Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

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New Member
I am *thrilled* by this news, as we were given a smoking room at BC in April, and weren't given a new room until we told them our son has asthma (which he doesn't). Though the smoking room was thoroughly clean, the stench almost knocked us over when we opened the door.



New Member
Are you seriously suggesting that the bad effects of 2nd hand smoke are all a government conspiracy? That's hilarious...considering I actually conduct science and understand how these studies were conducted (and have been conducted for decades with the same results), I trust those results. Many of those studies have been conducted here at Yale and at similar independent institutions like Harvard and MIT where there is not a conflict of interests. Since I know some of the scientists who have conducted this work, I trust that it is good science. Most of the studies are funded by the National Institutes of Health--i.e. your tax dollars. There may be some corruption at the NIH, but I don't think they are out to get the cigarette companies, nor does the NIH have any control over the results of studies and their publication.


Seriously, I've been ghosting this forum for ages and have very much enjoyed it when you posted but you in all honesty have let Yale go to your head...so yeah:rolleyes: and :rolleyes: and :rolleyes: and:hammer: :rolleyes: .


Active Member
I look at it this way. For years and years non-smokers have had to make a choice. They could stay home or they could go out and deal with other peoples smoke clouds. Now that we are becoming a larger and larger majority we are speaking up. Now smokers must make the choice Stay home and smoke or learn to live with the rules that are being made.


Well-Known Member

Seriously, I've been ghosting this forum for ages and have very much enjoyed it when you posted but you in all honesty have let Yale go to your head...so yeah:rolleyes: and :rolleyes: and :rolleyes: and:hammer: :rolleyes: .
would you expect me not to support science? I get very defensive when people suggest scientists are all corrupt with their wallets being filled by Senators and cigarette companies. If that means it's gone to my head, fine. Doesn't change the fact that 2nd hand smoking is harmful.

The Mom

Premium Member

You can't be that naive? Still alive today?

He would be 106. Granted, he probably wouldn't be alive TODAY, but he might have been alive in 1982 (at age 81) when EPCOT opened. I just had lunch with a ballet teacher (fromer prima ballerina, age 83 and still running a studio, driving, etc) who has a 99 year old student, who can still do all positions and unassisted barre stretches. (where you put you heel up on the barre, point your toes, then stretch forward and touch your toes/foot)

BTW, I'm perfectly capable of avoiding someone who is actively smoking, and really have no problem with designated smoking areas, rooms etc. I just would prefer not to sleep in a room after they have. Apparently, WDW found it to be a better financial decision to not accomodate them. As a non-smoker (but former 1&1/2 pack/dayer) I'm just as happy that I no longer have to worry about it, but I wasn't unhappy before.

There is no question that smoking is bad for you, but as long as you aren't blowing smoke in my face (or my children's face) and you aren't someone I love, I couldn't care less. Thirty years ago I chose to go through the pain of withdrawal to spare the person I loved the pain of watching me die slowly by my own hand. When I became pregnant, it only insured that I would never, ever become addicted again.

BTW, when you read that smoking shortens your life, please remember that it does it while you're still living by making you old before your time.


Well-Known Member
He would be 106. Granted, he probably wouldn't be alive TODAY, but he might have been alive in 1982 (at age 81) when EPCOT opened. I just had lunch with a ballet teacher (fromer prima ballerina, age 83 and still running a studio, driving, etc) who has a 99 year old student, who can still do all positions and unassisted barre stretches. (where you put you heel up on the barre, point your toes, then stretch forward and touch your toes/foot)
who's to say that would be when Epcot would have opened. WDW could be very different today if Walt weren't an alcoholic and chain-smoker...


New Member
Scar junior...you crack me up!

Just for the record, in November I requested a smoking room in Alligator Bayou 1st floor. What I got was a non smoking room in a smoking optional building on the 2nd floor. We eventually got a 1st floor room in another non smoking building. I never smoked in my room and never would, but my father in law did. It was the only reason I requested it in the 1st place. Does this make him a leper that drowns and eats defenseless kittens? Just curious.


Well-Known Member
Scar junior...you crack me up!

