Disney faced with lawsuit in Mission: Space death

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Well-Known Member
Sharon L said:
This is just another example of our society's inability to accept that sometimes bad things happen and there is no one to blame. As soon as something like this happens, the lawyers start sniffing around, and soon they have convinced the people involved that it is someone's fault and they should be punished, monetarily of course. These lawyers usually get about a third of the judgement or settlement. They are truly the villains in these stories.
This is my position as well.

I don't think it's insensitive because I don't blame Disney for the boy's death. Why does the blame have to fall on someone? I don't think the parents are to blame since they didn't know about his condition, but why does that have to mean Disney is to blame? Mission Space as ample warnings against people with these types of health problems riding the ride, unfortuneately, nobody knew he had a problem, that's really nobody's fault. Especially since the condition he was found to have had could have been set off by a number of things.


believe it or not, not everyone has the internet.. and not everyone has the time to spend on these sites to gain this information about the ride.. When do people normally find out how intense M:S is?? When it is too late.. When they alreayd paid Disney thousands of dollars to stay and visit the parks... all because their 4 year old child saw what appeared to be a kiddie ride into space in a Disney commercial, obviously geared toward CHILDREN

I can't tell you how angry this argument makes me. Not just in this case - I've heard it so many times... People will come to WDW and have no clue that there is even more than one park. "But we just want to see the castle...you know, at Disneyland", they'll tell the GR host at Animal Kingdom. Or "We want to ride Jaws" at The Studios...:brick:

Why do people think that, just because they have spent money, they have NO obligation to know what they are paying for?! If you go of the parks (or anywhere, really) and spend thousands of dollars without knowing ANYTHING about that attraction, you are a fool (And a fool and his money are soon parted...).
You don't even have to have a computer - you can go to the library and read the guides for FREE. Heck, you can do that at most bookstores if you're really desperate. Not to mention that Disney, as well as the tourism board in Florida, will send you information for free, just for asking. The information is out there if you want it.

And once you get to your destination, they have signs, pamphlets, and in Disney's case, people available to you that can spell out most basic info again. And they have the warning signs. These are not decorations. Buying a park ticket does NOT exempt you from having to read these signs (or suffer the consequences.) I have actually had guests ask me "You expect me to read this?!?" Well, yes, they do. That's WHY they write it, so you will read it.

We need to be responsible for ourselves. Where does this sense of entitlement, this Everyone-is-at-fault-but-me mentality, come from?

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I've never said the parents are to blame... I've been saying that there's nobody to blame.

Yes, of course... if I lost my little girl, I would be devastated. However, in the same situation, I wouldn't sue Disney. There's absolutely no way they would liable so doing so would not make sense and would not alleviate the pain. However, I wouldn't return and I would probably forever associate the parks with a horrible event.

See, that is you.. But how many people live in the US?? You know that a vast majority right away think lawsuit.... People bring lawsuits all the time... Whether they are valid or not.... Truth be told.. Lawsuits are brought as a scare tactic more than anything, with the hopes of settling out of court... And that is what will happen here... Disney will settle with these people, basically to shut them up and get this out of the news... Just because they settle doesn't mean Disney thinks MS is unsafe and it doesn't show Disney guilty in anything.. It would just be cheaper for them to hand over a check and make these people go away.... it is a shame that our court systems have allowed this to happen... But, that is the way things are whether we like it or not... I think only good can come out of this... Even though this may be frivilous...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:
No commercial has ever shown anyone on M:S doing anything but looking forward and pushing buttons.

Also, the VAST majority of little kids come off the ride smiling and saying how cool it was. Almost every person that comes off the ride queasy is an adult. It's been my experience that younger kids generally handle the ride better than their parents do.

