The "mourning the loss of the Adventurers Club" Thread is here....


Well-Known Member
I finally was able to upload my photos and videos from the last nights. A "good friend" has allowed me to use his webspace for the photos and his YouTube account for the videos. There's over 360 photos from the last 2 nights and 16 videos from the 25th and 26th. Sorry, no videos from the last night since I was enjoying that night.

-links removed, PM if you want them-

I have obnoxiously large versions of the pics, so if you want one, let me know via PM. Don't ask for all of them, please, just a few.
There's also a torrent of the raw video files at MouseBits.

Please, enjoy them, but don't use them for commercial stuff or put them anywhere else unless you ask first.


Active Member
Unplugged - you are being way too sensitive about it. Get over it! The "dump" comment was most likely made as a joke - laugh at it, and move on. Life is too short to waste your time on a long post over a comment which was probably not meant in a mean-spirited way.

We all have things we liked that were closed or lost - your comments about structures serving booze could be offensive to me as well (I LOVED the clubs at PI more so than the AC - but I'm not getting upset that you feel the need to reduce all of the other clubs to that, and separate AC as the only standout place in PI) . But, at the end of the day, I'm a mature adult who can put things in perspective, not be overly sensitive about anything, and move on with my life.

As your tag line states, "Greatness can from anywhere", but based on the abruptness and candor of your comment in a thread intended for fans, I can tell there's no greatness coming from you. Your comment actually shows you don't "get" your own tag line.

Our celebration of that which was the AC, is about the loss of greatness. No, I'm not talking about a structure that served booze, or a building located in a corner of what Disney referred to as Pleasure Island. I'm talking about the creativity of the performers, the theme designed by a WDI team many years ago, about the environment that allowed guests to be as silly as the CMs and invited everyone to feel the part as opposed to simply watch the show, in general the uniqueness of the concept/place/CMs/fans. About an environment that presented surprises for the unkowning and delight to those who were in-the-know.

That's fine that you don't get it or like it and there is no disrespect intended in my rebuttal here. We all have opinions and there are many who don't "get it" when it comes to the AC. But considering how many fans made special trips just to say goodbye to an old friend, the collective of details that made up the AC as well as actual friendships made with the CMs, there are a LOT who do. So you may share your opinion that you didn't care for it and it wasn't your type of entertainment, that's your right. But to show so little respect for others on the forum that enjoyed the hell out of the club will do little to help you "Earn your WDWMagic ears" here.

Passions about Disney run high in many aspects on this site as I've learned over the years. Positives, negatives, etc. But both typically include justification so we can all understand the perspective. You're just being rude. :hammer:


New Member
I spent one evening in the Club about 20 years ago and really enjoyed it. I always intended to get back, but some time away from WDW and subsequent trips with little ones kept me away from the AC and Pleasure Island as a whole. I even have an unused PI admissions ticket from a recent trip to WDW when I thought I might be able to get there. I have some questions about the AC. First, was it intended to be set in 1937? I see a few banners in photos on some of these sites. Also, do I remember correctly: did the barstools rise and lower slowly? And was there a ship in a bottle that would periodically sink? If so, does anyone have a photo or video of the sinking ship? Lastly, is there any sort of written timeline history of the club? Was there a progressive story line over the years or was it basically the same story with varying actors and skits?

Thanks. I feel like I missed the party!


First, was it intended to be set in 1937?
Also, do I remember correctly: did the barstools rise and lower slowly?
And was there a ship in a bottle that would periodically sink?
Was there a progressive story line over the years or was it basically the same story with varying actors and skits?
Pretty much the same story. Same characters, various actors.

There ya go, best I could do.


Well-Known Member

That's an absolutely great read. LOVED reading that.

There was a little interesting tidbit I'm wondering if anyone else caught...

"The Magic Castle in Hollywood was a regular hang out for the team as it was old, mysterious, goofy, and full of odd people," Wilson remembered. "You never know who is staff, who the magicians are, and who the weird old guy in the dark corner doing one-handed shuffles is. In fact, we always wanted AC to have a restaurant attached. The space that might have been the AC dining room became a magic club, then jazz club, then a country western club [Neon Armadillo] after Michael [Eisner] visited the Cheyenne Saloon at Church Street Station, downtown Orlando, and was stunned by the vastness of it and it was packed."

Hmmmmmm.......... :lookaroun:lookaroun:lookaroun:lookaroun
Post more videos!!! Post more videos!!!! If you have footage from the last week of the club, please upload it to youtube! Let us mourn the club by celebrating it! There are so many adventurers out there that appreciate all of your uploading!


I dont think that it what was said...