Just for the record, in November I requested a smoking room in Alligator Bayou 1st floor. What I got was a non smoking room in a smoking optional building on the 2nd floor. We eventually got a 1st floor room in another non smoking building. I never smoked in my room and never would, but my father in law did. It was the only reason I requested it in the 1st place. Does this make him a leper that drowns and eats defenseless kittens? Just curious.
no...but it does make him someone who will have to adapt to the new non-smoking rules. Defenseless kittens are gross--he should switch to puppies.


Active Member

Seriously, I've been ghosting this forum for ages and have very much enjoyed it when you posted but you in all honesty have let Yale go to your head...so yeah:rolleyes: and :rolleyes: and :rolleyes: and:hammer: :rolleyes: .

What does Yale have to do with anything? Kyle was making comment about how second hand smoke can cause cancer and other health problems. Ya, he's got an edge to him, which makes him fun, but so do many of the members, and they don't go to Yale.....


Well-Known Member
. My point was that Disney is discriminating against the LEGAL act of smoking. The choice to smoke is a person's right, just as it is one's right to not be forced to be around it.


Smokers are not a protected class and therefore cannot be discriminated against! While smoking may be legal in general anyone who owns property can restrict you from doing so. No discrimination case for smokers - sorry.


Well-Known Member

Smokers are not a protected class and therefore cannot be discriminated against! While smoking may be legal in general anyone who owns property can restrict you from doing so. No discrimination case for smokers - sorry.
it's just like alcohol. I could be an alcoholic and feel as though I need alcohol or will feel horrible, but that won't change the fact that I can't bring it into the Magic Kingdom and I can't get any booze inside the park. At least smokers can bring their cigarettes into the park...


Well-Known Member
The number of people smoking in this country is declining rapidly. I used to smoke, as did my wife, brother, father and countless friends. Now hardly anyone I know smokes. Let's face it - the majority of the country does not smoke and the amount of smokers is dwindling - therefore the demand for the rooms is down and you aren't allowed to smoke anymore.

To all of the smokers around here upset you can;t get your nocotine fix in your room - I have a great solution. QUIT SMOKING - you will live longer, and not have to worry about everywhere becoming non-smoking. Not to mention the amount of money you will save - heck you may even be able to have an extra WDW vacation per year just by saving your smoke money.

As far as people saying second hand smoke isn't dangerous - give me a break. Anyone with any sense knows second hand smoke is dangerous, to say otherwise is flat out wrong.


Well-Known Member
it's just like alcohol. I could be an alcoholic and feel as though I need alcohol or will feel horrible, but that won't change the fact that I can't bring it into the Magic Kingdom and I can't get any booze inside the park. At least smokers can bring their cigarettes into the park...

Private property - they can refuse service to anyone. It's the same as requiring shirts, shoes etc... Not weraing a shirt is legal in most places but it isn't a "right" to not wear one.

I cannot believe some people are actually arguing with you that second hand smoke isn't dangerous. This is amusing.

Here in Ohio a law was just overwhelmingly passed that banned smoking in all public places. No smoking is allowed anywhere inside any public structure, company vehicles, bars, etc... About the only places you are allowed to smoke is outside (but not within a certain distance of a building), your house, and your car. Very soon everywhere will be that way and we will be a healthier society for it.


New Member
:fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork:

I'm tired of these condundrums.....let me light up a Pall Mall and forget about all of it......you can't break my spirit.........


Well-Known Member
:fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork:

I'm tired of these condundrums.....let me light up a Pall Mall and forget about all of it......you can't break my spirit.........

Sorry but I think these forums are smoke free - you can't light up your Pall Mall in here! :D


Well-Known Member
You know what? Smokers KNOW we're in the minority now. Thanks for pointing it for the millionth time in this thread. Also, it's completely ridiculous for some of you to keep saying things like 'Don't like it? Just quit!' because it is not that easy. I'm not even going to go into the physical and physiological aspects of addiction here, because the addicts are probably already aware of them, and the non-smokers will probably just flame me and tell me to quit again. And, finally, yes, second hand smoke is dangerous. But Disney has provided clearly marked smoking areas for us smokers. If you don't want to smell smoke, stay away from these clearly marked areas. If you get a whiff of smoke while passing, you will not immediately drop dead, so calm down. If a guest is following you around blowing smoke at you, you have a problem. If not, chill out and let us kill ourselves in peace.