Next time the commercial comes on, pay attention to it... The two kids are laying down dreaming about going to Mars.. They then show 4 kids sitting inside the MS capsule holding the joystick and laughing as if this was some interactive, Buzz Lightyear ride...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
ilovepluto23 said:
I think it's safe to say that basically...noone is to blame. If tons of kids come off the ride smiling and just fine...and this one child died out of thousands of children...then there must have been an underlying, unknown condition. Noone is to blame that this wasn't found. Things can go undetected for years, but is that a physicians fault? A parent's fault? Not always. The human body is a strange yet amazing thing. It can only be figured out to a point. Hey, they're discovering new things in disease and medicine every day! (well...mainly b/c viruses have genetic shifts, drifts, etc. and then bacteria become resistant b/c doctors overuse antibiotics...that's going a bit too far).

Even though I find it common knowledge not to bring a child as young as 4 on a ride with G-forces...I assume a good bit of people don't think about it b/c it's a ride at WDW (and Disney's rides are probably the safest rides around). I guess suing is a way to grieve in a sense. What else can you do? Just go back home and pretend your child didn't die on a ride during vacation?

This time, I agree with you.... No one is too blame here... The only way anyone can be faulted is if it comes out that the mother knew her son had this severe heart condition or if Disney knowingly built a dangerous ride.. Which, would be extremely hard to prove.. So, no one should have blame cast to them... I was just really peeved when people decided to bash these parents for doing what 99 percent of us would do, and that is sue Disney is our child god-forbid passed after an ride on an attraction...

Is suing a way to grieve, for some I am sure it is.. A final resolution.. Not a replacement of a lost loved one.. But for others, it is a quick payout and an easy monetary score... Which is sad and pathetic.. We don't know the case here and it is unfair to assume these parents are greedy....

EDIT: I don't mean to sound like a but, when I want to respond to multiple posts, instead of creating 1000 posts by myself, how can i quote several differnt posts in one of my responses??? If there a way to quote several different posts instead of having to always go back to edit my post?? I am just so used to responding post to post, but I want to cut down on adding 1,000 of my own :)


New Member
dumboflyer said:
1. Sole Proximate Cause. Riding M:S was not the sole proximate cause of the child's death. This is evidenced by the preexisting heart condition and by the fact that NO ONE has ever died from riding M:S that didn't have a preexisting condition of some sort.

Florida actually employs something called substantial contributing cause. The wrongful conduct alleged by a plaintiff does not have to be the "sole" proximate cause. Instead, when there are multiple possible causes, plaintiff generally needs to prove only that the complained of conduct was a substantial contributing cause to the injury or death.

Again, that does not mean plaintiff wins merely by proving that the ride itself was a substantial contributing cause. Plaintiff would have to show that Disney did something wrong with respect to the design or warnings for the attraction and that misconduct was the substantial contributing cause.

I still believe this was merely an unfortunate accident and that no one is to blame.


Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
But by that argument, then no one should be held liable. I am not saying Disney should be held liable. I am clearly stating that the parents should not be trashed as idiots and bad parents.

The parents had questionable parenting skills by letting their 4 year old ride the ride. As a parent of a small child, I always go on a ride first by myself to see if it is appropriate for my child, we don't try something new that has a possibility of an adverse effect together. That is good that you test run a ride before letting your children on. And other parents SHOULD do the same. But, still, I do not see where this mother was wrong.. We cannot blame the father because he did not accompany them on this trip if i recall correctly. Questionable parenting skills would be plopping your child in front of a TV all day without watching what they are doing or monitoring their actions. Not giving your kids something to eat... I cannot question the parenting skills because the mother let her 4 year old son on a ride. As a matter of fact, it has been stated here before that other 4 year olds have been on this ride with no problems. The mother made the choice to let her son ride. I don't think she should be chastised for it.

You may say that Disney says the ride is safe, which it is. As a physician, there are many risks everyone takes in their lives, and some cannot be forseen. I am allergic to penicillin and almost died when I was 4 because of anaphylactic shock. If I did die, should my parents have had the right to sue the pediatrician becuase he gave me a medicine that I was severly allergic to and killed me? If yor doctor knew you were allergic and still gave it to you, then YES!!!!! But this is different. We assume Disney did not know this ride would have the problems it is having.

