Speculation of outbreak of Norwalk Virus at WDW?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.


Well-Known Member
This is what concerns me. A single person (and their family) can be as vigilant as possible but someone preparing your food can slip up or someone else that hasn't been as careful at the same buffet and that's that.

LOL Between the Bad News Bears threads and this, I'm super worried about our trip next week!!! This is going to be the last trip for a little while (about a year) plus we're taking first timers so I really hope all goes smoothly.

We are leaving in a week in and half, and we are in the same boat. We are going down with several newbies, plus celebrating our anniversary. I just pray Disney is taking extra care with food prep and cleaning the room extra well.

Have a great trip!!!!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
This is what concerns me. A single person (and their family) can be as vigilant as possible but someone preparing your food can slip up or someone else that hasn't been as careful at the same buffet and that's that.

LOL Between the Bad News Bears threads and this, I'm super worried about our trip next week!!! This is going to be the last trip for a little while (about a year) plus we're taking first timers so I really hope all goes smoothly.
You really needn't worry. The explanation of the transmission vector of Norwalk I provided was intended to show that the current illnesses at Disney being discussed were unlikely to be Norwalk.

Disney food preparation is done by staff who follow strict hygiene protocols and foodstuffs are cooked properly to avoid the likelihood of any food-borne illness. The exception is in the preparation of made-to-order foods such as eggs and steak. Most menus indicate that if you order your steak or eggs under-cooked [runny eggs/bleeding steak] the cooking process may not eliminate all that it should. However, if you regularly eat your steak or eggs that way, your immune system has most likely developed antibodies to the vast majority of potential problems you could face. Again, not something to worry about.

If you ensure that you wash your hands with warm water and soap after using the washroom and before eating, you should not have any higher risk of infection.

Enjoy your vacation. :wave:


We are leaving in a week in and half, and we are in the same boat. We are going down with several newbies, plus celebrating our anniversary. I just pray Disney is taking extra care with food prep and cleaning the room extra well.

Have a great trip!!!!

We're celebrating our anniverary too and so are our first timers!! Yall have a great trip!!

And thanks Monty for the clarification. :wave:


It appears I'm another victim. We were at the WL from the 19th through the 22nd. Not sure what the gestation period is, but by 8am on Christmas Eve I started feeling a little funky. Down hill from there, and now I'm stuck at home on Christmas while the rest of the family is out. :cry: Oh well, at least the bad stuff seems to be over, now I've just got it coming out one end :lol: and feel weak. Hopefully I'm the only one that gets it. Better me than the kids.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Interesting. I also was a victim, it would seem. During my recent 9 day stay at POR, one night I awoke very sick to my stomach, and couldn't keep anything down until noon; diarrhea as well. No other symptoms though, so I was never really concerned. Missed a day at MK to make sure I was OK, but the evening (16 hours after getting sick), I was fine. I just assumed I had eaten something that didn't agree with me.


Well-Known Member
I just spent 5 days at the world and no illness for me or anyone in the group. I dont know if we were just lucky or WDW isnt the cause. How many of you who got sick came in from the Orlando Airport?


Well-Known Member
Count me as one who had this mystery disease! It was not fun. :(

that's odd... this past tuesday my wife came down with those symptoms. she's pregnant so at first we thought it was morning sickness but it went beyond that. she was better after about 24 hours. I left there with a sinus infection... we both stayed at Port Orleans and were there from the 13th to 19th.

Yep...I was at Port Orleans Riverside and on the 14 was when I got sick.

Yeah, I was only physically sick for about 24 hours, but I literally couldn't eat anything for the next 7-10 days. It was awful.

I'm still having trouble eating sometimes...it's been almost 2 weeks. My stomach will just start aching.

I just spent 5 days at the world and no illness for me or anyone in the group. I dont know if we were just lucky or WDW isnt the cause. How many of you who got sick came in from the Orlando Airport?

I came in through the Orlando Airport...

I also left present in the trash can outside the airport too...:lookaroun

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
There are a lot of people I know that haven't been to WDW (Virginia Beach Area all the way up to Pennsylvania) that are going through the same thing. I don't think you have to be at WDW to get this mystery bug. Perhaps it is just spreading faster at WDW then elsewhere :confused:

We are trying to head down in about a week. So, we are hoping we will be lucky and NOT get it.

HOwever, I'm bringing the meds, extra sanitizer, a doing a light sanitizing of the room when I get there just to be safe. Plus, I always bring my own linens since hotel comforters are only required to be washed... I think every 30 days..... At least that is what I have been told by housekeeping before.


We were there 12/6th-16th and my 2yr old got sick. My dr. in NY said it sounded like the upper GI infection going around like wildfire at home.

If you have little ones give them Pedialyte right away. My daughter dry heaved and threw up water for hours. The pedialyte stayed down right away. The hotels and Baby Care Centers sell it.


New Member
Maybe it's to kick off the new "What will You Celebrate?" thing. Come to WDW and lose 10lbs! Then celebrate your loss with dinner at Boma! (Includes coupon for 1 free snack-option sized 10oz Dasani Water to keep you hydrated)

ok, I made this goofy comment then came down with something similar. mine only lasted 24 hours though. I wasn't in town when it happened, so I don't know if there's a delayed reaction, but to say the least it's unplesant.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
ok, I made this goofy comment then came down with something similar. mine only lasted 24 hours though. I wasn't in town when it happened, so I don't know if there's a delayed reaction, but to say the least it's unplesant.
Most flu virus' take two or three days before you're symptomatic.


New Member
We spent 12/13 to 12/20 at Contemporary. Our journey into the depths of stomach flu began as we drove away from the hotel toward the airport. All 5 of us got it, one by one throughout the next 8 days.????? Our Dr. here at home said that this is virus is present all across the nation right now. I think it's attributed to our "homesickness" for WDW.


Active Member
I'm hoping it turns out not to be, and i think it probably isn't. i don't know about in the USA but here in the UK doctors are saying it is the worst flu season for 9 years with the common cold, a vomiting virus and flu going around, and with so many people travelling around the wold everyday, it will spread accross the globe fast! Touch wood, up to now my flu jab seems to have worked, but i'm keeping dosed up on the vit c and trying to eat healthy!

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