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  1. Sherrybaby

    NTSB Releases Factual Information Report on Monorail Crash

    If that's the case then someone better call CNN and MSNBC and probably the people running the AP wire because I heard that they WERE at Denny's; and this was reported all day today no matter what station I turned on. If you have information that he was out getting pizzas what's your source?
  2. Sherrybaby

    swine flu and travelling

    Alcohol I know this is sort of controversal, however, there have been medical reports that people who have at least a drink a day (whom are otherwise healthy) do get less illnesses, such as flu, colds, etc. This is not to say that their liver is going to die, however, they do decrease the...
  3. Sherrybaby

    The "Hurry up and reopen the Adventurers Club Thread" per Lee's request.

    No Disney trip this year My son wanted to go back to Disney this year (we used to go twice a year until last year) just to go back to AC one more time. Guess what? Now that AC has closed we are going to Costa Rica to fly above the rainforest. So all of you naysayers (and execs) can put that...
  4. Sherrybaby

    GM and Test Track

    As soon as American car companies start making quality cars maybe people will start buying them. I drove over 50 cars in the past two months (All American) trying to get myself out of my BMW obsession and they are all made of plastic and the doors are so light that a small gust of wind blows...
  5. Sherrybaby

    Johnny Depp As Jack Sparrow at Not So Scary

    Truthfully, I don't really know how you could tell. Some of the Jack Sparrows already look like Johnny's twin. They could SAY it's Johnny and if they picked their best Jack everyone would think it really was!
  6. Sherrybaby

    The "mourning the loss of the Adventurers Club" Thread is here....

    More sad tales....(mostly for Disney) I don't have information about how much money AC brought in so please do not respond with anything rude like "It didn't make any money...blah blah" thank you. Anyway, my son chose to return to Disney for our Thanksgiving trip because of the AC. My husband...
  7. Sherrybaby

    Expedition Everest...I just don't get it!

    My whole family loves this ride--probably because it's one of the only coasters that we all *will* ride! That being said--the bird is gone at the top of the track (unless they replaced it since June). The first time we rode it the bird was there and that was sort of cool--kind of like the...
  8. Sherrybaby

    How NOT to plan your next WDW vacation

    I also think this is a fish story. When I had a my last garage sale (and it certainly was my LAST--too much work for too little money) but I digress.... I went through all of my son's old VHS tapes. We had a lot that he grew out of and we sold maybe 25 of them. I went through each box, checked...
  9. Sherrybaby

    wow actually had a horrible time at disney world

    If you want fast buses stay in a value resort...period. Give up all of the deluxe amenities because the transportation stinks. We waited near an hour and 15 mins for a bus from DTD to The Beach Club and it was horrendous. All of us women were making a plan to try to go to the bathroom behind...
  10. Sherrybaby

    Save the Adventurers Club

    I totally agree with you Master Gracey. This is why our last trip this June will probably be our last for many years to come. We have pretty much seen it all and did it all. One of the only things we did not do was go to the AC--we went to the AC and my son said, "Mom we have to come back next...
  11. Sherrybaby

    Yachtsman Steakhouse

    This is my families favorite restaurant and we have been to almost every one on Disney property. It's pricey but with the dining plan who cares?? It takes off two credits on your dining plan just so you know. If you are a wine drinker--this is YOUR place. They have gotten awards for their wine...
  12. Sherrybaby

    I just got a call from the "Disney Executive Offices" regarding the AC

    Does there seem to be an issue with a huge corporation like Disney realizing that returning guests are their bread and butter? I had been to WDW over 100 times before going to AC and my son and I absolutely fell in love with the characters and the theming. Guess what, Disney? Repeat guests do...
  13. Sherrybaby

    Back from Disney and i have sooo much stuff to say!!

    I'm really glad you had a sort of ok time. I think planning is the key here. When there is a new ride you have to be at the park at opening and run to the ride. One person gets a fastpass to do it again later while the first person gets in line. Then you get two rides one right after the other...
  14. Sherrybaby

    Say goodbye to ALL the clubs at PI.

    I'm sorry but why do we need more places like Raglan? I was just there at the beginning of June and both the food and the service was subpar. Just an example--I asked the server a fairly simple question about the wine I ordered and he said he'd find out and come back but he never did. There is...
  15. Sherrybaby

    The Dad and One Kid Only Trip

    I've been with my son alone several times. I try to make plans around what he likes to do the most. But it's a two way street because it's my vacation too so I get to do some fun things as well. As far as gifts for people at home. I have not had a lot of luck with clothing items. Either it's...
  16. Sherrybaby

    Any rides or attractions make you cry?

    After Illuminations when the "We Go On" song plays I tear up every time when I'm with my family. I used to cry at The Lion King but I have seen it now so many times I've lost some emotion for it. Sherry.
  17. Sherrybaby

    The Great Movie Ride End Scene

    This is a little off your original topic, but here goes.... We have ridden about 50 times and I never saw any bandit sequence. We have only ever encountered the gangster. Have they done away with the bandit or is it done very infrequently? I would think over the years I would have encountered...
  18. Sherrybaby

    To tip or not to tip that is the question?

    "Molly Manners" says that for good housekeeping service in a hotel that a person should tip $1 for each person staying in the room. So 4 people = $4.00 a day. It is also correct that you should do this DAILY. If your housekeeper gets sick or they change the schedule, etc then the person you...
  19. Sherrybaby

    Pics and news from my recent Disney World Trip

    The Noodle Station was open during our entire trip June 2nd-9th, well at least every day that we were at MK, which was here and there about 4 days. When we went it was PACKED. I had to wait in line at the condiments station. My son loved it. I thought it was ok too. Now there's a positive...
  20. Sherrybaby

    SSE Paperboy?

    I finally got to ride with my son and I didn't say a word to him about any of this SSE "hoopla" I just told him some changes were made. Suffice to say that the 2nd time I asked him to ride it with me was the ONLY time he has ever groaned when asked to ride SSE. The screen malfunctioned the first...
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