Disney has warned people not to go on this ride not only if they have a health conditon, but if there is a possibility of a health condition. Do they? The warnings state if you suffer from any of the following... The warning do not state IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A HEALTH CONDITION.. Get a picture of the warnings... Lets see for sure what the warnings say...

There are many other instances in life that cause harm and death becuase poor choices were made in instances that are safe to 99.999% of people but one person is effected by it. As for hundreds of people going to the hospital or being treated at the ride itself, I'd like to find out how many of those people have choosen to go on teacups, my guess is not many, and if they did how many felt similar to their experience on MS. I'm just so darn tired of people not taking responsibility for themselves or their children.:zipit Now this argument has resulted in comparing MS to the Tea Cups... why does it matter? Cause the Tea Cups spin?? I want to know how many sustained G's are on your body on the Tea Cups.. I want to know how many people have been on the tea cups and had the feeling of their skin peeling off their face.. I want to know how many people were on Tea Cups and had a ton of pressure applied to their chest. Have people gotten sick on tea Cups? UH huh... I would say more from spinning... And I would also venture to say, those same people who threw up, got sick from motion sickness from the Tea Cups and did not come off there feeling like they were having a heart attack... Whereas majority of those coming off M:S were SERIOUS enough to be rushed to the hospital... How many people came off Tea Cups with severe chest pains and needed an ambulance to be rushed to the hospital? I would say, not many, at least not as many as Mission: SPACE ...

You mention 150 people have gone to the hospital because of serious medical conditions, but how many were actually diagnosed with something other than near syncope or anxiety?. Just becuase someone feels like they are having a heart attack doesn't make it so, but as phyicians wer are obligated to keep that patient for observation and run some tests to rule out an MI. Yes I am comparing MS to the teacups because the majority of symtoms that cause people to have an unpleasant sensation on this ride is due to the vetibular system, not the shortly sustained increase in G force, which is very close in duration and strength to taking off in a comercial airliner. Feeling dizzy and experiencing nytagmus in a confined space are enough to make many people feel uncomfortable as well as experience anxiety, which I'll bet is the main reason ost people feel chest pain. It's unfortunate that the child died, but it would have happened sooner or later due to his condition. I wonder if his parents would sue his junior high basketballcoach if he died during a game, or the airlines if he died during takeoff, or a treadmill manufacturere if he died while rnning. All of these events are comparable to the actions that occured at Disney. People need to know that there are many risks in life and sometimes bad things happen and it is noone's or no company's fault.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
STGRhost said:
I can't tell you how angry this argument makes me. Not just in this case - I've heard it so many times... People will come to WDW and have no clue that there is even more than one park. "But we just want to see the castle...you know, at Disneyland", they'll tell the GR host at Animal Kingdom. Or "We want to ride Jaws" at The Studios...:brick:
People do get confused.. You know how many times I have corrected friends of mine who said the Hulk coaster was in Disney-MGM Studios??? They weren't there.. They saw an Universal commercial and assumed it was Disney. People are uninformed...

Why do people think that, just because they have spent money, they have NO obligation to know what they are paying for?! If you go of the parks (or anywhere, really) and spend thousands of dollars without knowing ANYTHING about that attraction, you are a fool (And a fool and his money are soon parted...). You don't even have to have a computer - you can go to the library and read the guides for FREE. Heck, you can do that at most bookstores if you're really desperate. Not to mention that Disney, as well as the tourism board in Florida, will send you information for free, just for asking. The information is out there if you want it.
Granted there are guide books out there that portray rides as they truly are... But, your post assumes people know that this stuff is out there... Maybe you have the time to read information on the internet, I mean, you do post here so you have the time.. Like the rest of us do.. but, there are people whi just don't have the time to get to a bookstore.. They may not even know guide books exist... I know it sounds lame, but there are people out there like this.... I don't think we can or should call them fools for that.. However, yes, Disney does send you information even without asking, just for making reservations, as long as you are staying on grounds... Now, if they don't read the pamphlets Disney sends, then shame on them... I actually keep the stuff Disney send me and I did look through it last night... And I believe I saw somewhere in the description of MS they do say it is an intesne flight to Mars.. not so much the exact wording...

