10 Things Not to Discuss

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Original Poster
Inspired by Fritz and Ernst (http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=77314), here is a list of topics that should be off-limits due to "over-discussion" (IMO)

1) How old should the cut off be for children to ride in strollers
2) Whose fault it is when someone gets hurt or dies at Disney
3) Whether or not the dining plan saves money
4) The wand should come down
4b) The sorcerer's hat should come down
5) Ideas for proposing at Disney (unless they are new and creative)
6) Which Disney park is better - Disneyland or Magic Kingdom, not to mention Disney vs Universal

And not necessarily over-discussed, but will not make you popular on this site:
1) Anything that sounds like you are "cheating" Disney
2) Asking questions that can easily be looked up or searched for ("Can anyone tell me what time the 3:00 parade starts?")

Oops false advertising. Had to go back to work before coming up with all 10:wave:


Active Member
and Beastly kingdom, bald mountain, monorail extensions, fifth gate parks until there is hard evidence to support a discussion.


Let's add "what's the weather like in October". I gotta tell you, this one really stumps me. Think about it. There's a person that is obviously sitting in front of a computer connected to the internet. And that person is going to pose a question such as this in an online forum, then wait around in the hopes that there will be a response, and it will be accurate. Why would anyone do that when you can have the answer in about 10 seconds by going to google and typing "weather Orlando October"?



Well-Known Member
8) The ethics of downloading and sharing non-commercially available music which is solely for our personal re-living of a Magical Moment

(does mine sound biased toward MY side of the discussion?! :zipit: :lol: )


Well-Known Member
ScrapIron said:
Let's add "what's the weather like in October". I gotta tell you, this one really stumps me.

Too right!

10) I'm going to WDW. Where's the best place to eat?



Well-Known Member
Well you have basically killed this messageboard. ROFLMAO:lol:

Cause honestly thats what at least 60%+ of the posts each day are based on. But honestly some of those are good healthy discussions. No reason to keep people from discussing 1,2, and 5. Especially 5, since alot of people have some good original ideas. :p
thats kind of a rough request to make. especially since ive asked some of those questions when i first got here. no matter what ure never gonna be able to make everyone happy here. people tell you to look up old threads before starting a new one on the same topic but then get yelled at for bringing up an old thread. whatever, its a discussion board, so discuss what you want. yeah its annoying when you see a guy with 2 posts ask "i heard they are opening a new park soon, when is that supposed to happen?" because of course all the veterans here now the answer. its kinda like when you need to go to customer service for some store or company or something and they are very rude and talk down to you, its like how was i supposed to know? basically we just gotta remember the new guys and remember they dont know their way around yet. they just want advice and answers from people who they know, know a lot more than themselves. thats the whole reason why i came to this board in the first place, you all amaze me with your incredible knowledge!:)


Well-Known Member
When there's a topic posted that has been discussed before multiple times that will never be resolved or something I'm not interested in answering, I simply don't read it past the subject line.
The nature of forums is that people will come and go.

Someone new to this forum will likely ask about the value of the dining plan.
That's a legitimate question and depending on changes made to the dining plan, will have a different answer.

To say that topics shouldn't be discussed anymore because someone who has been here a while, or has read everything here to be read, and is now bored by those topics doesn't make any sense.

The friendliness, upbeat attitude and popularity of this forum are great benefits. Let's keep it that way.
To answer a newbies post with something like "do a search, this has been discussed to death" doesn't really help anyone.

Many folks here answer with a link to another thread. That shows consideration, friendliness, and also quietly encourages people that the topic may already be out there and has been discussed. It also bumps a thread if the newbie replies to the thread in the link and keeps something that's possibly been a long discussion going. More information is often better.


Active Member
By posting your top 10, didn't you basically just do what you didn't want others to do? Except it is more in the form of a gripe than a question. When someone is new to the board they often don't know how to fully use it. Besides you made a big mistake yourself by posting this to the NEWS & RUMORS board. Any news or rumors here?


New Member
LaughingGravy said:
When there's a topic posted that has been discussed before multiple times that will never be resolved or something I'm not interested in answering, I simply don't read it past the subject line.
The nature of forums is that people will come and go.

Someone new to this forum will likely ask about the value of the dining plan.
That's a legitimate question and depending on changes made to the dining plan, will have a different answer.

To say that topics shouldn't be discussed anymore because someone who has been here a while, or has read everything here to be read, and is now bored by those topics doesn't make any sense.

The friendliness, upbeat attitude and popularity of this forum are great benefits. Let's keep it that way.
To answer a newbies post with something like "do a search, this has been discussed to death" doesn't really help anyone.

Many folks here answer with a link to another thread. That shows consideration, friendliness, and also quietly encourages people that the topic may already be out there and has been discussed. It also bumps a thread if the newbie replies to the thread in the link and keeps something that's possibly been a long discussion going. More information is often better.

Agreed! Good Show LG!


New Member
How about no more ridiculous threads such as this one....:sohappy:

So I haven't been a member here as long as many but long enough to know that membership is an ever growing entity. And to cut off these topics just because some of you have see them enough is pretty self serving. Each new member who joins opens the opportunity for new information to be exposed. Just because we all know about the value of the dining plan to this point, your satisfied that there is no possible value add contribution to this topic?

They call this a (and I'll say it slow) D I S C U S S I O N F O R U M....
Note, the first word is discussion. If your satisfied with a topic being buried because it's been brought up, register for an account with Wikipedia... Otherwise, exercise your right to ignore these topics that trouble you so much.

