Expedition Everest...I just don't get it!


New Member
I guess my only complaint was it was too hyped up about how awesome the Yeti was. Watch the WDW specials on Travel Channel or stuff on resort tv shows the Yeti in all his wonder. People commenting on they thought it was real etc etc.

The few times I have ridden on it I haven't even seen the Yeti. 1/2 second and you have passed it... Really I haven't even seen it.

Queue is amazing, ride is fun and I still feel like I am going upside down when we are going backwards. The track switch to backwards definitely needs something but overall a good experience.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm sure you aren't the only person out there who dislikes EE. I personally can't stand Mission: Space, and I can't understand why anyone in their right mind would find it to be an entertaining attraction. However, I'm in the minority on that so I just accept it.

I agree with this. I can not understand the attraction with Mission Space. If only they had stuck to the original plans for Mission Space, I'm still trying to find the site that outlined the plans and can't find it. Anyone know where that is?


New Member
Original Poster
Just taking a brief look around roller coaster site that rate not just but including Disney rides, EE gets pretty high ratings.

I get that you don't like it - I think Test Track is boring and I'm in the minority on that. But I think that EE is extremely well themed - my husband commented on the "landscaping" of a roller coaster being so cool.

Not everyone loves every ride and I respect your feelings, but I disagree that it is a dismal failure. I've been on it many times and everyone in the crowd is smiling and laughing when we get off.

Just for clarification, I didn't say anywhere that I thought EE was a "dismal failure" (sorry, but I'm confused as to how you even thought that I said anything remotely close to that). What I said was that I don't get why people (on this website in particular, it seems) tend to go so nuts over it and why many people here rank it as their favorite Disney attraction ever. I'm not even saying that it's a bad attraction. I just don't get why people go on and on about it being so spectacular. There are so many other Disney attractions that are considerably better themed and more entertaining.


Well-Known Member
Just for clarification, I didn't say anywhere that I thought EE was a "dismal failure" (sorry, but I'm confused as to how you even thought that I said anything remotely close to that). What I said was that I don't get why people (on this website in particular, it seems) tend to go so nuts over it and why many people here rank it as their favorite Disney attraction ever. I'm not even saying that it's a bad attraction. I just don't get why people go on and on about it being so spectacular. There are so many other Disney attractions that are considerably better themed and more entertaining.

Because everyone is different and as a result we all like different things. It is a little called taste and preferences. Just because you do not like something or think it is over hyped does not mean that someone else won't feel the exact opposite as you.

I absolutely detest pickles but other people love them. I don't understand why someone would eat one but they do. My opinion doesn't mean everyone shouldn't eat pickles. EE is the same way. Just because you do not care for it or feel it is over hyped does not mean someone else will feel te exact opposite of you. Sorry, but that is the nature of people. We all think different.


Well-Known Member
Exactly! People assumed that just because many of us don't consider EE to be that great of an attraction, that that must mean we're looking for Six Flags type of thrills. Those people have missed the point of what I said in the opening post of this thread. What I said then was that EE has neither great thrills nor great theming going for it. Most Disney coasters, as you mentioned, would not stand alone as great coasters. It's the theming, effects and overall immersion into the storyline that make Space Mountain, Big Thunder, the Matterhorn, Tower of Terror and other Disney thrill rides such great attractions. Everest, though, doesn't really have any of these things to make up for the fact that it's also a lackluster coaster ride.

Yea, well, I think E:E does have nice theming, in the line and the area. And the mountain itself is nice to look at, but if you are referring to the ride itself, then yea, it pretty much lacks that. Yea, they have the brief icy caverns and the broken track, but thats not really all that spectacular. I think the broken track and the part where you are looking at whats suppose to be the yeti's shadow, could have been executed better. I mean, way better. The whole idea of the yeti lifting the track to cause it to go backwards would have been amazing, they should have stuck with that. But just staring at what is really nothing, doesnt really cut it.


New Member
My whole family loves this ride--probably because it's one of the only coasters that we all *will* ride!

That being said--the bird is gone at the top of the track (unless they replaced it since June). The first time we rode it the bird was there and that was sort of cool--kind of like the birds on Splash Mountain right before the drop. We always sit in the front so we always saw the bird.

Next trip--no bird. Ok fine the view is cool though but a little scary for me since you sit there for so long.

The Yeti is useless/worthless. Someone in this thread said they saw the Yeti for 6 seconds. I'd LOVE to see him for 6 seconds! My guess is that we see him for 1-2 seconds at most--but why? I realize we have to keep the ride moving but we are sitting at the top of the broken track for what seems like eternity and then the Yeti for a second??

The Yeti encounter should be more like the Dinosaur encounter(s). At least the ride sort of stops by most of them, especially the last one where your picture is taken. THAT is how the Yeti encounter should be IMHO.


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Its, crap, the whole rides crap. A few tattie rags on a rope and a few fibre glass carvings and Im supposed to be impressed. The more I think about it the more I realise that the Animal Kingdom is crap every ride in it is poorly conceived and executed, its so bad it makes the half Day Studios seem appealing, and thats crap too, its got three rides worth experiencing but they have limited re ride appeal. Epcot is just a big bar and restaurant with a lame I max screen ride, and the magic Kingdom is sooooo dated it should be re named Boredom. And the other parks up the I4 are just as bad if not worse. They should just shut up shop and not disappoint people with their false promises of enjoyment and escapism.
Expedition Everest is tops on my list.

I don't see how the part where you wait to go backwards is boring. It's meant to leave you in suspense as your train is about to careen off the side of the mountain. My favorite part is the backwards part because it feels like you're being sucked inside the mountain.

I love the part where you see the Yeti's shadow bust apart the track. It doesn't look that "real" but neither do the collapsing rocks on Big Thunder (and I get a big kick out of those too). The Yeti shadow is Disney cheese at its best.

The Yeti animatronic is sweet! True, you don't see it that long, but it'd be pretty lame if the train stopped or slowed way down so everyone could see him clearly. Announcer: "Okay, has everyone seen the Yeti? We're all good here right? Okay, let's start the train back up!"

Another plus for Everest is that there is no preshow, which makes it for a much better re-ride.

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