And once you get to your destination, they have signs, pamphlets, and in Disney's case, people available to you that can spell out most basic info again. And they have the warning signs. These are not decorations. Buying a park ticket does NOT exempt you from having to read these signs (or suffer the consequences.) I have actually had guests ask me "You expect me to read this?!?" Well, yes, they do. That's WHY they write it, so you will read it.
That they do... And people should take advantage of the information Disney provides and follow up...

We need to be responsible for ourselves. Where does this sense of entitlement, this Everyone-is-at-fault-but-me mentality, come from?
The fact that Americans feel like things should be handed to them for free... it is ashame that people are like that, but they are... Doesn't make this right... And the sad thing is, they get away with it..

I think even though I see things a little different, that we basically do agree that this lawsuit is frivilous... But, I think the family will still walk away with money.. that is what it comes down too... Not whether these parents were right or wrong for letting their child on the ride... Bottom line is they will get paid... Which, sad to say, is becoming the American way...


Naturally Grumpy
dumboflyer said:
I don't know if anyone has already said this, b/c I don't have time to read through 200 posts right now. SO, if this is repetitious, please forgive me.

Why this Lawsuit will Fail
By Dumboflyer

1. Sole Proximate Cause. Riding M:S was not the sole proximate cause of the child's death. This is evidenced by the preexisting heart condition and by the fact that NO ONE has ever died from riding M:S that didn't have a preexisting condition of some sort.

2. Assumption of Risk. I understand the family's grief, but I think it's highly unlikely that the family sincerely believes that there wasn't adequate warning. More than likely, this issue was raised and is being pushed by the Plaintiff's attorney, who in turn is motivated by dividing the damages for a 4-year-old wrongful death by 3 to get his contingency fee.


In short, this lawsuit is a LOSER with a capital L. Unless he's completely worthless, the Plaintiff's attorney knows this would get shot down by a jury, and he's just hoping for a cost-of-litigation settlement.

AND, lest any of you think I'm regurgitating any of this from some website, I would like to point out that I am currently employed as a law clerk in a firm that practices ONLY in insurance defense.

I wish I could agree. Unfortunately in too many cases like this, the jury disregards any facts presented and simply wants to console the grieving family. Disney, pharmaceutical companies, big business have a lot of money, so it won't hurt them to share. While I feel Disney is in no way at fault, my guess is that it is 60/40 for them loosing the case.

In what I think is a similar type case (that I was associated with), a woman goes to her doctor and wants birth control pills. The doctor goes over the warnings about smoking and high alcohol use. The woman claims she doesn't smoke and is a moderate drinker. The woman later experiences liver and kidney damage, sues the manufacturer and her doctor. She admits in court that she is a long time smoker (pack +/day) and a heavy drinker. She acknowledges lying to her doctor and knowing of the counterindications with the pills. She wins anyway as the jury felt sorry for her physical injuries.

I also want to reiterate what wanna@dis said which is truly key in this case:

I've never said the parents are to blame... I've been saying that there's nobody to blame.

Can people not understand that $%^* happens. There does not have to be blame, there does not have to be fault.


Active Member
It is obviously a difficult time for this family, I think that is something many of us can understand. I too have lost someone in my immediate family and I am very aware of what this family is feeling. But, the only way to heal, is to deal with the occurance and move on. This lawsuit is not going to bring this child back to the family. I think they are just trying to prolong the situation and they are just trying to get all that they can from Disney.

