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  1. K

    Books About Disney World/Walt Disney

    Isn't Marty Sklar supposed to have a book out pretty soon??? Looking forward to that one.
  2. K

    Spaceship Earth Burning Rome Scene

    Current version with Judy is just bad bad bad. At least I have Jeremy on Ipod and can listen to it whenever I want. Will be there this week so I will see if the Rome smell is still gone.
  3. K

    our seemingly quarterly sueing of Disney

    On its face it seems silly, however, I won't say it is frivolous without knowing the facts. The McDonald's case is a classic example. Tort reformers trumpet it as a frivolous lawsuit, yet the actual facts tell a much different story. Its easy to jump on the frivolous lawsuit bandwagon, yet...
  4. K

    our seemingly quarterly sueing of Disney

    I would agree this is kind of silly, and I laughed when I first read it. Don't forget that whatever may be listed in the complaint is likely a bunch of legalese necessary for the presentation of a lawsuit. There could be a lot more to the story....... which brings me to McDonald's. I would...
  5. K

    New disney youtube video

    looks kinda like claymation figures on a miniature set at times.
  6. K

    Has anyone ever tried to recreate a WDW recipe?

    I have made the flank steak marinade (when they used to have flank steak) from Boma a number of times. Talking about your house smelling like Boma... it is spot on. I've made the fetuccine alfredo quite a few times from the old restaurant in Italy. In fact, I have a nice bit of heaping...
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    another performer gone

    They always say things happen in 3's. Geeezzzzzzz. Hopefully it is now over. Prayers to all their families.
  8. K

    Smell it!

    I've made the flank steak marinade (when they used to have flank steak) from Boma. Trust me, you will think you are at the AKL if you make it. Recipe is at I grill the meat, and then put it in the marinade that is cooking on the stove.
  9. K

    Monorail Pink/Purple questions.

    Being a personal injury attorney, the actual damaged areas of the monorails will not be repaired anytime in the near or distant future. Due to the potential for litigation from this, the damaged sections will certainly be preserved for evidence. Though on the face of it, there appears that...
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    Disney visitors remember monorail pilot Austin Wuennenberg (Video)

    Yes, RIP. Let's also remember the others involved in this. While certainly careless errors by several individuals led to this happening, they have to be devastated as well knowing that they contributed to the death of someone. Hope they can handle things.
  11. K

    numbers down??? thats wierd

    Haven't they shut down some sections of some resorts, therefore reducing the number of available rooms???
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    EpcotServo's Jan. 10th EPCOT Update: Ah, See the Moon

    Picture 40 is a profile hidden Mickey, not an ex-president!!!!!! :king:
  13. K

    Speculation of outbreak of Norwalk Virus at WDW?

    It appears I'm another victim. We were at the WL from the 19th through the 22nd. Not sure what the gestation period is, but by 8am on Christmas Eve I started feeling a little funky. Down hill from there, and now I'm stuck at home on Christmas while the rest of the family is out. :cry: Oh...
  14. K

    Army soldier needs help

    When are you planning on going? That might help some others come up with stuff... though I think anytime you can go to Disney is fantastic, regardless of what is going on. Hope your trip is great. Thank you for your service to this country as well!!!!!!
  15. K

    Toy Story Mania- Memorial Day weekend?

    When it is open, any fastpass, or strictly stand by?
  16. K

    Favorite WDW YouTube Videos

    You can view some of my vacation videos that I put to music and such. Haven't done our one from a few weeks ago yet.
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    Bad day at the Germany pravilion

    Bad news just gets worse. I've heard of things like this happening, where one family member dies, another one hears about it and dies also. It appears the elder was at hospice already, so maybe he just died and was not aware of what happened to his son. Either way, completely sad all the way...
  18. K

    Happy Birthday Walt!

    Happy Belated Birthday Walt. You have been a very integral part of my happy family. Thank you.
  19. K

    Please don't puke in the sink!

    I bet a cast member would prefer that over someone not making it to a stall and lettin it fly all over the floor.... not to mention those in the vicinity that might take some splatter shrapnel :eek:
  20. K

    stuck on a ride?

    Would have loved to have been evac-ed on some of the rides and walked through them.... however, my lone evac story really stinks. We were on Snow White about 2 years ago. About 5 feet from where you load, it broke down. We got to see nuttin.:mad:
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