New Member
I'd love to see someone do the math on how much the very cheapest family suite would cost at WDW for 65 days, along with the deluxe meal plan. This guy must have won the lottery or had a very rich relative die, or something! :hammer:
Well, I enjoy a good math challenge so I looked at the family suite at All-Star and using the cheapest price, and not taking into account taxes, the room was $11,960. I added on tickets for 60 days and it was $13,000. I was going to add in the DDP but then I got wrapped up in packages and stuff and it got out of control. At some point I was at $19,800 but I don't think I had the suite

No matter what it is, lucky is the family who can take a vacation for 65 days :wave:
Edit: This was all just done using base prices and not packaging. I'm sure the price comes down when you start using packages and deals and such