I come here because I like to "talk" Disney. I like to hear what people have to say, regardless if it involves Monorail Expansion. It can be funny and entertaining as well as informative. There is ALWAYS the possibility that new conversation about an old topic may bring refreshing perspectives from some of our newest members. But your meaningless thread here will turned newbies off as they question whether they should post or risk getting ridiculed... New members enjoy being part of an active dialog just as much as you even if YOU have heard it before...:rolleyes:

Oh and have a Magical Day...:D


I totally agree. I've been reading all kinds of posts now for 2+ years. I don't actually post many responses, I mostly enjoy reading what you all have to say. Most of the posts are very nice and informative. Give people a break. When the "newbies" ask questions, remember, they are probably not like any of us "Hard Core Disney Fans". Let's all be nice :)

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
They call this a (and I'll say it slow) D I S C U S S I O N F O R U M....
Note, the first word is discussion.

Actually, the way you spelled it, the first word is either "D" or "D I S C U S S I O N F O R U M."

I kid! I kid because I love! Please don't kick me! Not there!

Seriously, I vacillate back and forth between understanding that there are new members every day who don't know certain topics have been covered extensively, and the heavy-sigh feeling of wanting to say "Search engine, folks! Come ON!" :D

I think the questions that tend to perturb me the most (I used "vacillate" and "perturb" in one post. Word-a-Day calendars ROCK!!!) involve our somehow being in the head of the poster and knowing what they, or someone in their party, will like. Something like:

"I have a 6 year old nephew, will he like the Crystal Palace character lunch?"


"My wife usually hates roller coasters. Will she hate Space Mountain?"

or any question of that nature. First of all, we don't really know you or your nephew or your wife, etc., so no matter how much information you give us ("my daughter was once on an elevator that plummeted 11 stories with a man dressed as Mickey Mouse but with blood on his shoes humming the Twilight Zone theme, will she be afraid of Tower of Terror?"), there's no way our guesses will be anything but that, a guess. And I'd hate to tell you "nah, your daughter will be fine, go for it," only to have her be in therapy for the rest of her life based on my recommendation. All we can do is tell you what we or OUR friends and family thought of the experience. And you'll find people saying "My daughter ALSO was trapped in an elevator with Mickey Mouse as it plummeted 11 stories, and she was fine on ToT! of course, HER Mickey Mouse had blood on his hands, NOT his shoes, and he was humming 'Bare Necessities' so that might have made the difference." Or you'll find people who'll tell you "oh, my God, my daughter has survived in the Australian outback for 30 days with nothing but a bowl of Corn Flakes, a Swiss Army knife and a can of Off!, and SHE was scared to DEATH of Tower of Terror! Never go on it! In fact, burn it to the ground!" In other words, we'll be no help at all, as our stories will run the gamut from wonderful to awful. Opinions are like keisters, everybody's got one, and you'll just have to trust your own judgment on most things. So questions like that are the ones I would miss the least. But come on, they'll never totally go away.


PurpleDragon said:
Well you have basically killed this messageboard. ROFLMAO:lol:

Cause honestly thats what at least 60%+ of the posts each day are based on. But honestly some of those are good healthy discussions. No reason to keep people from discussing 1,2, and 5. Especially 5, since alot of people have some good original ideas. :p

Ditto!!! Silly people .. .


New Member
slappy magoo said:
Actually, the way you spelled it, the first word is either "D" or "D I S C U S S I O N F O R U M."
I kid! I kid because I love! Please don't kick me! Not there!
Seriously, I vacillate back and forth between understanding that there are new members every day who don't know certain topics have been covered extensively, and the heavy-sigh feeling of wanting to say "Search engine, folks! Come ON!" :D
I think the questions that tend to perturb me the most (I used "vacillate" and "perturb" in one post. Word-a-Day calendars ROCK!!!) involve our somehow being in the head of the poster and knowing what they, or someone in their party, will like. Something like:
"I have a 6 year old nephew, will he like the Crystal Palace character lunch?"
"My wife usually hates roller coasters. Will she hate Space Mountain?"
or any question of that nature. First of all, we don't really know you or your nephew or your wife, etc., so no matter how much information you give us ("my daughter was once on an elevator that plummeted 11 stories with a man dressed as Mickey Mouse but with blood on his shoes humming the Twilight Zone theme, will she be afraid of Tower of Terror?"), there's no way our guesses will be anything but that, a guess. And I'd hate to tell you "nah, your daughter will be fine, go for it," only to have her be in therapy for the rest of her life based on my recommendation. All we can do is tell you what we or OUR friends and family thought of the experience. And you'll find people saying "My daughter ALSO was trapped in an elevator with Mickey Mouse as it plummeted 11 stories, and she was fine on ToT! of course, HER Mickey Mouse had blood on his hands, NOT his shoes, and he was humming 'Bare Necessities' so that might have made the difference." Or you'll find people who'll tell you "oh, my God, my daughter has survived in the Australian outback for 30 days with nothing but a bowl of Corn Flakes, a Swiss Army knife and a can of Off!, and SHE was scared to DEATH of Tower of Terror! Never go on it! In fact, burn it to the ground!" In other words, we'll be no help at all, as our stories will run the gamut from wonderful to awful. Opinions are like keisters, everybody's got one, and you'll just have to trust your own judgment on most things. So questions like that are the ones I would miss the least. But come on, they'll never totally go away.
I have absolutely nothing to add. I just wanted to point out that this was a freakin' awesome post. Bravo!
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