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  1. shopgirl146


    Thanks for all your help! i think we're going the weekend of January the 27th! =)
  2. shopgirl146


    I have the oppurtunity to go to WDW any weekend in the months of Jan/ Feb and i was wondering which weekends were generally the most crowded/ least crowded and when the best time to go would probably be! Thanks if anyone has been during these times any information would be helpful! Thanks! =)
  3. shopgirl146

    rock the universe

    Hi i have the oppurtunity to go to Rock the universe this year and I had a few questions. During the day before the concerts start how are the crowds/wait times? Also, if i don't go during that weekend I will be able to go during a less crowded time during that month and was wondering which...
  4. shopgirl146

    American Idol

    I was happy that Mckayla was voted off, I think that it was her time to go. As for who should be the next American Idol...definately Carrie I think that she has the best voice and stage presence all around :) However, I am still a HUGE fan of Scott Sable =)
  5. shopgirl146

    Has a CM ever let you stay on a ride...

    Last October my friend and I rode Kali 13 times in a row. During this we met two other people who rode it with us 6 times and then we all went and rode Kilimanjaro(sp?) together. We had a blast! =)
  6. shopgirl146

    If I were at WDW right now I'd be...

    It's 4:00 here so I'd probably be riding RnRc over and over again until the line got too long and then I would head over and watch Muppet Vision 3D while I waited for my RnRc fastpass time to roll around :)
  7. shopgirl146

    universal ticket question

    Thanks but I already have an Entertainment book plus they only give discounts to the universal Studios in Hollywood but thanks anyways=)
  8. shopgirl146

    universal ticket question

    Thanks for your help!
  9. shopgirl146

    Malfunction Puts Brakes On Universal Coaster

    Thank goodness that no one was hurt Even but that still scares me a little bit to go back on the ride, even though I know that's kind of silly :lookaroun
  10. shopgirl146

    universal ticket question

    My family and I were thinking of purchasing a annual/seasonal Universal Oralndo pass and were wondering if anyone knew if they offered any discounts for Florida residents? I looked on the official website but couldn't find anything. Thanks! :)
  11. shopgirl146

    Are those really Nile crocodiles on the Kilimanjaro Safari?

    Ya it seems like there is always ostrich eggs and so I was also wondering if they were real? Thanks!
  12. shopgirl146

    1/7 Universal Orlando Photo Update

    Does anyone know when this Fear Factor episode will air?? Thanks! :)
  13. shopgirl146

    You won't beleive this, but:

    WOW that's really interesting!! What TV station was playing the movie? Thanks!
  14. shopgirl146

    2005 IOA and UF

    What new attraction? P.S. Sorry in adavance if this has already been discussed a lot :)
  15. shopgirl146

    Magic Kingdom Rehab Update 12/28

    Is it closing forever or just going down for refurbishment?? thanks!
  16. shopgirl146

    ISTCrew's December 22nd WDW Update

    Great Update! :) How crowded were the parks? Thanks!
  17. shopgirl146

    Have you spotted anyone famous at WDW?

    Last year when they were filming the Christmas special I had my picture taken with Greg, Marcia, Cindy and the mom from the Brady bunch. I even got to talk with "Marcia" on camera for the Christmas special. I've also seen Caroline Rhea(sp?) Raven and NSYNC
  18. shopgirl146

    Mardi Gras '05

    What exactly do they do for mardi Gras at Universal? Thanks!
  19. shopgirl146

    New entertainment anyone?

    I definately think that it would be great to have something like this at USF. They would be great additions and would reinforce the idea the universal is for both kids and adults
  20. shopgirl146

    Going at Christmas

    As surfsupdon said the best time to do your favorite attractons is early and to get your fast passes early, too. When I went we didn't do a lot of park hopping because of the parks were at maximum capacity and were afraid that we wouldn't be able to get back into the parks.
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