Poss. date for new version of M:S???


Account Suspended
My assumption of 3 lines, with no singles, is based on the idea that fastpass use is low and returns are not like TT or Soarin where sometimes a couple hundred or so people show up all at once.

I can see with FP gaining popularity then the FP line becoming a burden.


Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:
I love the armchair M:S CMs in this thread. They make me chuckle.

You need to have separate lines for each side. The two sides are not in sync. One line might move while the other stands still. If you have a mix of Orange and Green riders in a single line, what happens when the next 10 people in line are Green, but the only line moving up ahead is Orange? You're going to end up with empty seats on the Orange side when there may have been plenty of people in line for it. This is what's going to happen in the Fastpass line, and from what I hear Fastpass is very close to being axed at Space altogether. We'll see in a couple weeks, I guess. A lot of this depends on how popular each choice ends up being.
Huh? You have one line of people that you take everyone from...how is that a problem? Works for every other ride. I don't think two lines is necessary, especially with one or two centrifuges are devoted to this new ride type. Besides...running a centrifuge not at 100% capacity? Since when is that a problem for this ride. It almost never breaks a 15-minute wait time.


Premium Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
Huh? You have one line of people that you take everyone from...how is that a problem? Works for every other ride. I don't think two lines is necessary, especially with one or two centrifuges are devoted to this new ride type. Besides...running a centrifuge not at 100% capacity? Since when is that a problem for this ride. It almost never breaks a 15-minute wait time.

It almost never breaks 15 minutes? News to me... Granted it's far from being constantly more than that, but the wait still gets up there fairly often, usually as a result of a bay going down.

Back to this single queue idea. It's OK to have empty seats when there is no one in line to fill them. In the setup you're describing, there could be an hour or more wait with bays going half-filled. One line feeding two distinct and independent attractions that are prone to regular reductions in capacity is just not a good idea. That large group of guests waiting for a spinning ride that's running at half capacity due to protein will completely block the group of guests behind them from getting to the no-spin ride that's running at 100% capacity. Throw in the completely separate mix of Fastpass guests that also have to be sorted and sent down the appropriate line, along with a line of upset single riders who are wondering why they can't fill all those empty seats, and you've got chaos.

It's just a lot simpler and more efficient to do away with singles (which has always been a major source of problems) and do it this way. Without singles, the worst Ready Room of guests will be 75% full (and I have yet to see all ten teams filled with parties of 3), and singles will still be pulled from those in the training corridor. It's not the end of the world.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how the queue lines up inside the building so I can't realistically comment on it, but I think they'll have to kill Fastpass for this to work on this ride. Single rider may also work if there's a way to split the single rider line half way through routing one to the non spin side and the other to the normal side.


Well-Known Member
I would think that the demand for the no spin version would be so low that there would need to be any Single Rider adaptations made for that one centrifuge.


Active Member
dxwwf3 said:
I would think that the demand for the no spin version would be so low that there would need to be any Single Rider adaptations made for that one centrifuge.

I don't know about that. I have rode M:S one time back in Oct. of last year and have not planed on going back on it because it messed me up for the rest of the day, to where I had to leave the park early to go lay down. I love trill rides mostly coasters, and I am with out any health probs. I just had a check up 2 months ago with nothing showing up. but know since they will have this new version I will ride it again. and I am sure there a lot of people like me out there that said the same thing that they would not ride it again like it is.


It's really not that unusual. I've seen several of the cheap theater style simulators that have stationary seats. Even Disney will sometimes run Star Tours in an occasional on-demand "test flight" mode without motion, used to accommodate those in wheelchairs and with motion sickness when crowd levels allow.

From this week's WDW update at mouseplanet: "While it may seem like a simple modification—"just turn off the motors"—the change will not go into effect until summer due to logistical reasons. There needs to be design work done to accommodate two queues, two sets of Fastpass machines, and a new set of signage. A new set of pre-ride films may also be necessary. Once that is accomplished, Mission: Space will convert over to the two-tiered system."



Well-Known Member
gbrooks135 said:
I don't know about that. I have rode M:S one time back in Oct. of last year and have not planed on going back on it because it messed me up for the rest of the day, to where I had to leave the park early to go lay down. I love trill rides mostly coasters, and I am with out any health probs. I just had a check up 2 months ago with nothing showing up. but know since they will have this new version I will ride it again. and I am sure there a lot of people like me out there that said the same thing that they would not ride it again like it is.

