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  1. C

    How much would you pay to spend one night in the castle?

    yes he told me that it has been given away befor i think it is for a later date like a few months away or something but he has given it away
  2. C

    How much would you pay to spend one night in the castle?

    it is valued at $850 per night my friend who works for dream squad has given it away a few times. so its not too much but not cheap by any means
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    Boy dies after riding Rock 'n' Roller Coaster

    well first off my sympathies to the family but now they will have to make a version that dosent give you any g's but come on sentinel astronauts pull 8-9g;s so i mean sure there web site says that but come on i just hope big changes dont come of this i rember back in 01 or sop another 7yr...
  4. C

    Disney faced with lawsuit in Mission: Space death

    why it will go through a lawyer playing on the heart strings of a jury what will probly will happen is eithe it will be demised or will be settled out of court disney usually dosent go to court they try to do it out of the publics view now thats usually good for them cheaper but can look bad...
  5. C

    Disneys Tropical Storm Adventure! 6-11-06

    GAHHHHHHhhhhhhhh 2 of my friends did green, leaving the rest of us to do orange. I had not ridden MS since AP Previews, I dont care what Disney says, the original has also been toned down, but I suppose its for the best. NO IT HAS NOT I HAVE WORKED THER FROM NEARLY THE START IT HAS NOR WILL...
  6. C

    Merf chooses to Go! (M:S Green)

    well finally get some time off to post ok it did go much smoother than i thought it would but there are still some major kinks to work out such as only having1 bay operating this was almost NEVER allowwed befor the change and shuld still not be why not well when 1 bay goes down for a long...
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    Poss. date for new version of M:S???

    well unless you have massive heart problems then your fine i love it how they think that its the ride alone doing this heck we had some one die in energy and pirates you dont see people not riding them becuse of that but people will be dumb so i guess i have to live with it
  8. C

    Poss. date for new version of M:S???

    well i go int tomrrow for 14hr of fun at the new setup what fun its going to suck and yes us cast members that work ther hate it one of the best things is when we wer being told about it the imagneer said they would make the side changes apparent hahahahahahhahahah anyone who has worked at MS...
  9. C

    Poss. date for new version of M:S???

    actually no date yet thats a guess yes it has been thrown around but there is nothing set in stone i say theres no way its coming on friday
  10. C

    Poss. date for new version of M:S???

    we do have a large staff compared to other places yes second only to safaris but the problem is they are leaving very quickly most are jumping ship rightly so we are already starting to mave manditory 6 days and we are getting new CP'S BUT IT WONT BE ENOUGH it will be bad one good thing...
  11. C

    Poss. date for new version of M:S???

    also i have learned that there will be more posisitions out front and inside this meaning more hours for a staff thats small as it is. this meaning mandidatory overtime for cast members who are ther mostly becuse such a thing will never happen . and they are planing on doping all the lines...
  12. C

    Poss. date for new version of M:S???

    Bad Idea I currently work at space this is a VERY BAD IDEA 1. we will no longer move people from bay to bay simply send them around to the fastpass whcich will back up ,mhy well withonly 2 spinning rides running that means if we need to move the people watching the first movie that means that...
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    Expolding Polyester Costoumes Of Terror
  14. C

    Fastpass Button?

    yes i have we kicked out a number of people for doing it and i even had a cast members ID take for it SO NOT A GOOD IDEA now no guest that just happens to hit it sure no one cares but if we see people doing it we take them and if they resist then its NO QUESTIONS asked we get security and...
  15. C

    Disneyworld, Fl - EPCOT Soarin' wait times

    ok soring will not go below 60 min on a normal day test track will be around 70 on a good day (that is if everything is working) and 90 on a bad day on the other hand mission space has no wates all day long for the most part you might see 30 or even 60 min just come back in 2-3hr and it will...
  16. C

    Siemens to redo Spaceship Earth?

    yes i have seen the concept drawing ant not one of them had the magic wand but as far as the ride it will minimal as in a few things here and there as well as redoing of the exit area of the ride but ther is no huge down time expected
  17. C

    Worst Disney ride experience.

    lies i have been ther along time i as well rode it as a guest in previews and it HAS NOT CHANGED AT ALL I now work there and i know for a fact thath it hasent changed one bit the only changes were to the outside movies to give us more time to speil its like anything its great the first...
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