How NOT to plan your next WDW vacation


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I don't know if it gets much sadder than this:

"When Tracy Holmes of Belleville sold three DVDs for $10 at her garage sale Aug. 15, she thought she was doing well. She was getting rid of some movies that she and her husband hadn't watched in a long time and making a little money as well.

About a week later, when her husband, Fred Holmes, asked her what had happened to the DVD of "Sin City," she suddenly felt sick.

Her husband had been secretly saving up money, at least $1,200 so far, for a Christmas family trip to Disney World in Florida for the couple and their three children, Nick, 11, Trevor, 7, and Isabella, 2."


Premium Member
Oh man that sucks. :lol:

But WHY stash money away like that instead of putting it in a savings account?

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
As best she can remember, Holmes thinks the man who bought the DVD was about 6 feet tall and in his 50s or possibly 60s. She's hoping that if she gets the word out, the buyer will return the money.

Right...because just finding the money wasn't enough to make him give it back, but finding out what it was for will just melt his heart. :lol:

I feel for the people, but....sheesh. At least use a strongbox if you can't find time to go to the bank in two years. :hammer:


I know I am a pessimist, but I wonder if it really happened that way. Seems a bit shady - like they are hoping the good people of the world will send them a bit of money here and there to help rebuild their fund. If that does happen, you can bet it will climb to well above $1200 and fairly quickly. Logically, wouldn't $1200 create some bulk in the DVD case? If you were selling a DVD at a garage sale, wouldn't you open the case to check to see if the correct DVD was in there? Seems like someone would notice a little bulk behind the advertisements. Even if she didn't notice it, her husband had to know she was planning a garage sale. It isn't usually something that you just decide to do and do it an hour later, so I would think the bells in his head would go off, telling him to either tell her not to sell that DVD, or hide it. If it did happen, I do hope that the man that bought the DVD finds it and is an honest person.


And if you believe that one my wife sold a storage unit I had with a 1967 Farraii in it. Please feel bad for me too and give me a new one.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but there is no way I believe that story. Just like Kristielc said, the money would have made the DVD case thicker then normal. It just seems to fishy to me.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
anybody who'd sell their DVD of Sin City (and sell it so cheap!) doesn't deserve the goodness that is a Walt Disney World vacation. :eek: Is nothing sacred?

:lol: just kidding - that's too bad, really!

If the DVD was the Sin City package that comes in a collector's box, you could definitely put away some Ben Franklins in there in lieu of the comic book that comes with the case without noticing anything out of whack.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I know I am a pessimist, but I wonder if it really happened that way. Seems a bit shady - like they are hoping the good people of the world will send them a bit of money here and there to help rebuild their fund. If that does happen, you can bet it will climb to well above $1200 and fairly quickly. Logically, wouldn't $1200 create some bulk in the DVD case? If you were selling a DVD at a garage sale, wouldn't you open the case to check to see if the correct DVD was in there? Seems like someone would notice a little bulk behind the advertisements. Even if she didn't notice it, her husband had to know she was planning a garage sale. It isn't usually something that you just decide to do and do it an hour later, so I would think the bells in his head would go off, telling him to either tell her not to sell that DVD, or hide it. If it did happen, I do hope that the man that bought the DVD finds it and is an honest person.

Okay so I just got $1,500 cash from my brother to pay off his trip because we used our Disney Card to pay for it. There is NO WAY even if you put only 10 $100 bills in there that you wouldnt know theres more than a DVD in the case.

The ONLY way this could have happened was if he DID stash the money in there and she just litterally was piling the DVDs up and picked them up and set them sideways in a box or something so you can see the titles. Handling the single case with a "G" in it, youd have to be pretty off not to say hmmm this box seems over stuffed.:brick:


Active Member
I have to say, don't think its possible to stash that much case in a DVD case, especially since I would assume we are talking about small bills... $10 and $20 since they were saving up over time. And I would think that one would open the case before they sold it. I know that it my house, its not unusual for the wrong DVD to end up in a case, or for there to be a case with no DVD in it.

I find the rest of it very believable though. I can totally see the wife selling the DVD with out her husband knowing. I can also see the husband stashing cash away with out telling his wife.

