Worst Disney ride experience.


Eh...let's see...bad experiences...
- Getting so jerked around on Space Mtn. that it broke my ID off my lanyard. Stupid mountain.
- Waiting in the queue for Roger Rabbit at DL, this little kid ahead of us kept yelling "OH, BABY HERMAN..." over and over and over for 45 min.
- Riding Test Track when it had an e-stop. When they cycle the ride back to the station, it doesn't get up to the normal speeds. Taking those banked curves at 65 is nice...taking them at 4mph kinda sucks. You just sort of hang there by your seatbelt.
- Teenage girls thinking it's cute to scream all the way through Mansion.



Well-Known Member
Star Tours...every single time I am on that thing I feel like I am going to :hurl: I don't know what it is...BTTF and the Star Trek ride in Las Vegas have never done that to me.


Well-Known Member
Lately - Haunted mansion at night when the liquored up college kids decide it will be fun to scream all the way through -- OR, the tourist that decided to video tape the entire ride with his camera light on --
mine is not really a bad expeirence but i was on dinasours in ak and right after you go through the time warp section we turned the corner and boom the lights went on and the ride stoped. its a whole different world when you can see it with all the lights on. that was my first expeirence of being on a dark ride with lights on. (casmember came to our car because someone didnt have their seatbelt on so thats the reason for the e stop


New Member
It isn't a ride, but my son almost passed out at Spectromagic. Combine food, rides, July heat, and crowds along Main Street watching the parade. It got to be too much. We took him to the first aid near Crystal Palace. After laying down, water, and air conditioning he was fine.


New Member
natalia1681 said:
I love Buzz Lightyear, but once got stuck in the little hallway for over 20 minutes, with the same 10 second loop going over and over and over.....

I kept thinking I was going to lose it and start crying. My husband thought it was great, though, because he just kept racking up the points.:lol: I was so focused on not crying like a baby, I forgot to shoot anything:cry:

lol omg I'm sorry thats horribal. Coming from A x T-Land cast member I know what it can be like having the music loop play over, and over, and over ect. Having to do Evac's on Buzz takes for ever. I was lucky enough to not have to ever do one.


Active Member
The worst time I ever had on a ride was two years ago on POTC. The couple in front of us had a toddler and I don't think they had changed his diaper the entire day!! Theres nothing worse than smelling a dirty diaper the entire ride.
A very dirty diaper!!!!


New Member
Since1976 We decided to ride Carousel of Progress for what we predicted might be the last time ever. At one point said:
i think i might have been on that same ride, i was there last at the begining of Nov 05 and the same thing happened, a couple wanted to get off and acctually opened the doors and the whole ride stopped.


New Member
i have a que problem...when i was at typhoon lagoon and i went on the stupid 27 secondon family ride that you have to wait an hour for.in line this stupid lady(ya she was stupid)she was right in front of a water fountain when she said" i have a fever".then she proceedd to the unloading area to get water,she goes unconcence(sp)and the lifeguards start cpr then the cm/liveguard calls base camp to tell the medics to come.medics come .puts girl on strecher and takes her out.i ride ride and i say that was the worst ride ever and gets really mad at self.never ride a 27 second ride that you have to wait 2 hours for its not worth it and i wwas in front of her to.


New Member
Last week on PotC (at magic Kingdom) there were a bunch of teenage girls that wouldn't shut up... not only were they talking about random stupid things, but they started talking about the ceiling (which is painted to look like the sky): "Is that the real sky?" "No, it's fake." "No way I thought it was real!" "Nah... well, maybe." "...I think that's the real sky." "I'm pretty sure it's fake." This went on for most of the ride. Note: you can see parts of the cieling that jut out, like the AC vent...

Luckily, once the ride stopped and they were getting out, justice was served. Slip, bonk.

I love the classic Disney rides, even Snow White's Scary Adventures, but I can't stand Small world... the song is annoying, the dolls are creepy, and in my opinion it promotes stereotypes. However, when I was a little kid I always got nervous when going underneath the Elephant head that rocks back and forth... it was like they never oiled the thing. Creek, creek, creeeeeeaaaaaaaaak........ I always felt like it was gonna fall on me.

