GM and Test Track


Premium Member
This kind of brings up, and maybe it should be a separate thread, what is the most high maintainence attraction at Walt Disney World? I might guess Mission: Space, becuase there must have to be a lot of interlocks and safety features to keep, for example, people from going out of their capsules when it is moving, and to keep people from opening the outer door when it is spinning too. Don't mean to scare anyone, but with all the people who have gone through it and the forces involved, and with the things people do, I think it is a wonder no one has been killed yet from opening the door and being hit by the ride. :eek:

There are 4 pneumatic door locks on each capsule, any one of which reading as unlocked will prevent the ride from starting or cause it to stop if it happens during the ride. Each of the doors leading into and out of the bay has a magnetic lock which prevents them from opening once they have been commanded to close. Even if power has been removed from these locks, the doors also have regular latch bolts to prevent them from being pushed open. Only one door actually has a handle on it so that it can be opened from the outside, and it is the one door that has to be unlocked with a key. :)


Well-Known Member
There are 4 pneumatic door locks on each capsule, any one of which reading as unlocked will prevent the ride from starting or cause it to stop if it happens during the ride. Each of the doors leading into and out of the bay has a magnetic lock which prevents them from opening once they have been commanded to close. Even if power has been removed from these locks, the doors also have regular latch bolts to prevent them from being pushed open. Only one door actually has a handle on it so that it can be opened from the outside, and it is the one door that has to be unlocked with a key. :)

Yes, contrary to popular belief, Mission: Space isn't a ticking time bomb waiting to kill people at any moment.


New Member
As soon as American car companies start making quality cars maybe people will start buying them. I drove over 50 cars in the past two months (All American) trying to get myself out of my BMW obsession and they are all made of plastic and the doors are so light that a small gust of wind blows them right out of your hand, yes it did happen to me and it hit the car beside the car I was driving.

What we need is a foreign car company to take over the pavilion. Maybe then we'd have more reliable vehicles in the attraction and it wouldn't break down so much (as many of you have stated!). It's not much of an advertisement for GM when the attraction can't even work right and most of the cars are in disrepair i.e. no screens, stopping on the track, having to be evacuated out of cars (happened to me twice).

Hey, I feel bad, most of my family works for some aspect of the building and selling of American cars but that doesn't mean I'm going to waste my money on one when I can get a foreign car for almost the same price that is more reliable and will last a heck of a lot longer.

Drive the Ford Flex if you get a chance or just look inside--it's a great car but everthing inside looks like it came from a dime store or something and if you try to accelerate to avoid an accident I just don't know how you'd ever do it, it has no power at all. It's just a real shame.


hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Yes, contrary to popular belief, Mission: Space isn't a ticking time bomb waiting to kill people at any moment.

Thank heavens! :lol: Quite a system they have there, from what I'm reading.

And, yes, I know Disneyson was ranting against the Pixarification of Test Track, if anyone was wondering. :)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Yes, contrary to popular belief, Mission: Space isn't a ticking time bomb waiting to kill people at any moment.

Horizons never killed anyone...or made them sick...or was 60% smaller than it's predecessor...or gave anyone claustrophobia...or needed a green side and a orange one...


[/Devil's Advocate]:lol:


New Member
wow...I really hadnt thought of this....I would be sad to see it go... :( but this is one of epcot's most popular attractions....wouldnt Disney find some way to keep it running???


Premium Member
wow...I really hadnt thought of this....I would be sad to see it go... :( but this is one of epcot's most popular attractions....wouldnt Disney find some way to keep it running???

Yes, they would...and the reason why is because they've closed Wonders of Life, Ellen's Energy Adventure isn't a huge draw and Mission:Space has so much bad publicity and warning signs, it's not as popular as it once was.

Bascially if Test Track is completely closed there may be a major lack of a draw on that end of the park.

Ironically this type of thing happened before, when Test Track's opening was delayed and Disney was "forced" to keep Horizons open for a few years longer than intended.


