swine flu and travelling


New Member
dont want to get over hyped about this , but whats the chance of flights and holidays being cancelled due to the swine flu? im flying from uk to the usa, we have already been advised not to travel in the eu? will usa be next?only 19 days to go hope it doesnt all go wrong now....


Well-Known Member
Everyone can find decent info here: http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu
Just try to wash or sanitize your hands frequently and keep them away from faces (not easy to do with little ones but try anyway). Hopefully this will be like the avian flu pandemic that was predicted a number of years ago.

Same thought I had.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch the "Swine flu and You" video that can be found in your link :ROFLOL: :lookaroun
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Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
This was all over the news today but I never heard any NEWS about the details of the flu. Just typical chicken little syndrome. This will be dropped once hurricane season starts.
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Well-Known Member
If this thing turns into a world wide pandemic, I'm not going NEAR the It's a Small World attraction.

Oh wait....I already avoid that ride.:eek:
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Well-Known Member
This was all over the news today but I never heard any NEWS about the details of the flu. Just typical chicken little syndrome. This will be dropped once hurricane season starts.

What details would you like to know? Every hour there are more confirmed cases here in NY and now in NJ (none in your state that I have seen) and is very much in the forefront of the news here. There are multiple cases in Texas, Kansas and California as well. Cases have been confirmed in Europe as well. The "season" for this flu is April & May typically and is a variant of the H1N1 virus. Since people have not been exposed to it they have no antibodies on board to fight it.

CNN Article
More info can be found on just about any news site as well as the CDC's site.
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Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
How is this more deadly then the regular flu?
Is it the flu itself deadly or just the complications?
If alcohol based hand sanitizer works on the outside would drinking a lot alcohol of help sanitize the inside? Seems like sound logic.
Time to invest in the Margaritaville company.
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Well-Known Member
How is this more deadly then the regular flu?
Is it the flu itself deadly or just the complications?
If alcohol based hand sanitizer works on the outside would drinking a lot alcohol of help sanitize the inside? Seems like sound logic.
Time to invest in the Margaritaville company.

It is more deadly because it attacks HEALTHY ADULTS with good immune systems and overwhelms it, there is no vaccine and does not respond to most antivirals.

As for the rest ... :lol:
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New Member
It is more deadly because it attacks HEALTHY ADULTS with good immune systems and overwhelms it, there is no vaccine and does not respond to most antivirals.

As for the rest ... :lol:

You should defiantely board up your house and live off beans and franks (Better cook em good now!) until this blows over... wouldn't want anyone getting diarrhea and then going to Typhoon Lagoon, would we?
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Well-Known Member
The government is, however, sending tamiflu most everywhere right now, and it will get you through it. There's no reason to panic, regardless of what the news is telling you.

Tamiflu will neither treat nor prevent swine flu as it is not formulated to fight it. It will only lessen the symptoms and only if given within 48 hours of onset. Plenty of hot water and soap is your first line of defense...WASH YOUR HANDS and do it often, keep your hands away from your face.
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New Member
Tamiflu will neither treat nor prevent swine flu as it is not formulated to fight it. It will only lessen the symptoms and only if given within 48 hours of onset. Plenty of hot water and soap is your first line of defense...WASH YOUR HANDS and do it often, keep your hands away from your face.

You have your methods , I have mine... Personally I'm eating as much bacon as I can.. and I am going to studios tomorrow to suck face with miss piggy.
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New Member
Oseltamivir Phosphate (Tamiflu) ONLY treats symptoms... There are VERY few anti virals, and they are not very effective.....

My god.. Have you never heard the old addage "Let it run it's course?" thats what you have to do with a virus... Infections can be combated with medicines... With Viruses, you have to mask symptoms (tamiflu) to keep yourself healthy enough to function at a basic level (eat/sleep/drink/________)... Thats it..

Stop freaking out... you make it sound like someone is going to run up to you and shoot you with the swine flu gun.... and then thats it.. you die..

Not quite.
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New Member
I never said washing your hands regularly wasn't going to help. Tamiflu has always jsut treated the symptoms ... the point, of course, being that you're receiving treatment, instead of saying, "I'll feel better tomorrow, I'm sure".

It's been around before, and it will cycle around again, just as many other diseases have done. Standard hygiene will always be applicable in every aspect of a safe and healthy life. Getting hyper and diving into underground bunkers is not going to spare anyone anything.
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Well-Known Member
I remember about 15 years ago, Ebola was the big thing. It was feared that this was gonna be the next mass disease that was gonna wipe out millions. Didn't happen.

I remember 2 or 3 years ago, everyone was freaking out about the bird flu. It was all over the news and it was reported that a pandemic was "imminent". Very soon, that virus was going to mutate to where it could hop from person to person and kill millions. Some dude was on Oprah and had her freakin' out and about ready to quarantine herself. Didn't happen.

This is just another flu scare being blown out of proportion and turning into mass hysteria. In another few weeks, we'll be onto our next big scare and we will have forgotten all about this one. :rolleyes:

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Well-Known Member
You forgot about SARS and West Nile. Two other examples of overblown media hype.

Here's a good link with the latest info in an easy-to-read form:


I'm hoping this is similar to the '76 swine flu that fizzled out.

Part of me wishes I'd just catch the flu so I can get over it and go about my day.

The comment about how this is particularly deadly to healthy people seems alarmist and inaccurate since nobody has died anywhere but Mexico yet. What I did hear was that the elderly may have some protection because they may have had a flu in their lifetime that would offer them some protection, while a younger person might not have any such experience or protection.

I'm leaving for Disney in under two weeks. I'm packing plenty of hand sanitizer but otherwise not doing anything differently unless things take a dramatic change for the worse.
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New Member

I know this is sort of controversal, however, there have been medical reports that people who have at least a drink a day (whom are otherwise healthy) do get less illnesses, such as flu, colds, etc. This is not to say that their liver is going to die, however, they do decrease the amount of communicable illnesses that people who do not drink get.

If you search the net, it's difficult to find because you know everyone now is trying to prevent drinking (as the US is now becoming increasingly communist)--this is something I learned in one of my college classes while doing a paper and searching their online library.

So really, you are not far off in saying that internal alcohol could prevent this illness.

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Active Member
I am leaving in 24 hours, with an almost 4 year old that loves to suck on her fingers.......am I panicking. I am starting her on hand sanitizer today!!

I have already been on bed rest (pregnancy related) once in Disney and don't look forward to any additional time in bed this time. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
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