stuck on a ride?


Well-Known Member
Here are some photos from being stuck on Rock N Roller Coaster:





New Member
Ok... tell me if you think my friend is exaggerating:

He said when he was six, his parents took him on It's a Small World and their boat got stuck for an hour and a half. I'm thinking to myself, this would NEVER happen. They wouldn't have you sit and wait in your boat for an hour and a half! Geesh! I want to call him on it... what should I say?


Well-Known Member
on the last day on my trip, Oct 8th, as i was about to board RnRC, it shut down, for hours....I was forced to leave without getting to ride it at all, as it was down for a refurb on the first part of my trip.


Got stuck on Test Track a couple times on Epcot's 25th. First while testing the anti-lock brakes. They worked too well. *BAM!* *STOP!* Ow. It was already obvious the cars were backed up and we wouldn't be getting a proper ride. Then we stopped again briefly in the room with the heat lamps. Finally, the trip ended in the room with the robots. After probably 10 minutes or so the system reset and one of them turned and looked directly at my wife. We were just waiting for it to come back on and spray her in the face. :lol: Never did though and after like 15 to 20 minutes total we walked off to a nearby stairwell and into the post show.


Would have loved to have been evac-ed on some of the rides and walked through them.... however, my lone evac story really stinks. We were on Snow White about 2 years ago. About 5 feet from where you load, it broke down. We got to see nuttin.:mad:


Well-Known Member
We got stuck on POTC. Right under the hairy leg... TWICE! I also got stuck in Buzz Lightyear once. Had to have been for 10 minutes or so. It was right by the big robot so I shot at that a lot and racked up some nice points :D


Ok... tell me if you think my friend is exaggerating:

He said when he was six, his parents took him on It's a Small World and their boat got stuck for an hour and a half. I'm thinking to myself, this would NEVER happen. They wouldn't have you sit and wait in your boat for an hour and a half! Geesh! I want to call him on it... what should I say?

That is wild! When I was 6, I was stuck on IASW for 2 hours. I have been scarred ever since. Hehehe. Actually, I took me almost 15 years before I would ride it again. People always think I am kidding, now we know it has happened to others. It could have been at the same time. Around 1982 I think.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I got stuck once in The Great Movie Ride in the Munchkin scene. The witch had disappeared in her puff of smoke, and the munchkins sang their yellow brick road song, and we didn't move. We sat there until the munchkins finished their song and then went to hide away in their homes. And all was quiet....

That was creepy, sitting in that munchkin village, knowing they are watching you. Waiting....

:lol: Thats great. A few years ago... I got stuck there as well... the scene ran.. then it got quiet... and we stopped... then the ride car behind us caught up. And our ride vehicle CM reinacted the wicked witch animitronic for us. It was pretty funny. We were only stuck for about 5-10min... some guy came and reset our vehicle... and we were on our way again.


Well-Known Member
On our last visit, its not a ride exactly, but we were stuck in a non moving monorail for longer than usual as you approach the Contemp. We think a Monorail train got stuck loading along the line somewhere. It was at least 15 minutes. Later that day when we were leaving we waited forever for a Monorail. luckily it wasnt closing time. One train when whizzing by empty at one point.

On 9/22 we got stuck on the Monorail right there by the Poly overlooking the parking lot - I think that is a routine monorail "holding pattern" place - anyhoo the monorail announcer came on and said:

"Thank you for choosing Monorail Yellow. Unfortunately that was not a wise choice."

:lol::lol::lol: We only sat there for about 5 minutes but me and my sis were laughing. Other people didn't seem to hear the announcement...


Primeval Whirl

The family and I had to be walked off Primeval Whirl last July whilst at the very top! Believe me the walkways look a lot narrower from up there. Even after the handrail rises into place it's still unnerving to walk to to main stair way. The kids loved being the centre of attention, as a small crowd gathered below to watch. They waved happily :wave: whilst I clung on for dear life!! :lookaroun

The CM was great and walked us to the front of the line on the other track.

Still, another magical memory.:)


New Member
Ok, lemme see.....

Been stuck on Test Track several times now, worst one being broken down in the cold room, directly under where the frost comes out - I was sat next to my son and his hair actually froze! They eventually turned off the ice, but it must have been after a good 15-20 minutes, we were eventually walked off.

Stuck on COP at the very end, lost count how many times that turkey got burnt..... suffice to say, we haven't been on since.

Like everyone else, stuck on Buzz, and boy, the points soon add up if you're there for 15 minutes or so!

IaSW, PoTC, HM, Universe of Energy (those poor dinosaurs), TTA...... I think we're jinxed!!!

Stuck on Great Movie ride a few times aswell, worst one being June last year, a girl in the car in front of us became unwell and they stopped the ride, no-one came to her aide for a good 20 minutes and despite my offering of giving her first aid, I was asked to stay in our car.... We were walked off after a good 40 minutes of being stuck there, no apologies, no fast passes back in.....


Well-Known Member
I've been stuck on CTE/Dinosaur three separate times. The latest being right in the middle. We had to wait for the CMs to come and release us from the cars. We had to walk out. Seeing it all lit up really ruined the illusion. I was, however, surprised at how hilly the environment is. The ride vehicle goes up and down some seriously steep slopes. I tried to take some pictures, but this pencil-necked, acne-faced, self empowered kid threatened to have security confiscate my camera and gear. I really didn't feel like testing his threat.
Our Last Trip

On our last trip to WDW in Jan. 07 we were stuck on no less than 4 rides in 1 week. Epcot was TT...MK was HM, PoC, and SM. No joke...4 rides in about two days. At least it wasn't IASW...I already can't stand the music.:hurl: No real complaints here though, we still had a blast!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I got stuck in the Heffalump and Woozles room in Winnie the Pooh for about 15 minutes. It was cute and fun for about 5 of those minutes and then...:brick:

Also, a few years ago during an EMH night, at about 2:00 am we got stuck on Big Thunder Mountain and they had to walk us off. It was during the "Dump Eisner" period so all the CM's were blaming Eisner for the ride breaking down. It was very funny.

1000th POST!!! :sohappy:


New Member
We got stuck on The Seas with Nemo this past was torture. We were really not interested in the ride whatsoever, complete downgrade from what it was in my opinion, so being suck for 15 minutes hearing the same 20 seconds of dialogue over and over again is not such a great time :( We were't taken off the ride or anything though, unforutnately, we just had to sit it out and wait.


We got stuck on TTA and sat inside in 95 deg heat in one of the tunnels for almost half an hour before someone finally came and got us and made us walk all the way back around to the boarding ramp. There were doors to what we believed were exits right next to where we were but they still made us walk all the way back. Didnt really make much sense and I was pretty upset about having to sit there all that time in the heat. They gave us each a fastpass to any ride but the way they handled it was pretty poor. They had 2 people walking around to each group of cars to escort them off the ride. I would have thought that would have sent more people and been much more efficient with getting the ride emptied.


New Member
We also got stuck on TOT last September. It was my mother-in-law's first ride (after much coaxing on my part) and right after the first drop, it just stopped. Then, the window smashed again and the doors kept opening and closing. My oldest son (who had been on it quite a few times before with me) said, "That's not supposed to happen," and pretty much all of us on the elevator were wondering what was going on. My younger son (who was 4 at the time) thought it was the coolest thing ever to be stuck in the dark, but my mother-in-law and my older son didn't quite agree. Eventually, they turned the lights on and walked us out and let us ride on the other elevator for a "free" ride. It was kind of cool to see the behind-the-scenes, but I'm not sure I'll ever get my mother-in-law on it again! :ROFLOL:

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