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and buy the Chevy. The dealer will probably be so desperate for sales that you'll get a good deal. And the worst case scenario is that GM enters Chapter 11 after Christmas, and then goes Chapter 7 by the end of '09 and disappears entirely. But there are so many existing mechanics and infrastructure around that you'll be able to get decent parts and service for another decade or more on a Chevy vehicle, even if GM disolves completely.

If anything, vibrant new businesses and companies will spring up to service the existing fleet of tens of millions of GM vehicles in America. From the ashes of failure always spring the growth of new opportunities. That's the beauty of American free enterprise.

I say let GM fail and go bankrupt, they deserve everything they have created for themselves for the last 25 years. And how dare they blame their current position on the events of the last 60 days! They've dug themselves into their hole for decades, and they dare try to blame a short term situation for their long term problem and mismanagement! Typical Detroit arrogance and ignorance!

So go ahead and pick off a new Chevy truck today for a steal of a price from a panicky dealership. You will be fine!

The CEOs of the 3 companies were at Congress yesterday begging for money. As they were trying to leave, a reporter from GMA surprised them by asking "So if things are sooooo bad and that you closed 17 factories and cut 20000 jobs in order to survive.......why do you make $28 million a year and flew out here today on a private jet at an estimated cost of $20,000 for the round trip?" Needless to say, they had no comment.


And that is the reason they will all go under. They are worse than the financial industry CEOs. They just don't get it! Its going to be tough for this country when they go under, but I cant see any taxpayer wanting to give these clowns ONE DIME when this is the attitude they have.


Well-Known Member
On the upside, maybe someone will actually pay for some TT updates and change things around a bit.

GM would be smart to keep it, as it may be the only positive way people are remembering the company right now.

GM could also use the post-show to really help out with a struggling PR side of their business.


Well-Known Member
The CEOs of the 3 companies were at Congress yesterday begging for money. As they were trying to leave, a reporter from GMA surprised them by asking "So if things are sooooo bad and that you closed 17 factories and cut 20000 jobs in order to survive.......why do you make $28 million a year and flew out here today on a private jet at an estimated cost of $20,000 for the round trip?" Needless to say, they had no comment.


Bingo. It's amazing how these CEOs and big wigs can get away with spending millions of company money on useless trash. Also their salaries are so inflated that it's disgusting. If they all were making wages that were within this world the companies would have more money to pay their employees, put towards R&D and even better, reduce the price of their goods.

Instead we're told that the cost to produce the product is too high and that the employees make so much that they can't be competitive.


I think it'd be cool if during the peak tourist seasons if GM would get a live person at the park and after the ride maybe discuss the cars on display and the stuff that GM is trying to do for the future of the automobile industry (if anything). Would be better PR than just seeing a few cars sitting around.


Well-Known Member
Sheesh. When it rains, it pours. I don't mind Test Track. It is a little dull at parts and without sponsorship, would be pretty pointless. I do enjoy those last 20 seconds though. Can't the entire ride just be like that?

That is absurd. First, an association with an brand name auto-maker is not important to the attraction, which is simply themed around automobile manufacturing. All they have to do is re-label the GM logos with something else or nothing. The words GM will have absolutely no real affect, and the post show is nothing but a show room of cars. It doesn't make or break the attraction.

As for an attraction being pointless, you can say that about every ride at Disney. The point is to have fun. Most Disney attractions offer very little in terms of education. Whether you like it or not, people like to have fun by going on rides, if they want to learn somethingthey could go to a museum (for cheaper) . What makes Disney different from a company like Six Flags and Cedar Fair (companies with better thrill rides) is its massive attention to themeing. Rock'n'Rollercoaster would be a rather boring ride if it weren't so heavily themed. Tower of Terror, while brilliantly themed, is merely an advanced drop tower. Disney wasn't against rides...he just wanted to offer something other parks didn't have...and themeing is it. Test Track doesn't need GM any more than the Haunted Mansion needs a sponsor. Some of the people here really need to get a grip.