When I was little I was afraid of everything, but dad would sometimes drag me on. Haunted Mansion and Kongfrontation at Universal scared the bejeezus out of me... heck, I was even scared of ET.

My first time doing the Hall of President's, this little kid wouldn't stop screaming and crying... not that I'd do it again anyway, it bored me.


New Member

stockboy3796 said:
Ok worst ride experience, lets keep this Disney only.

Ok mine is Mission Space, I know its popular to pick on but I rode it in preview and not only did I almost throw up, but the little kid next to me did while the ride was going.

I have gone on the ride since then and I swear it is toned down ALOT.

i have been ther along time i as well rode it as a guest in previews and it HAS NOT CHANGED AT ALL

I now work there and i know for a fact thath it hasent changed one bit the only changes were to the outside movies to give us more time to speil

its like anything its great the first time then after that you know whats going to happen

but for the record M:S has not changed since previews or opening i dont care who tell you it did its a LIE


Well-Known Member
please take note of this(many of you might have suffered it as well) and try not to make a trip in the middle of july well its not a ride experience but.....

OMG!!!!! last time i went to wdw there was a tour group a field trip or something? i dont know they were from brazil(not to offend or anything)
they would never shut up they kept singing and cheering in french or something it was sooooo anoying. they marched around with there stupid flags and ug!!!!! and alot of the cast members hate them apparently they come there every summer! the cm's were very mad and unpleased with this! everyone was sick of them. so finally on the bus someone said to them "isnt it time for you to go home!!!! when will you leave???" they replied " we are very happy... yes we leave when vacation is over" truly an agrivating time. once again NOT to offend any one from brazil! i pray they arnt there when i go! oh! and they were very rude! people pay alot of money to go to wdw and they dont want to be annoyed by this!:hammer:


Well-Known Member
20-some years ago....

My worst experience came when I rode on the Journey into Imagination. I was in grade school at the time, and the power failed in the building. All the lights went out and the ride, of course, stopped. And you can guess who was scared. :cry: Everyone under the age of 10 it seemed was having a mini-fit. After less than a minute, power was restored to the lights, but most of the animated characters, including Figment, were lifeless. That had a horrible impression on me at such a young age.

Laugh all you want. :lol:
But we were sitting there for about 15 minutes until the cast members started to come around to evacuate people. Then on the walk out I got to see how unreal the imagination journey was. I think I did alot of growing up that day after I realized Figment wasn't real... But I can proudly say that I did go on it again and again in future visits, and appreciating the creativity that went into that original ride.


New Member
I've never been a big fan of ToT but I go on because my dad has no one else to go on with. A few years back (probably when I was 12), I got on the ride and the guy sitting on my left (my dad was on the right) was pretty large. At the time there were no seatbelts on it so it was just the lapbar. I was convinced I was gonna fall out lol because I'm a bit smaller. So yeah, I was like really scared on that.

Another time, in 2002 we were at Voayge of the Little Mermaid, and the woman behind us was singing along VERY LOUDLY to all the songs. It was so annoying. And she was just like a normal guest there with her family and she must have not realized how loud she was but me, my mom, my sister, and my cousin were really annoyed.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
It’s a small world, 45 min. stuck in same place, they didn’t shut off the song. That’s all I can say or I might start crying, its just to painful.


New Member
I have never really had a bad experience, except when my little brother was young so we had to go on all the "baby" rides, like Small World, and pretty much all the other rides in Fantasyland


Well-Known Member
The only "bad experience" I've had on a ride was this past April. It was the last day before the rehabjon PoTC. We had 3 teens behind us. The guys were very loud and abnoxious.,just doing what teens in a group usually do. I'm sure they thought they were being cute, but they actually made themselves look stupid. We went back and rode it again, so we could enjoy the ride.


New Member
In DL this june... I was very excited to ride Indiana Jones. We get on the ride fairly quickly. We're seated with like ten teenage girls. They screamed the whole ride. I had no idea what was going on. I def think Dinosaur is the superior ride... it has a very clear story that is laid out in the preshow.

We go back that night to get a better ride through. And it breaks right before the finale. So we wait about 35 minutes and they let us out. We are given fast passes - valid for that day only. The park closed the second we got out of the queue. Did not ride again... still think it kinda sucked.

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