trying to be normal. until I realized, this is normal. and it' snot something new either. this isn't a fad that came from the 80's it is a real thing that has been with human kind for thousands of Years. in fact, the Ancient greeks and ROmans praised Homosexuality, So why do we shun it as abnormal. I hope u take my words into consideration and know now, yelling at them is not the right thing to do. they can't choose who they love. But I agree in that I would never kiss a guy out in public with the way our world is today. but don't be judgemental if u see it. it's not your place to judge.
I think that claiming 80% of the CM's are gay or bi is a very misconstrued statement, and a very bold one. Should this in fact be true, it would not change anything nor the way I feel about Disney and its employees, However some people may have just been grouped into an extreme generalization and may feel uncomfortable with your claim. Any CM out there care to weigh in on that 80% number?


Well-Known Member
Unless they're doing anything illegal, I (probably like most people0 wouldn't say anything - its a free world after-all


Account Suspended
I think it'd suprise most people to learn that the majority of gay/bi people realize no one wants to have a birds/bees convo sparked by an 8yo at a theme park so they refrain for the sake of politeness.

Contrary to popular belief, most people don't want to be part of any attention drawing spectacle, and gay/bi folks realize they're the minority - knowing all too keenly when they're in "mixed" company.

In contrast, heterosexual couples at roughly highschool age seem to have no idea of tact.


Well-Known Member
It is very common to see men and women kissing in Walt Disney World. Tis all part of having a good time, right? :cool:

Now, Walt Disney World is a place for children, and because America has such a wide range of mixed people all over the country, when they all come into one place i can imagine that disputes often happen. :veryconfu

So for me to see just how different you all are from each other, i am going to throw a scenario at you and i want you to tell me what you would do if this scenario was happening to you at this very moment. :)

Scenario: You're in Walt Disney World having a fantabulous time, you're walking around with your kids, parents etc* when you see a homosexual couple kissing in front of you. This would probably cause a bit of confusion for your children and some awkwardness for you, so if your children asked you what they were doing, what would you say to them?

Would you actually ask the couple to stop? Shout at them? Ignore them?

:hurl: :hurl: :hurl:

It's unlikely that I would confront the couple, but I would use it as an open door to explain to my children about sin and morality, and compare what they are doing with what the Bible teaches.

'nuff said on this thread. However, if you want to see the rest of what I have to say about homosexuality, check out my "myspace" page at the bottom of my post.


Active Member
You're probably wondering why i have put this in a Walt Disney World forum, and i'll tell you why. Walt Disney World is the most popular childrens park in existance. I can imagine this scenario has happened before, maybe not to you, but probably to someone. I am just curious about how you would react to it considering it is a place for children to have fun. :)

a slight correction - WDW is a FAMILY park, not just a children's park - for many gay couples, their partner is their family.
And just curious, which side of your proposed scenario are you coming from?


Well-Known Member
Oh, the horror! Gosh forbid that "the gay" would rub off on my children!

Seriously, if one is to get all high and mighty about their religious position (which really just amounts to bigotry) at Disney World, they would have to proceed to tell their kids that Cinderella will likely burn in the fires of hell for accepting the magical favors of her Dark-Art-practicing fairy godmother.

In my opinion, public displays of affection beyond a hug or peck on the lips/cheek are inappropriate. But then again, in some countries, even that would get you flogged. In general, I think that if you feel the need to shield your kids' eyes from a type of affection between same ______ couples, you should apply the same rule for opposite ______ ones.


Active Member
I think that claiming 80% of the CM's are gay or bi is a very misconstrued statement, and a very bold one. Should this in fact be true, it would not change anything nor the way I feel about Disney and its employees, However some people may have just been grouped into an extreme generalization and may feel uncomfortable with your claim. Any CM out there care to weigh in on that 80% number?

Well considering the two cast members I know are both figures go against those as it is:hammer:

100 Acre HS

New Member
I am a straight cast member. 80% may be a bit high...but not as far off as you may think. I work in an office of aprox. 20 CM's. There are 7 males in the office...2 of us are straight. It is something that I was very uneasy with when I first started at the world, but you have to get past that. I am a masculine, straight man who is not ashamed to have gay friends. When my friends from back home come to town they actually enjoy hanging out with my gay friends. We are all people, and if you are so ignorant as to shun someone due to their sexual preferance (something that has no effect on you) than you will miss out on some of the greatest friendships God has provided for you. I agree, I don't want them making out in front of my kids...but two men holding hands will get the same reaction out of most kids. They aren't broken, they don't need to be fixed. Pick your battles, this one was lost before it began.
Honestley, I dont believe its right and I wouldnt want my kids seeing it but thats just what I believe. I dont have anything against gay people, they are still people with feelings so I would never pull a gay couple aside and ask them to stop or yell at them. Its their business..Then again, there is a time and place for everything...:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I'd much rather have to explain that to an 8 year-old than to explain the various gropings and what not that you see from some of the "straight" couples!


New Member
My SIL is gay, so my sons (ages 11.5 and 8.5) have known what being gay means for years. However, since they've never seen a gay couple kissing, I'd imagine that what they'd do in this scenario is bust out laughing! :lol: I also believe that any public displays of affection are inappropriate at WDW, gay or straight. Other than that, I'd have no problem with it.



Well-Known Member
:hurl: :hurl: :hurl:

It's unlikely that I would confront the couple, but I would use it as an open door to explain to my children about sin and morality, and compare what they are doing with what the Bible teaches.

'nuff said on this thread. However, if you want to see the rest of what I have to say about homosexuality, check out my "myspace" page at the bottom of my post.
First of all..your children would probably not be with you at WDW to start with so you would have no problem...

and as for the part I highlighted...:hurl: :hurl: :hurl: :hurl: :hurl:

Just my opinion....:wave:


Original Poster
a slight correction - WDW is a FAMILY park, not just a children's park - for many gay couples, their partner is their family.
And just curious, which side of your proposed scenario are you coming from?
Ah, quite right. I'll edit that now. :)

Well i am Bi, so i could personally be on either side of it. I haven't made this thread to expose people for their opinions, after all everybody has different beliefs and opinions and i accept that. I agree with what a large percentage of people say in this thread. I think a peck on the cheek is enough for a heterosexual couple or a homosexual couple.

I am just interested to see how different people would act in such a situation. :) I personally would have no problem with it assuming they were not playing tonsil tennis, but that stands for both couples.

If i was asked what they were doing by a child, i would tell them exactly that. I believe they should hear the truth about things instead of having a one sided argument by throwing your beliefs and disagreements at them. If your child grew up to be homosexual and you had spent their life telling them how wrong it is, you would end up making them feel ashamed.

Anyway, i rambled on again. Assuming it is nothing more than a simple kiss, i have no problem with it. :)
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