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  1. iKat

    Getting autographs as an adult

    DH and I go to Disney waaay too much (almost weekly), and are starting to get into things like pin trading that we haven't done before. We were thinking of starting to get into getting autographs from characters, but is that weird for a couple in their 20's without kids? :shrug:
  2. iKat

    Tip Boards

    For the ones in Epcot, the tip board in Innoventions plaza doesn't state the return time for the FPs, only the tip boards in FW east and west have that.
  3. iKat

    Did I Really Just See Disney World?????

    My moment happened last night. DH and I were sitting on a bench outside of City Hall after Wishes, waiting for the crowds to thin out a little bit. A dad pushed his young daughter in a stroller (probably 4-5 years old) into a pole. Then he said "Wait here," left her there alone, and went into...
  4. iKat

    Any monkeys in AK?

    We're going to AK for the first time in a couple of years (we go to WDW almost every other week, just never make it over there). My father in law has a silly obsession with monkeys, so we were gonna make a video birthday card for him at AK. Anyone know where we could find monkeys at AK...
  5. iKat

    What are the "strange" things you look forward to?

    Hearing 'Driver, we're clear to you' ... beep beep on the tram... I always get just a little bummed if the driver doesn't honk
  6. iKat

    sum of all thrills

    It's in Innoventions East. :wave: Innoventions closes @ 7 most nights.
  7. iKat

    How strict is Disney on height requirements for rides?

    They're not only strict for your safety, but also strict because it's their job. Like FallenAngel, I've worked in attractions (not at Disney), and have dealt with height restrictions. It is a serious safety issue, and if they let a child on a ride that's even 1/2 inch too short they will get...
  8. iKat

    4th of July at WDW

    Do the parks usually close for capacity on the 4th? We've been debating going to EPCOT, but I don't get out of work til 3, do you think we'd still get in? Is it worth the hassle if we live close by? Thanks!
  9. iKat

    What are you celebrating question

    If you get the gift card option, does it have to be used on your birthday or just obtained?
  10. iKat

    How much would it cost to 'hire' the Magic Kingdom for a night?

    My mom had a friend that rented out part of MK, I think she said it was like $250k for 5 hours.
  11. iKat

    I need to take a quick moment to freak out...

    Don't worry about the rain and thunderstorms - it rains/thunders just about everyday around 3 in the summer in Orlando. Most of the time it only lasts for about 20 minutes or so, and it really thins the parks out. I do like the sound of 78 though... it's been 95 the past few days, and even...
  12. iKat

    Favorite Memory of Disney everyone says couldn't've happened, but you swear it did!

    I've done the same thing with how I remember SSE from when I was little. In the descent at the glassed in part I remember it as a scene of people living under water and dining in a restaurant under water. Was that in Horizons, I can't remember?
  13. iKat

    I must not go enough

    We live in Orlando, and since we got APs, Disney is all we can afford to do now. lol So we end up going once every couple of weeks. Though we manage to always to find things to do, we have gotten bored of some stuff, and most parks it seems there's just a few rides we do now. I completely...
  14. iKat

    Favorite Memory of Disney everyone says couldn't've happened, but you swear it did!

    I remember the monorail being stopped on the tracks b/w Grand Floridian and MK and malfunctioning and the doors opening on one side, with parents holding people away from the doors. I know that makes no logical sense, and the monorail was probably stopped, and I was probably daydreaming and...
  15. iKat

    **People who have been to Disney and come back since Swine Flu**

    We live in Orlando, and DH and I have been twice this week to Epcot and MK. We saw one person with a mask on - an older guy who seemed to already have health problems. That was it, nothing that out of the ordinary. We just brought some Purell with us, which we usually don't do. Enjoy...
  16. iKat

    Moving to Orlando.

    It really depends where you are in Orlando. Winter Park (it's near UCF) is a nice area. Just steer clear of Metrowest - not a great area with high crime rates. If you don't mind living a couple of hours away, USF is a good school, and Tampa's a great area. I've lived in FL most of my...
  17. iKat

    A question for those who work in attractions...

    I'm so confused about that... most of the cast members I've talked to are saying that's just a rumor and that they are hiring, just slowly :shrug:
  18. iKat

    Odd Things Overheard

    This one isn't funny but definitely an odd occurrence.. We were in the parking lot, just having got off the tram (I forget from which park). The tram did it's U-turn loop, beeped for the all-clear, and then the guy on the back screams, and almost falls off. The tram stopped, and the guy...
  19. iKat

    A question for those who work in attractions...

    Lexx, I feel your pain.. I've been on since August for a Front Desk position and haven't heard anything either. I was actually just gonna post a thread on not hearing back for awhile. The person I interviewed with said I should hear in November, but I guess the economy wasn't so horrible in...
  20. iKat

    Trouble seeing 3D Movie Attractions

    I have trouble seeing them from any point but straight on (like, if we're sitting to the right or left at all, it's harder for me to see). PhilharMagic is actually the only 3-D I've ever had an easy time seeing most of. Mostly I just see 2 images that don't quite blend. Last time I went to the...
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