Losing the Disney Magic!


Well-Known Member
My ex and I had a great time on our honeymoon in WDW.

But Disney was always MY place and the memory of him wasn't going to ruin it for me.

Disney is special to YOU, so it is YOUR place. You let him experience it with you, and he was lucky to have been allowed this special time in life. You can still do your wonderful Disney marriage one day. Just remember, you are in charge of your happiness.

And be thankful you found out before you got married. Divorce is expensive and MESSY. :)

Hey, you just haven't met your Mr. Right yet! It's all good! Hey, he might be hanging out right here in this forum!

Oh, my brother is single and 30, and he loves Disney... Want a hook up? :)


New Member
I know what you mean, I had a very bad breakup with my boyfriend last year. I thought he was The One and he went with me on a WDW trip. I was so miserable, my parents didnt want to plan another trip this year incase of memories so we did something different and visited Disneyland for the first time. I still got my fix of Disney Magic and it brought my love for Disney back! :) Now I'm booked for a visit to Disneyland Paris! But I will return to WDW next summer!


New Member
Everyone has been giving you GREAT thoughts and advice. I was in a situation with an ex...we were together 5 yrs and visited WDW alot. Well, long story short...we broke up. I was devastated and thought that going to WDW w/o her would cause too much heartache because of the memories. Guess what? I loved Disney before her and I really love it w/o her. I've met the person of my dreams and we are going on 4 yrs...I've made new Magical Moments which far outweigh my moments w/ the ex from hell. I even visit WDW more now...2x a month!!!! This to shall pass...remember that. It helped me alot thinking about that saying when I was trying to mend my broken heart.



New Member
My husband and I took a much belated honeymoon to WDW, staying offsite. Am so happy we shared that trip together, as he died a year later. He was only 40. The first couple of times I returned, there were certain things that had me teary-eyed, such as remembering us watching Illuminations. The music gets me every time. But I know he'd be elated that I take these trips to my 'happy place'. It gets much easier as time goes on, I know. Go and have a wonderful time - you will!

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