Boardwalk Joe's

New Member
dxer07002 said:
Next time the commercial comes on, pay attention to it... The two kids are laying down dreaming about going to Mars.. They then show 4 kids sitting inside the MS capsule holding the joystick and laughing as if this was some interactive, Buzz Lightyear ride...
This kind of bothers me. Yes, the commercial shows a couple of kids enjoying the ride, but I have yet to see the correlation between the commercial and false advertising. How should the commercial be? Should it say something like 'This ride...could be YOUR last!' and then show kids freaking out in teh capsule and people throwing up? That would make no sense! They show WHAT the ride does, and up to how old/tall young kids have to be to enjoy it...do you really want them to add a 'fine' print at the end of the commercial saying people should be precautious because they might get sick or injured? I bet it wouldn't really make a difference to begin with...

And the argument that people can't always search for information because they might not have the internet. Your argument was also that for some people it would be too late to turn back after they've invested thousands of dollars in the vacation to find out that M:S has its complications. That's ridiculous! Who in the heck invests thousands of dollars in a vaction with absolutely NO information going into it? I'm sure they'll get brochures, or go online, or even goto travel agency, where they should be allowed inquire more about the ride if they ahve questions for it.

I think the argument of false advertising is irrelevant to this childs death and to the M:S lawsuit. I've seen the commercial a ton of times and it's gotten me stokked, and yeah I've never gotten the feeling that it could be dangerous. But once you're AT the ride with all the warnings, I realized that there's more than meets the eye, but never have I felt mislead by the commercial. Especially since I knew teh technology behind it (centrifuge with spinning G's) its like the local amusement parks' 'Gravitron' except with more of a theme and g's pushing.


New Member
dig8x said:
Disney does a fantastic job at putting up the signs, and I will not argue that at all. When I go into the park I see warnings for every ride I go on. I am just an average person, I do not have any medical condition that I know of, and so I do not worry about the warnings, as they do not pertain to me. I do not have heart problems that I know of, I am certainly not a pregnant female (I am in fact a man), and I do not suffer from motion sickness. To me, the signs essentially mean nothing. I have read them, and I understand them. Now who's problem is that? thats your own fault

I believe majority of the Disney guests read them as well. Like me, I would bet majority of people pay no heed to them, because they do not know, or have any idea that something might be wrong inside them. The point is that the signs are overlooked. A reasonable person would surmise that Disney would not put a ride in that your average healthy person would be injured or possibly even die on. and the average healthy guest wont die on it...... However, the sad fact is this ride is really intense. Astronaughts, and Air force pilots are trained to be able to handle G force speeds. This is a ride that puts visitors through a force that the average person has never experienced, and the body is not made to handle. I would also like to specifically point out that in the article they are not saying the Engineers don’t understand what G Force is, but the average rider does not know what it is, and the stress it causes your body.
You've never pulled two g's while not on <MS? ROFL........ air force pilots do7-8 gs for longer than we do MS.
It really has nothing to do with warning signs, but more to do with what a person would typically think. There was no reason for the parents to believe their child was ill. This ride was the catalyst to cause his death. That is sad, and unfortunate. If someone robs my house, and hurts themselves I am responsible for it. I see no difference here. Although it was an accident, it was on Disney’s property, and I am sure they have insurance for when things like this happen. Like I said before, I do not believe the family should make out like a bandit, but I do not feel it is unreasonable for them to sue for funeral costs. The ride caused the Childs condition to become aggravated, and that led to his death. Like it or not, the ride ultimately is what killed the child. It is not a matter of anything could have set it off; it’s that the ride was the trigger.

I understand a lot of people think the lawsuit is bunk, and I agree there are a lot of suits these days that have no real lines to be based on. I do think this has some substance to it.
Also, in my previous post I noted the ride “was toned down”, and someone claimed it was not. They turned off two of the centrifuges, which takes out the G Force that you experience during the ride. So it was in fact toned down. Disney claims, and I believe them, that they did it because it would allow more people to ride. The reason they did that is people were not riding the ride because they knew it was too intense. Disney knew this as well, and that is why there are now two versions. Disney has to take some credit for what happened. The kid did not just die on his own, the ride set off the condition. Let me put it this way. They cloned MS and changed the g force to 0.......

