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  1. M

    Video and behind the scenes look at Winnie the Pooh Tree being moved

    Guessing you didn't grow up watching Uncle Walt on TV, eh? There were so many specials showing the construction and planning of parks and attractions. And it was reaching such a massive audience back then. Walt, Jim Henson, all the greats offered a peak behind the curtains. Its really nothing new.
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    SPACE MOUNTAIN- I assure you, we are SOFT re-OPEN!!!

    "Disney" is a giant machine made of many parts. Often on these boards, the company is discussed as though its efforts are the result of some master plan. But in reality, the opposite is probably true. Im sure there arent any board room meetings with agenda items such as "How to insert an...
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    Confirmed on-ride photos at SM

    i agree with the other post, this isn't an incorrect usage. there is no certain definition. its dark, its a ride. dark ride.
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    Inside WDW new space mountain 11/10/09

    got that. but the question remains. "what could have been" exists for literally EVERYTHING, in any disney park. what is left on the blue sky cutting room floor should stay in glendale...not really sure what good is coming from these leaks, when all it does is lead to unrealistic expectations
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    Inside WDW new space mountain 11/10/09

    what i seem to be missing in all of this is how it was exactly promised. as far as i know, these ideas were always just that...ideas. yes maybe at one point all or some were on the table at different times. but being thrown into the discussion as a "what if" is quite different than actually...
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    Space Mountain refurbishment photo update (Thur 5 Nov)

    unless you went inside space today, im not sure how you can label this refurb as a disappointment yet. blah blah blah "but the plans were THIS and now theyre THAT." plans change. its like you guys can see through walls. as far as i know, theres a whole lot of space thats not visible from the...
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    TTA News...

    I think the new narration is great. Tomorrowland's theme has changed (for better or for worse). Anything new that comes must embrace the changing face of Tomorrowland-or risks worsening the division between old/new. Space Mountain, when it comes back up in a month or so, will also have to...
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    Space Mountain starting test and adjust

    expectations based on.....??? disney never said that would happen, so why the disappointment?
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    Tta is open

    not that i dont agree that it SHOULD be complete once guests are onboard, but you are incorrect. the operations team in MK who choose when to open are not the design/build team actually involved with the work being done in the mountain, or on TTA for that matter. they do not see september 12...
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    Tta is open

    1. the refurb has 2 months left. reserve judgment. you are basing an "epic fail" on a few crappy cell phone pics. 2. Just because an attraction is opened for guests doesn't mean the refurb is complete.
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    Little Mermaid Clone a Go! (Maybe)

    WDI has used contractors for years-since the days of walt. this is nothing new. and as far as relying on this Lee guy for for WDI are far from employees, they are no more in the loop than anyone here.
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    Stitch walls down

    youre sort of half right. the anouncement of the restructuring came last month, well after construction had begun on this project. before now, projects such as this were able to move from concept to completion without wdi involvement (dont ask me how). so now everything that goes into the parks...
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    Stitch walls down

    This project actually wasnt done by WDI, but by Entertainment. Hopefully with the restructuring that went on last month, WDI will be better able to reign in stuff like this that was being done by other groups within the company.
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    Magic Kingdom All The Time Thread

    I apologize if you are a great skipper, Im sure you are since you obviously enjoy what you do. I guess my opinion is based on the fact Ive rarely seen a great skipper or any spieler on the spieled attractions. Its just a rare thing to come by, and I think sadly you are the exception to the...
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    Magic Kingdom All The Time Thread

    GMR has a script with 3 or 4 options that the tour guide can choose, thus making it more personalized. I think JC should be like this...let the CM make choices, but within an approved guideline. And if a CM has a brilliant idea for any additions, than there should be some sort of approval...
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    Magic Kingdom All The Time Thread

    i like funny...just not in the name of abandoning the storyline. another thought...maybe if wdw made it easier for guests to comment on things they see, whether its good or bad, that might encourage more guest feedback. comment boxes all around the parks?
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    Magic Kingdom All The Time Thread

    This got me thinking... Front line CM's running loose with a script...not a good idea. The storyline on spieled attractions is all over the place. Disney really needs to invest in some standards of show quality on some of those attractions IMHO. Im all for adding spice and flavor to the...
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    COP Closing?

    Its closing. enjoy it for the next two years. see 5 yr plan
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    Fans united-more harm than good?

    Im not sure about this. Common sense would say that yes, the people who showed up do represent a part of a whole. And maybe when we do more of these things, Disney will get a better idea of an average. But honestly, I think some within Disney dont care about the people who arent there-the...
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    Fans united-more harm than good?

    Hello, longtime fan, first time poster. Something Ive been thinking about and wanted your opinions on. Ive been thinking recently about how disney views its fans (us). You know, the people who arent just the once every 10 year visitors. Im talking about the people who go multiple times a...
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