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  1. Daneault

    Magically Manipulated Picture Of The Day

    OMG that would be soooo cool :eek: Imagine the ride playing Battery. Sweet and relax when your waiting in the cars then when the song really start you get launch.
  2. Daneault

    Cast members say Indiana Jones Stunt Show is closing (post from 2005)

    Just got excited for a moment there. Yipee Indy is closing so we are probably going to have a new ride/show to replace that.. then I saw the date :brick: Indeed my friend.... a bit late indeed.
  3. Daneault

    Dining Plan and Shades of Green

    What the ??? I quit WoW a year ago and the gold sellers are still following me everywhere i go :lookaroun Arghhh
  4. Daneault

    Google Earth problem

    Does your "Geographic Web" & "3D Buildings" options are selected in the Layers panel?
  5. Daneault

    Found online petition to save AC

    I made the same suggestion :D Save AC, just expend it by adding a restaurant to it. This will fit your new "bold vision", you will not antagonize a lot of fans and more importantly you will still offer a "night life" service on your site. Because frankly, taking a beer at the resort bar/lounge...
  6. Daneault

    WDW coasters

    Some might argue that Test Track is a coaster since it's in a track and there's speed and hills... but not really a coaster in my book. Let's call it hybrid :D
  7. Daneault

    Year of a Million Nightmares

    Congratulation you've just won your own personal "I walk in the middle of your picture guy", for the entire length of your stay. Disney only provide the most professional walk in picture guys. They will act like as genuinely as possible, providing you with the full experience of "Ok there's...
  8. Daneault

    Year of a Million Nightmares

    You won a lifetime free admission to Disney's River Country! Congratulation!
  9. Daneault

    Year of a Million Nightmares

    You win a 6 hour ride in Tomorrow Land Speedway! But there's a catch, you cannot get out, your accelerator is stuck and you can't touch the steering wheel :lookaroun
  10. Daneault

    Sounds Dangerous

    Exactly my thought. It's not that i don't like the concept.. it's just that can get a better result straight from my computer at home :D Exemple of 3d sound effect (put your headphones on):
  11. Daneault

    Why Does Fifth Gate Speculation Always Seem to be Out of Left Field?

    Just counting the inflation between 1982 and 2008.. about $2.8 billion. That's not one bit scientific, because a lot a variable are not calculated like the ∝ of each ressources. So it's probably much higher then 2.8 billion. Edit: Hehe sorry teebin.. your faster then me :P
  12. Daneault

    Replace WoL with updated Horizons sponsored by Microsoft

    Indeed with Steve Jobs as the largest single shareholder of Disney Corp I don't know if MS would like to sponsor a ride :P But i really like the idea of bringing back Horizon with major technological sponsors. Like apple, MS, intel, amd, hp, ibm, google, cisco, dell... that would be sweet.
  13. Daneault


    Hummm caps. I was just thinking that i could go for a big bowl of bold caps. Sorry couldnt resist. :lol: Nice find!
  14. Daneault Breaks New Ground Streaming Full-length Movies Online

    You just have to use a US Proxy if you want to access it. If you don't want the use a software based proxy (like tor) you can even use a webproxy like You will have a added bar on top of your browser, but it will work fine. Have fun!
  15. Daneault


    Lol :lol: But you don't get thoses airplane peanuts and you don't get applause when you arrive. :rolleyes:
  16. Daneault

    Disney to outsource making of some Audio Animatronics

    I don't see it that way. I think they just want to concentrate the effort of the imagineers into more sophisticated AA and outsource the basics ones. In my head it's quite logic. Build the ones that are tough to build and outsource the generic ones.
  17. Daneault

    Heard anything more about the SM rehab??

    Me too. Or a B&M Floorless :lookaroun with the same kind of track design.
  18. Daneault

    Heard anything more about the SM rehab??

    Anyone have an idea whos providing the tracks? Vekoma, AMEC? B&M, Intamin AG? (ok thoses 2 are just wishful thinking)
  19. Daneault

    An Idea for a Dinner Cruise

    Oh a monorail expension AND a new monorail dinning train :cool:
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