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  1. M

    Pirates Drop?

    Ok I am the biggest, I mean biggest ride wimp on the planet.. I hate, witha passion even Goofy's Barnstormer! POTC is not that bad, really I hate drops of any kind and it really makes you worry but I can handle it, I am just sure to exhale as I go "down" and I don't feel it! Goofy's...
  2. M

    help, Help, decide...

    Yeah.. another vote for onsite. I like letting them do all the driving on the trip. I would sell some junk laying around the house on Craigslist or something to get the extra money to eat where I want too!
  3. M

    Seeking advice!

    We started our DS off on the wrong foot when he was three by doing Buzz first thing. He really loved Its A Small World alot and it is well lit so I suggest warming up to the dark rides by doing well lit ones, like that and Dumbo! Have fun! :wave:
  4. M

    ...sooo embarressed!

    Interesting... I am an operator for a living, and I work from home and we IM in group chat to communicate during calls, and I mentioned that I was going to WDW (IN TWO DAYS!!!!!) and one of the other operators said that her mom is a Fairy Godmother at WDW and a bunch of us could not stop...
  5. M

    Carsland confirmed by Iger.

    I followed the link from google, didn't catch the DL part of the thread!
  6. M

    Carsland confirmed by Iger.

    I am so not up to speed... where is that going to be MK at WDW?
  7. M

    Haunted Mansion - video

    Thanks! I enjoyed it and DS5 is even more sure he wont ride it!
  8. M

    Back from the mansion...with Pics!

    I would have loved to be there for that, walk ons everywhere else! I would have had a blast on Philharmagic, Peter Pan, Snow White, POTC! Oh man!
  9. M


    We went this time last year and really, the cloudcover and rain was a godsend! Kept it from getting too hot!
  10. M

    What are you most excited for in September 2007?

    YOu used Kansas City as a fake destination???? YOu called that right, WDW will be so much more fun!!!:lol: What I am looking forward to is eating at WDW, for free!!! Oh and Haunted Mansion, POTC, Buzz, oh just everything!!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
  11. M

    What Ride Is The Most Disappointing...

    You gotta admit that Figment song is catchy though!
  12. M

    Baby Boy !!!!!

    Congrats! Enjoy taking him now, because you will be pulling your hair out when your five year old is scared of all the rides! It was so much more fun to go when he was one!
  13. M

    Can it be done?

    I think they won't do that what magoo was suggesting... if I recall correctly (ohh sorry about the Iron Chef flashback there) they have you go into slots based on your DME paperwork for which resort you are staying at. It might cause heads to explode and a worse backup "clearing it" than you...
  14. M

    How do you tour the MK?

    Everyones tips are so interesting! I usually start by standing on Main Street crying and thanking Uncle Walt for the happy times ahead! Then I take my DS (5 this trip) on Buzz Lightyear and he is scared the rest of the trip! He still sings "Yo ho yo ho a Pirates after me" from our trip...
  15. M

    Can it be done?

    I read somewhere that the busses take 25 minutes from Pop to MK, which is why I stay at the all stars (gotta have that extra 5 minutes in the parks doncha know). So Ahhhhhh I think maybe the cab is the way to go. I would play the cab thing by ear, though, because you could roll in to Pop at 330...
  16. M

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    66 long and torturous days!!!! Nights too!:fork:
  17. M

    Reservations in September

    That is a great tip Lori!! Gonna keep that one in the ole memory banks! Of course I booked at 180+10 but if we change our minds in the parks I will do that!
  18. M

    Confirm...Buzz lightyear ride the super point target!

    Huh. My Dh is convinced it is the back of my head!:ROFLOL: :ROFLOL:
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