Maybe so. We'll have to wait and see.
Hopefully this will actually boost ridership and help cut down on the large load that it puts on Test Track in FW East. With MS and TT being the two "thrill rides" on that side, when guests only want to ride one because of what they have heard about MS, it puts a big strain on the lines for TT.

If this seems to be a viable option it would probably be in the best interest to run more non-Gforce than the regular experience because a broader guest base will be able to experience the attraction. The G-force version will be the special treat for those who wish to experience it.


Beta Return
While the tame side may not fill to capacity on every cycle, I know there will be plenty of people, like me, who would take advantage of it.

I have HORRIBLE motion sickness. There isn't enough dramamine to let me go on the original M:S - no question about it. I can't even ride a coaster that goes upside down (I've tried). Now, I'm not sure if the rocking and tilting of the pods will still be an issue for me, but I'll at least try it - because I hate not even getting to experience the other effects just because my health won't allow me to ride the full-motion version.

I hope it's up and running by June 18-25!


Well-Known Member
I know that when I visited Epcot the ride I was most excited about was Test Track. I jumped off SSE first thing in the morning and ran over to TT to find out it was closed. Disapointed I headed back towards Mission Space and said, well this seems good, lets ride this. Then I noticed the 400 signs about motion sickness and so we skipped out on the entire pavillion. So basically the only thing we even got on that side of the park was UoE. Had the no spin option existed I would have gladly jumped on it and been happier. I do know that if it's still open next time I go there I'll definitely jump on and experience this pavilion which I totally skipped on last time.


New Member
also i have learned that there will be more posisitions out front and inside this meaning more hours for a staff thats small as it is.

this meaning mandidatory overtime for cast members who are ther mostly becuse such a thing will never happen .

and they are planing on doping all the lines and painting and so on OVERNIGHT I KID YOU NOT.

Altho in not wild about this change it will happen regardless of my kicking and screeming and i will simply call mangement when we have a guest sisituationand let them deal with there mistake .

but yes it will be bad and THERE IS NO PLAN ON MODIFYING THE MOVIE . it will stay the same for time being simply becuse all the videos are spefically timed for the ride and if they get off you have problems so probly no changes altho some time later.

we will be keeping the current height of 44in for both sides wjhy well the way the restraints are set up if your under 44in even by a tiny amount the restraint will hit there chin and there NO plans al all to change them becuse if they do than we cant chang them back to motion .


Well-Known Member
chupamiubre said:
also i have learned that there will be more posisitions out front and inside this meaning more hours for a staff thats small as it is.

this meaning mandidatory overtime for cast members who are ther mostly becuse such a thing will never happen .

and they are planing on doping all the lines and painting and so on OVERNIGHT I KID YOU NOT.

Altho in not wild about this change it will happen regardless of my kicking and screeming and i will simply call mangement when we have a guest sisituationand let them deal with there mistake .

but yes it will be bad and THERE IS NO PLAN ON MODIFYING THE MOVIE . it will stay the same for time being simply becuse all the videos are spefically timed for the ride and if they get off you have problems so probly no changes altho some time later.

we will be keeping the current height of 44in for both sides wjhy well the way the restraints are set up if your under 44in even by a tiny amount the restraint will hit there chin and there NO plans al all to change them becuse if they do than we cant chang them back to motion .

I thought M:S had a rather large staff for a ride, more than Soarin' or SSE, I don't know about Test Track though...


New Member
Testtrack321 said:
I thought M:S had a rather large staff for a ride, more than Soarin' or SSE, I don't know about Test Track though...

we do have a large staff compared to other places yes second only to safaris

but the problem is they are leaving very quickly most are jumping ship rightly so

we are already starting to mave manditory 6 days and we are getting new CP'S BUT IT WONT BE ENOUGH

it will be bad one good thing is thwere will be a Manager out side and one inside at all times durng the change (yeah RIGH NO WAY THATS GOING TO HAPPEN they couldent stay out thewre a full day after the lady died around 3pm they simply left and left us on our own even tho they said that they would be out there ALL DAY per brad rex )

so it will be bad but gheres some more info

1. all people going into the building riding or not will be given a card orange for normal green for non spining

2.they can go from the spinning to the non one but not the other way around YOU ARE SOL

3. ther will be 2 bays spinning 2 non so all 4 bays will be up all the time


New Member
MrNonacho said:
For all of those still wondering, this goes live on Friday.

actually no date yet thats a guess yes it has been thrown around but there is nothing set in stone i say theres no way its coming on friday

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