Active Member
That is absurd. First, an association with an brand name auto-maker is not important to the attraction, which is simply themed around automobile manufacturing. All they have to do is re-label the GM logos with something else or nothing. The words GM will have absolutely no real affect, and the post show is nothing but a show room of cars. It doesn't make or break the attraction.

As for an attraction being pointless, you can say that about every ride at Disney. The point is to have fun. Most Disney attractions offer very little in terms of education. Whether you like it or not, people like to have fun by going on rides, if they want to learn somethingthey could go to a museum (for cheaper) . What makes Disney different from a company like Six Flags and Cedar Fair (companies with better thrill rides) is its massive attention to themeing. Rock'n'Rollercoaster would be a rather boring ride if it weren't so heavily themed. Tower of Terror, while brilliantly themed, is merely an advanced drop tower. Disney wasn't against rides...he just wanted to offer something other parks didn't have...and themeing is it. Test Track doesn't need GM any more than the Haunted Mansion needs a sponsor. Some of the people here really need to get a grip.

Test Track doesn't need GM, but it needs a sponser. With out a sponser Disney will not invest money in it. It will wither on the vine and die the same slow painful death as others have had before it.

If Epcot is going to have transpertaion pavillion I wish it would be one about the transpertation systems of the future. Honestly, when you think about it, Test Track is the perfect mirror for what is wrong with GM as a whole. No imagination, no innovation.


Well-Known Member
If Epcot is going to have transpertaion pavillion I wish it would be one about the transpertation systems of the future. Honestly, when you think about it, Test Track is the perfect mirror for what is wrong with GM as a whole. No imagination, no innovation.

My sentiments exactly. At least with World of Motion you saw the future of transportation. You didn't ride a present day test track simulation. Where's the future in that Future World pavilion?


Well-Known Member
Test Track doesn't need GM, but it needs a sponser. With out a sponser Disney will not invest money in it. It will wither on the vine and die the same slow painful death as others have had before it.

If Epcot is going to have transpertaion pavillion I wish it would be one about the transpertation systems of the future. Honestly, when you think about it, Test Track is the perfect mirror for what is wrong with GM as a whole. No imagination, no innovation.

I don't think it needs a sponsor. Plenty of rides get maintained without sponsors.....Basically just about all of the major rides in all of the parks except epcot don't have sponsors. It might not get an expensive makeover without a sponsor but it should at least continue to operate in good condition without one.

One thing about your GM comment. I beg to differ on the no imagination and no innovation. The Chevy Volt will be the first production extended range electric (plug-in hybrid). The Chevy Avalanche is very unique and the only vehicle that can be used as both a full sized work pickup and a comfortable family vehicle. The problem with GM as a whole is that they didn't anticipate the oil price rise and were basically sitting back and making profit on large gas guzzling SUV's. In the middle of transitioning to selling more smaller fuel efficient cars the credit crisis hit and killed auto sales.

The only thing the foreign manufacturers do better is build their US factories in non-union states so that they have much higher production efficiency. And before anybody goes back to the evil CEO pay thing, even if the CEO got paid $0 the company would still be in the same boat. Now...if the taxpayers have to pay to bail them out then there should be restrictions on executive pay.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
My sentiments exactly. At least with World of Motion you saw the future of transportation. You didn't ride a present day test track simulation. Where's the future in that Future World pavilion?

In the future we will all drive around a shinny circular building covered in banners and carp.:lookaroun

Exactly...There is no future at all.:(


New Member
:hammer: I'm truly astounded at the complete lack of knowledge being displayed here. GM is not going to cease to exist. They don't make cars people want? Are you serious?? GM is the #1 automaker in the US, and has traded with Toyota for #1 globally the last two years so please give me a break. The number 1 thru 10 reason they're in trouble has nothing to do with not selling cars they're #1 or 2 globally, so that's just ridiculous, no they're hurting because of the union contracts that are crushing them to dust. Very, very few of the foreign outfits are unionized so they don't have these problems. Second it's well documented that the Japanese government heavily subsidizes and imposes protectionist tactics to protect their auto industry. Look it up Toyota invested a tiny fraction of the development costs for the technology of the Prius. So please, come to the discussion with facts.