So in closing, I think some of you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I took a whole 10 minutes and actually typed this out the right way this time. I feel sorry for the family, and I do think they should be compensated for the funeral expenses. I would ask that you put yourself in the shoes of this family, and truly ask yourself what you would do. Is it unreasonable to think you, and your healthy (to your knowledge) child are safe to ride the attractions at Disney World? I would ask for lifetime passes......
my replies underlined.


New Member
dumboflyer said:
I don't know if anyone has already said this, b/c I don't have time to read through 200 posts right now. SO, if this is repetitious, please forgive me.

Why this Lawsuit will Fail
By Dumboflyer

1. Sole Proximate Cause. Riding M:S was not the sole proximate cause of the child's death. This is evidenced by the preexisting heart condition and by the fact that NO ONE has ever died from riding M:S that didn't have a preexisting condition of some sort.

2. Assumption of Risk. I understand the family's grief, but I think it's highly unlikely that the family sincerely believes that there wasn't adequate warning. More than likely, this issue was raised and is being pushed by the Plaintiff's attorney, who in turn is motivated by dividing the damages for a 4-year-old wrongful death by 3 to get his contingency fee.


In short, this lawsuit is a LOSER with a capital L. Unless he's completely worthless, the Plaintiff's attorney knows this would get shot down by a jury, and he's just hoping for a cost-of-litigation settlement.

AND, lest any of you think I'm regurgitating any of this from some website, I would like to point out that I am currently employed as a law clerk in a firm that practices ONLY in insurance defense.

why it will go through a lawyer playing on the heart strings of a jury

what will probly will happen is eithe it will be demised or will be settled out of court disney usually dosent go to court they try to do it out of the publics view now thats usually good for them cheaper but can look bad becuse it makes dis look klike they have something to hide

but they have been some crazy law suits tho one was some one tryed to sue diz becuse the hydrolators at living ses had blown out his ear drum from the change in pressure lolllllllll

or the one al tho maby just an urbam legand or diz legand that some one said a brick fell off the castle and broke ther foot i think its fake but even still

its sad what happed to the child but its in no way anyones fault if anything they shuld try to sue the doctor for not diagnosing him with this condidtion but its very had to diagnose becuse usually the first sign is a massive heartattack and death

but im sure the lawyer has convinced them that they are the victims here and they need to avenge there childs death and take down the EVIL diz beast who knows but a sad sisituation all around


Premium Member
dxer07002 said:
Next time the commercial comes on, pay attention to it... The two kids are laying down dreaming about going to Mars.. They then show 4 kids sitting inside the MS capsule holding the joystick and laughing as if this was some interactive, Buzz Lightyear ride...

Wow, this is a new one to me. Someone that thinks people shouldn't have fun on a ride at DISNEY WORLD. Are you telling me that the thousands of people that come off the ride each day with smiles on their faces are doing their vacation WRONG?

Of course the commercial is showing kids holding the control sticks and laughing as if it were some interactive ride. That's the whole point of the ride.


Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
I am not sure, but... part of the instructions are to keep your head still and look forward at all times.... I don't know if this is the same as centrifuge mechanics, but, if you stand up and twirl yourself around, looking straight and not moving your head, you will still get dizzy... May not be the same in this situation though... I am sure someone here may know..

It was mentioned in one of the previous threads in April about how the mechanics of the ride works, so I'll try and summarize them here and relate it to a personal experience:

By asking the guests to keep their head on the back of their seat and looking forward at the screen at all times... this aligns the inner ear with the spinning motion and neutralizes the feeling of spinning while on the ride. If you lean forward and turn your head side to side.... this breaks up the alignment and your body becomes disoriented about what is going on - thus getting dizzy and sick in the process.