New Member
More sad tales....(mostly for Disney)

I don't have information about how much money AC brought in so please do not respond with anything rude like "It didn't make any money...blah blah" thank you.

Anyway, my son chose to return to Disney for our Thanksgiving trip because of the AC. My husband was not with us during our last trip and he wanted to show his dad the club--and so did I! I also wanted to spend an entire night there as we left a little early due to my son being tired and not feeling that well.

So guess what? Disney does not get my $7,000-$10,000 of vacation money this year--we didn't book the trip after we found out AC was closing. So if one complaint equals what 100 other people,(correct me if I'm wrong--I know you will anyway) well then someone can do the math. There are others not visiting either due to this closure.

I also told a friend about AC. I saw the friend at a party a few weeks ago and told her about the closure and she said she was glad I told her because they had a 2 day side trip planned there over Christmas since they were going to be in Orlando visiting relatives. She was going to go home and cancel their reservations as it was just going to be her and her husband going to have a mini-adult getaway and besides AC there was nothing else they really wanted to do without their kids.

So for those of you who think this is not touching or changing people's lives and plans, you are wrong.

I'm ok with it now, with the money I'm saving by not going to Disney I'm turning in my leased BMW and buying one that I've wanted for a long time. I'll be glad to give my money to Germany instead of Disney! :)



New Member
Unplugged - you are being way too sensitive about it. Get over it! The "dump" comment was most likely made as a joke - laugh at it, and move on. Life is too short to waste your time on a long post over a comment which was probably not meant in a mean-spirited way.

We all have things we liked that were closed or lost - your comments about structures serving booze could be offensive to me as well (I LOVED the clubs at PI more so than the AC - but I'm not getting upset that you feel the need to reduce all of the other clubs to that, and separate AC as the only standout place in PI) . But, at the end of the day, I'm a mature adult who can put things in perspective, not be overly sensitive about anything, and move on with my life.

I couldn't agree with you more...What I find even more funny is the "there are so many things about AC u just don't understand" comment. This is just like a person that LOVES a Coen Bros. or Kevin Smith film. If I watch it and don't like it, then I get the "I just don't get their humor" comment. Like it is too intellectual for me. For the record (before movie fans thrash me) I have watched all the Coen Bros. and Kevin Smith films and like many of them and HATE some of them but I understand their humor regardless. Just like I understand the whole AC club humor. And if someone doesn't like it, it does not mean they "don't get it".

I loved 20,000 Leagues, Alien Encounter, etc...but it did not keep me busy harassing Disney Executives for a decision that is final regardless of what anyone in here may say. And someone posted a comment about special AC merchandise being sold still. Of course they are going to get rid of it. When would be a better time than when all these hardcore fans are still clinging on with their fingernails? I purchased merchandise for recently closed attractions so I could have a memory but not ONE of the attractions were ever reopened due to letters or emails to Disney Executives.

Sometimes you just have to move on with your life and enjoy whatever it is that this entertainment company chooses to offer. If it does not continue to offer what you desire, then start your own entertainment company or seek entertainment elsewhere. In the end, all of these AC posters will continue to come to Disney, walk by the old AC and miss those times but will find other Disney entertainment for their liking. I feel confident they will still complain but still eat out of the entertainment hand that feeds their hobbies for vacation.


New Member
to keep the conversation going. W/O such, any chance of the AC's return will die.

That ship sailed long ago..

I find it funny that members are clinging to a 'reopen' hope set up by Screamscape.. normally everyone pans them and negates them as a untrustworthy site...until of course, the sacred AC is brought up..

AC is gone.. the cast is gone, the spirit and heart are gone with them..

move on


New Member
That ship sailed long ago..

I find it funny that members are clinging to a 'reopen' hope set up by Screamscape.. normally everyone pans them and negates them as a untrustworthy site...until of course, the sacred AC is brought up..

AC is gone.. the cast is gone, the spirit and heart are gone with them..

move on

HE HE... funny! Some would never dare double cross wdwmagic until screamscape posts something they wanna hear! LOL Then they'll all over it. I could start a site up right now and post AC rumors and probably take all the AC fan's business by making up stuff regarding a reopening! As for me, I usually take all rumors from these sites with a grain of salt. People seem to believe anything.


Active Member
Wow, so many people here eager to rain on others parades. Don't be rude, let people have their hopes. You might feel the same way about something someday, and most of us will not seek to make you feel worse about it.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen this many threads about a particular attraction since TimeKeeper, Food Rocks, or The Land got revamped!! These threads are getting very redundant and although nobody is forcing me to read these threads or partake in them; I feel it is almost rubbing salt in the wound. Why mourn when if anything, you all should be trying to get this play back for the holiday season or something like that... Ok... Rip me apart...

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