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  1. 1

    anyone NOT like high school musical?

    Saw the movie, saw it performed at MK and at DS. Movie WAS cheesy, to say the least - but I have to say, whenever I hear those songs - I can't seem to get them out of my head. Sound familiar? --It's a Small World After All...--
  2. 1

    How many times you have rode Everest the ride

    43 times the first two days of AP Sneak Peak/Jan; 22 times/May; 21 times/October; 18 times Jan. 07. Guess that totals 104. Pretty darn good for a 46 yo Illinois gal!
  3. 1

    Biernbaum's WDW Guide

    The 'on shelves' date is 8/21 - I edited my previous msg.
  4. 1

    Biernbaum's WDW Guide

    The '07 Unofficial Guide hits shelves (at least Barnes & Noble) Monday, 8/21. No set date for the Birnbaum Guide as of yet.
  5. 1

    Biernbaum's WDW Guide

    Amazon states the date on this as October 1st this year. I haven't bought one in a couple of years, so I'm due!
  6. 1

    October AP Room Discounts

    Had a convo with reservations last week - was told that if AP rates were to materialize, would be the last week of August. Seems right - historically speaking. We're all hoping and praying!
  7. 1

    10 Things Not to Discuss

    Don't forget the pool-hopping and mug debates!!!!!
  8. 1

    Postcard Travel Time

    Same here - mail the day I arrive, and it usually takes 2 weeks to deliver to Illinois. Must be something about the midwest, eh?
  9. 1


    I've seen Kool and the Gang two years in a row now at F&WF. They were awesome! I saw Loverboy back in the early 80's - gotta check them out now!
  10. 1

    Your Favorite Counter Service Places?

    One that hasn't been mentioned is Pecos Bill's in the MK. Great burgers & fixins' bar...
  11. 1

    We went on Everest 10 times

    43 times in the 1st two days of the Sneak Peak...
  12. 1

    The Birds Have Taken Over!

    Not quite sure why this is, but Frontierland seems to be THE place for the birds to hang out. ? ?
  13. 1

    2006 Flower and Garden Festival

    Davy Jones, here I come!!!!!!
  14. 1

    Getting stuck in rides

    Was stuck for a good 10-15 minutes at the top of Splash Mtn. the day after it came out of rehab this past trip! There were four other logs stuck with us. We were yelling for help. What a riot!
  15. 1

    Anyone see the EE refernce in ...

    Yes!!!! Saw it when I was at the World a couple of days ago. Thought I was seeing things...
  16. 1

    Problems with Passholder Preview of EE

    I was dubbed by the E:E CMs as the 'unofficial' record holder on riding 43 times. Thursday (no waits/single riders line) 20 times; Friday (same as mentioned before) 22 times; and once on Saturday because it was mobbed. Unbeknownst to me, the CM at the Standby Entrance timed me from that point...
  17. 1

    Body Wars Removed, WOL Closed Forever

    Sadly, I have been unable to see WOL for many many years, as it's been closed when I was there. As far as UoE, the only thing I'll miss is the Ellen AA. I think she rocks!
  18. 1

    Losing the Disney Magic!

    My husband and I took a much belated honeymoon to WDW, staying offsite. Am so happy we shared that trip together, as he died a year later. He was only 40. The first couple of times I returned, there were certain things that had me teary-eyed, such as remembering us watching Illuminations...
  19. 1

    Things you forgot to do at WDW

    Talk about 'pixie dust'!!!!!!!!!
  20. 1

    Pal Mickey Clothes are out!

    Anyone know if the outfits are also sold at WOD? I've contemplated getting a PM for the longest time. If I can get my AP discount at WOD, I could get both the PM and an outfit or two. Whatcha think?
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