Well-Known Member
You know what? Smokers KNOW we're in the minority now. Thanks for pointing it for the millionth time in this thread. Also, it's completely ridiculous for some of you to keep saying things like 'Don't like it? Just quit!' because it is not that easy. I'm not even going to go into the physical and physiological aspects of addiction here, because the addicts are probably already aware of them, and the non-smokers will probably just flame me and tell me to quit again. And, finally, yes, second hand smoke is dangerous. But Disney has provided clearly marked smoking areas for us smokers. If you don't want to smell smoke, stay away from these clearly marked areas. If you get a whiff of smoke while passing, you will not immediately drop dead, so calm down. If a guest is following you around blowing smoke at you, you have a problem. If not, chill out and let us kill ourselves in peace.
I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting that smoking areas should not be available. They are merely continuing the trend and creating designated smoking areas in the Resort Hotels. Disney has clearly decided that it can increase occupancy by doing this and decrease the costs of running the resorts, which means there will be more cash on hand for other projects around WDW. As for people telling you to quit smoking, jmvd20 did mention that he's a former smoker, so I would imagine he is well aware of how challenging it is to quit smoking, and it is folks who have smoked and quit who are in a position of making such comments.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting that smoking areas should not be available. They are merely continuing the trend and creating designated smoking areas in the Resort Hotels. Disney has clearly decided that it can increase occupancy by doing this and decrease the costs of running the resorts, which means there will be more cash on hand for other projects around WDW. As for people telling you to quit smoking, jmvd20 did mention that he's a former smoker, so I would imagine he is well aware of how challenging it is to quit smoking, and it is folks who have smoked and quit who are in a position of making such comments.

There are smokers, and then there are addicts. People who are just smokers can be considered ex-smokers. People who are addicts are always addicts. Take alocholism for example. There are no recovered alcoholic, only recovering alcoholics. This is a pointless conversation, as the smokers feel the need to defend themselves constantly, and (generally) the non-smokers feel the need to gloat, or point out our shortcomings, or basically tell us how stupid we are and how soon we're going to die. Being part of the former group, as well as too smart for my own good, and an insomniac, I'll keep defending myself and fellow addicts.


Well-Known Member
Also, it's completely ridiculous for some of you to keep saying things like 'Don't like it? Just quit!' because it is not that easy. I'm not even going to go into the physical and physiological aspects of addiction here, because the addicts are probably already aware of them, and the non-smokers will probably just flame me and tell me to quit again.

No it isn't rediculous for me to tell you to quit - and actually I'll say it again, just quit. I really don't want to hear the whining about how hard it is to quit smoking because I went through it. The fact of the matter is that if you want to quit you can. I smoked 2 to 3 packs a day depending on if I was drinking or not. I smoked for 10 years from the age of 14 - I went through the withdrawls, through the physical and psychological effects, and I beat it. Anyone who wants to quit can do so - anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


Well-Known Member
There are smokers, and then there are addicts. People who are just smokers can be considered ex-smokers. People who are addicts are always addicts. Take alocholism for example. There are no recovered alcoholic, only recovering alcoholics. This is a pointless conversation, as the smokers feel the need to defend themselves constantly, and (generally) the non-smokers feel the need to gloat, or point out our shortcomings, or basically tell us how stupid we are and how soon we're going to die. Being part of the former group, as well as too smart for my own good, and an insomniac, I'll keep defending myself and fellow addicts.

Sorry but addicts as opposed to just plain old smokers is a cop out. Addicts is a term that is needed to describe people who do not have the desire or will power to succeed in quiting. Saying that addicts are always addicts is an excuse for people who have failed to achieve their goal of quiting. Calling someone a former smoker, or former alcoholic is for the people who succeeded in quiting.
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