I can say, that my mom still hides her vacation spending money in VHS cases (the old plastic ones that snap shut). She does this because she doesn't want my dad spending the money. And she also doesn't want him to know how much she spends on vacations!:D


Active Member
Maybe there was no DVD in it and they guy that bought it say the Cash in it and could not pass up.. Thats like buying a lottery ticket. I'm tell ya, the whole thing stinks liike yesterdays diapers


Well-Known Member
It was raining. My heart was pumping...was it here?

Who would take it?


Come on Frank.

Time to prove you're worth something.

Find the cash.

No matter who you had to kill...

You couldn't stop now could you?

Yea. You couldn't stop. You just had to hide that money. Too many questions. Where'd you get it? What did you have to do to get it? How much blood had to fall to get that pile of cash, Frank?

Too many questions you couldn't answer.

Uh oh.


Just a regular joe like me who didn't get mixed up in this city. Trying to prove something. Trying to be honest. Saving his hard-earned cop money to take his kids to Disney World, just like you. But you didn't have it that way. You had to fight to get it. You had to kill to get it. You had to prove something too, Frank. Prove you're still worth something to your kids.

So what're you going to now, Frank?

Keep it cool.

What does he know?

I was speeding.

Or could he smell the blood stains on the car seat?

You're edgy.

You're tense.


That money can be found.

The cop might not be so lucky.



Mstr Gra-c

Active Member
Just want to let everyone know that I live in the area...from where I write this, I could be in Belleville in 7 minutes. And it could happen. Alot of folks around here are very nice and very old-school. They would rather put $$$ in a coffe can and bury old pairs of old boxes that once held playing cards (all of which I have actually seen). And I am not just talking about Depression babies who are simply wired that way...Im talking about 20-30-40-50 year old folks doing this. The idea is that you shouldn't trust a bank because the bad man in the suit will take your money.
Did this actually happen? I dont know...all I am saying is that I wouldnt put it past anyone...especially here.


Well-Known Member
OK, so final payment would be due in November and he had $1200 saved for the trip....sure wish I could take two adults and three kids to disney for $1200!!!:shrug:

Sounds like maybe this is a fish story.


Just want to let everyone know that I live in the area...from where I write this, I could be in Belleville in 7 minutes. And it could happen. Alot of folks around here are very nice and very old-school. They would rather put $$$ in a coffe can and bury old pairs of old boxes that once held playing cards (all of which I have actually seen). And I am not just talking about Depression babies who are simply wired that way...Im talking about 20-30-40-50 year old folks doing this. The idea is that you shouldn't trust a bank because the bad man in the suit will take your money.
Did this actually happen? I dont know...all I am saying is that I wouldnt put it past anyone...especially here.
If everyone from there are so nice then the guy who bought the DVD would have returned the money in fact he probably would have opened the DVD to see that he was getting Sin City and not Jumping Jack Flash and would have said "excuse me miss but there seems to be a but load of money in this DVD case and I beleive that it belongs to you"instead he probably hit the nickle machine at the nearest casio and is still there today. :drevil:


no one said it was a trip for this christmas. especially with 3 kids!! if he'd already been saving for 2 years, im sure he'd be saving for 2 more...that is, if the money hadnt walked not too sure i believe it either though, and seriously, a dvd case, where anyone could get hold of it? maybe a small box or envelope taped under a drawer or something. if it were me, i think id return the money, but only if they promised to pay for me to go too :)


New Member
I also think this is a fish story. When I had a my last garage sale (and it certainly was my LAST--too much work for too little money) but I digress.... I went through all of my son's old VHS tapes. We had a lot that he grew out of and we sold maybe 25 of them. I went through each box, checked to make sure it was the right tape, and even rewound them to be sure they still worked.

I sort of find it hard to believe that this person put DVDs out for sale without checking inside first to see if the correct DVD was in there. I know at my house if you opened all of my DVD cases probably about 20% or more would have the wrong DVDs in them, that's what happens when you have kids in the house.

As far as the reason not to put the money in the bank--there are TONS. I personally have a "stash" too. I won't get into all of the reasons but I think everyone should have some cash of their own for a possible rainy day. (However a fire proof box is the way to go).


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