After my first few successful trips on this ride, I thought I would be cute and I tried to look down the row at some of the other passengers to see how they were reacting to the G forces. Big Mistake on my part. By bringing my head out of alignment, I started to get disoriented and had to fight off the feeling of being sick for the rest of the experience. After I got off, I didn't feel right for a couple of hours, but I have only myself to blame.

On my next visit to M:S, I reminded myself to breath and keep my head in one place for the whole ride.... and all my rides since then have been great.


New Member
chupamiubre said:
why it will go through a lawyer playing on the heart strings of a jury

what will probly will happen is eithe it will be demised or will be settled out of court disney usually dosent go to court they try to do it out of the publics view now thats usually good for them cheaper but can look bad becuse it makes dis look klike they have something to hide

but they have been some crazy law suits tho one was some one tryed to sue diz becuse the hydrolators at living ses had blown out his ear drum from the change in pressure lolllllllll

or the one al tho maby just an urbam legand or diz legand that some one said a brick fell off the castle and broke ther foot i think its fake but even still

its sad what happed to the child but its in no way anyones fault if anything they shuld try to sue the doctor for not diagnosing him with this condidtion but its very had to diagnose becuse usually the first sign is a massive heartattack and death

but im sure the lawyer has convinced them that they are the victims here and they need to avenge there childs death and take down the EVIL diz beast who knows but a sad sisituation all around
please try and post readable....

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:
Wow, this is a new one to me. Someone that thinks people shouldn't have fun on a ride at DISNEY WORLD. Are you telling me that the thousands of people that come off the ride each day with smiles on their faces are doing their vacation WRONG?

Of course the commercial is showing kids holding the control sticks and laughing as if it were some interactive ride. That's the whole point of the ride.

You know what, we can argue till we are blue in the face. These M:S threads just start repeating themselves after a while... No one here is right, but no one here is wrong either.. We all feel how we feel and no one will change out minds... Maybe it is now time to stop this debate because, as with other M:S threads, this goes on and on and we all just repeat ourselves and get nowhere....

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
hokielutz said:
It was mentioned in one of the previous threads in April about how the mechanics of the ride works, so I'll try and summarize them here and relate it to a personal experience:

By asking the guests to keep their head on the back of their seat and looking forward at the screen at all times... this aligns the inner ear with the spinning motion and neutralizes the feeling of spinning while on the ride. If you lean forward and turn your head side to side.... this breaks up the alignment and your body becomes disoriented about what is going on - thus getting dizzy and sick in the process.

After my first few successful trips on this ride, I thought I would be cute and I tried to look down the row at some of the other passengers to see how they were reacting to the G forces. Big Mistake on my part. By bringing my head out of alignment, I started to get disoriented and had to fight off the feeling of being sick for the rest of the experience. After I got off, I didn't feel right for a couple of hours, but I have only myself to blame.

On my next visit to M:S, I reminded myself to breath and keep my head in one place for the whole ride.... and all my rides since then have been great.

Thanks for that explaining that... When I rode M:S i kept my head forward and back and I did not look side to side and did not get sick or dizzy, thankfully... My problem with M:S is that I just don't care for it.. I really didn't think it was a good attraction.. I am all for thrill rides, love them.. But this ride just didn't appeal to me....


New Member
dxer07002 said:
You know what, we can argue till we are blue in the face. These M:S threads just start repeating themselves after a while... No one here is right, but no one here is wrong either.. We all feel how we feel and no one will change out minds... Maybe it is now time to stop this debate because, as with other M:S threads, this goes on and on and we all just repeat ourselves and get nowhere....
This is the subject that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends....some people....started posting it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue debating forever just because this is the subject that never ends...:brick:

I'm sorry for this families loss but I will never understand how people seem to think suing is the answer. And that's all I have to say on that.
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