Oh yeah, Southern California doesn't drive domestics? Are you serious? These people are the biggest bunch of lemmings and followers on the face of the planet. They couldn't make an independent decision to save their lives.

How incredibly ignorant. Protectionist? So the import tariffs imposed and increased by Bill Clinton on Japanese and European cars into the United States isn't a Protectionist Act? All govt's do it. Oh and as far as profits go, what about Chrysler? Profits from that company have and are still going to Daimler (they still currently own 18% of Chrysler). Also, most of, if not all of Mazda's profits were going to Dearborn Michigan up till last week. Point is, the Automotive Industry is one of the most global industries. Most of the money that Japanese and European companies make are being circled back into the US. In fact, the profts that many auto companies are making now in China are being circled back into US R&D. So, the playing ground is very level. The US companies just don't get it. It is all about Unions. If the US companies are willing to continue using Unions, then they deserve their current situation. If they knocked out the Unions 20 years ago, then I have no doubt Toyota would not be as big as they are and "This is the Cadilac of 'x, y, or z' " would still be a phrase someone uses to explain an ultra nice item. The US companies got nobody to blame but themselves. Unfortunately for them the US consumer have made their decision through their purchases. European and Japanese cars have been roughtly 1% more expensive on average for the past 10 years or so then their US equal. Not the global manufacturers fault the US Big 3 can't get their act together.

As for your Prius comment, who do you think subsidized GM's original EV-1 and now the Chevy Volt? If you think they don't, then you are kidding yourself.

The following article is a good one on why the US Automakers are in their current situation. It does blame governments, but not the foreign governments. The US Government has more to do with the US Automakers bad situation. Read on:


Well-Known Member
we NEED the Big 3. take a look at any construction site or land scaping business, etc. Who else makes a heavy duty pickup besides them? Take a look at tow trucks, ambulances, and other commercial vehicles! The chassiss are Ford 450s, 550s, etc. Even a lot of Class C RVs are built on these chassis. These whole industries will just get crushed and its YOU who will suffer for them in more ways than you can imagine!

Sure Toyota and Nissan make pickups, but neither has any heavy duty trucks or chassiss. Neither has a deisel offering. These are essentials to getting things done in every day America, whether you know it or not.

And you can say "Well someone else can build them." long are we going to have to wait until someone does that? So while we can all go out and buy an Volvo or a Honda car, what does the rest of working America do when the Big 3 take a dump?


Well-Known Member
we NEED the Big 3. take a look at any construction site or land scaping business, etc. Who else makes a heavy duty pickup besides them? Take a look at tow trucks, ambulances, and other commercial vehicles! The chassiss are Ford 450s, 550s, etc. Even a lot of Class C RVs are built on these chassis. These whole industries will just get crushed and its YOU who will suffer for them in more ways than you can imagine!

Sure Toyota and Nissan make pickups, but neither has any heavy duty trucks or chassiss. Neither has a deisel offering. These are essentials to getting things done in every day America, whether you know it or not.

And you can say "Well someone else can build them." long are we going to have to wait until someone does that? So while we can all go out and buy an Volvo or a Honda car, what does the rest of working America do when the Big 3 take a dump?

Not to argue your point, but there are loads of other commerical chassis out there.

You mainly SEE the American ones

Both Volvo and Izuzu make Commerical trucks. In fact Volvo is supposed to have a commerical tractor out next year with a hybrid engine and regenerative breaking.

Izuzu makes a cabover flatbed made specificaly for landscaping. They are a lot easier to load than a pickup, and provide more crew comfort. They also have a much better turning radius

Mitsubishi makes loads of trucks from heavy duty over the road, to landscape trucks, to mini landscape/mainence trucks for campus environments.

I have not taken a close look, but would hazard a guess that a good portion of the trucks used by Horticulture at WDW are forigen.


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