Space Mountain refurbishment photo update (Thur 5 Nov)

Imagine if they upgraded the Tomorrowland costumes...or maybe just the Space Mountain GREEN JUMP SUITS.

I'm really glad that Space Mountain is getting some attention. I can't wait to see it re-open soon!!


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness. This is possibly the most absurd complaining I've ever seen on these boards.

If you haven't noticed, nearly ALL attractions have a planter in front of them! Haunted Mansion has one. Big Thunder has one. What are you going to complain about next? That there's pavement leading into Space Mountain?? ("A Walmart parking lot has pavement!")

If some of you had given an ounce of thought to this, you'd realize this planter creates a very large seating area for FastPass holders and non-riders, drawing them away from the entrance, and hopefully reducing the crowd that always clogs the attraction.

"Why couldn't they have just put water in there instead of trees and plants?" some hotshot will ask.

Because you need shade to attract people (How quickly we forget the small clusters of people squeezed under the TTA track, trying to avoid the blazing sun and drizzle while watching the departed Stitch show)

Not a single person on these boards predicted the extensive rennovations that would be done to improve SM's guest traffic flow. And I bet it wasn't cheap. I'm sure some of you would have rather seen that money spent on in-ride special effects (which probably would have still been cheaper than the redesigned entry plaza). Whether SM's budget was adequate is a topic for a different discussion. But you can't deny that Disney saw a problem with SM, and spent big money to correct it.

After all, the "cheap" solution would have been to keep the Skyway intact, put up new walls to cover the openings, and slap on a fresh coat of paint.

But rather than try to satisfy the small handful of SM geeks who yearn to see that old rocket-stuck-to-a-pylon, Disney took into consideration the thousands of people who will be stuck in that area every day, either waiting to ride or waiting for someone to come out.

And again, all of this discusion is about.... a planter. A ring of concrete, some dirt, and a tree.

If I was an Imagineer or a TDO exec reading this thread, I'd lose all respect for our type of Disney fan. We ain't gonna be happy and will complain about the most obscure things, so why bother pleasing us at all? Disney can find plenty of other, more reasonable customers to focus their attention on.

Hint: they'll be sitting on a planter, under a shade tree.


^Again, for me at least, the planter isn't the problem. Tomorrowland needs greenery.I just think it's ugly. It's not going to ruin my vacation, but it's odd that something that is usually spot on in the parks looks downright bad.


Yeah....planter itself isn't the problem.
It's just a small part of a disappointing refurbishment.
Could it look better? Sure.
But it think it's ok. Give the tree time to grow out a bit and it'll be fine.:shrug:


New Member
Yeah....planter itself isn't the problem.
It's just a small part of a disappointing refurbishment.
Could it look better? Sure.
But it think it's ok. Give the tree time to grow out a bit and it'll be fine.:shrug:

unless you went inside space today, im not sure how you can label this refurb as a disappointment yet. blah blah blah "but the plans were THIS and now theyre THAT." plans change. its like you guys can see through walls. as far as i know, theres a whole lot of space thats not visible from the tta. who knows whats going on inside? some of us have sources of our own...and mine says weve got some things to look forward to


Active Member
OMG! I'm soo excited. I'm glad that we are at least getting something for good ol' Space. Sure this wasn't the large-scale refurb we were hoping for but hey, it's something. Let's just hope they do something to better the rest of Tomorrowland.


some of us have sources of our own...and mine says weve got some things to look forward to
Yep. We do have some things to look forward to.
Not arguing that point at all.
All I am saying is we should have had more to look forward to.


New Member
Besides what we couldn't get, I'm curious what I should be expecting to see on November 22nd when I (hope) to ride Space Mountain.

  • Redone entry area w/ green SM sign & planters
  • Interactive/Redone queue (fastpass & standby divided?)
  • Covered loading area w/ gates (any other changes to this?)
  • Audio on the lift hill (someone reported this, not sure if it really going to happen though)
  • New re-entry tunnel to allow for on-ride photos
  • Redone unloading area
  • New post show (Starport Seven Five?)
  • Updates gift shop to sell SM on ride photos
  • Repainted ride vehicles
  • Smoother ride (from adjusting the wheels on the rockets?)

Please do correct me if I'm wrong. I think that's what I've heard over the course of the past few months on what will happen.


New Member
My first theme park day on my trip is the 22nd at MK. I might do an opening report. Tidbits on Twitter,more in depth here.

Maybe I'll see you there :wave: I'll be the guy in either an EPCOT Center hat or the D23 hat w/ a Mickey silhouette. lol

(and I might be in a Fantasyland Expansion T-Shirt :D)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
This thread = Mach ado about nothing.

Seriously, it could be better, yes...but hate over a tree? Give it time. It'll grow in.

I'm more worried about the exterior of that Mountain. that needs to be fixed...NOW.

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