Poss. date for new version of M:S???


New Member
I'm going down for the week surrounding Memorial Day weekend, and I'm reeeally hoping to experience this! We went last year and I rode M:S just because I hadn't yet and wanted to experience it,even though I knew it would make me sick, and sure enough, I had to make use of those handy dandy barf bags. I'd like to ride it again without the centrifuge, though!


Premium Member
shaelyn said:
I'm going down for the week surrounding Memorial Day weekend, and I'm reeeally hoping to experience this! We went last year and I rode M:S just because I hadn't yet and wanted to experience it,even though I knew it would make me sick, and sure enough, I had to make use of those handy dandy barf bags. I'd like to ride it again without the centrifuge, though!

You just might get your wish. The cast starts getting trained next week, with the choice becoming available soon after.


Well-Known Member
Goofy4WDW said:
Too bad they couldn't have done something similar for Alien Encounter.

IMO, that's what they did. The difference is, unfortunately, we do not have the choice of seeing the normal show and we are stuck with the toned/dumbed (depending on your own opinion) down version only.

Anyways back on topic, thanks for the info Nonacho. I'll be down there in a few weeks and this is certainly interesting to me. I'm really looking forward to riding the lite version a time or two.


Premium Member
dxwwf3 said:
Anyways back on topic, thanks for the info Nonacho. I'll be down there in a few weeks and this is certainly interesting to me. I'm really looking forward to riding the lite version a time or two.

Make sure you get a green card. ;) I hear the orange side is a doozy.


New Member
MrNonacho said:
You just might get your wish. The cast starts getting trained next week, with the choice becoming available soon after.

Fabulous! Such a cool ride, and I know the boyfriend was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to ride it with him. Now I'll just drag him with me on the simple side! *moohahaha*


New Member
It'd be nice if they made wild side for those who want even greater thrills than what the normal ride offers. An extended launch to orbit (longer sustained G's), a complete orbit, then a re-entry to a landing would be great. With the Google Earth terrain maps available now the visuals on re-entry could be pretty cool too.

Unfortunately, liability issues would probably prevent something like that from even being considered. :(


New Member
It's funny that they are turning one of the centrifuges off. I mean, that's a waste of a LOT of money. With the cenrifuge off, there's no need for the capsules to be arranged in circle like that. I mean, they could build a totally different room, and have one or two capsules on traditional motion-bases, rocking back and forth, and it'd be exactly the same. They could even put one of these capsules in, say, a Disney Store, so you can ride Mission: SPACE while you're out at the mall.


Well-Known Member
eightieschild said:
It's funny that they are turning one of the centrifuges off. I mean, that's a waste of a LOT of money. With the cenrifuge off, there's no need for the capsules to be arranged in circle like that. I mean, they could build a totally different room, and have one or two capsules on traditional motion-bases, rocking back and forth, and it'd be exactly the same. They could even put one of these capsules in, say, a Disney Store, so you can ride Mission: SPACE while you're out at the mall.

Exactly.. what a waste.. mission space without the cenrifuge is a total waste of ride time. It's like going on the tea cups and they dont spin.. they just sit there still for 1 minute then you get off. Why waste the time.

Pete C

Active Member
eightieschild said:
It's funny that they are turning one of the centrifuges off. I mean, that's a waste of a LOT of money. With the cenrifuge off, there's no need for the capsules to be arranged in circle like that. I mean, they could build a totally different room, and have one or two capsules on traditional motion-bases, rocking back and forth, and it'd be exactly the same. They could even put one of these capsules in, say, a Disney Store, so you can ride Mission: SPACE while you're out at the mall.

So, what you are saying is that they should leave the 4th centrifuge as is, which is basically sitting there collecting dust, and dump MORE money into another room with new motion sim capsules? Um, ok. The waste of a lot of money is the room just sitting there doing nothing, which it is right now. At least with the new version they will be getting something out of their investment, rather than nothing. True the ride will not be used as originally intended. Time will tell if this turns out to be a bust or not. It probably will be a bust since the movements will not be as exciting as a purpose-built stationary motion simulator, but the arguement that the centrifuge pods should not be put to use in an alternate manner because it is a waste of the original centrifuge investment doesn't hold water.

Pete C

Active Member
I re-read your post and saw the part about moving the existing capsules and incorporating traditional motion sim. I just think that at this point they are not going to sink any more money into this. This is a stop-gap solution...good or bad. They are just trying to salvage something. The attraction is probably already proven to be a waste of money anyway in the sense of them expecting a much more popular attraction, and one that would have been cloned around the world.


Well-Known Member
Exactly...yes, it was a waste of money to build four centrifuges, but until WDI invents a time machine, they will stay. They might as well add an opportunity for others to experience the attraction, and I don't think it's going to be as atrocious as some suggest. Star Tours has been doing fine for what? 15 years?


New Member
Bad Idea

I currently work at space this is a VERY BAD IDEA

1. we will no longer move people from bay to bay simply send them around to the fastpass whcich will back up ,mhy well withonly 2 spinning rides running that means if we need to move the people watching the first movie that means that the "moving side" will not move for 6min minium and then if we lose it (and it has happend many times ) we will have to evac our side

2. CONFUSION people have enough trouble with the singles side already now we have 2 diffrent rides WOAH big problems

3. Tickets will not work i have been at space for a while now and wwe used to have single rider tickets (just like at test track) and it dident work people holsding the tick would tell me right to my face that they were told that they would ride together while on the ticket in bold letters told them THAT THEY WOULD NOT BE RIDING TOGETHER so now giving this card to every one will only be a bigger problem.

4. people will ride the non motion version and say that was nothing then have the bright idea i can handel the full version then we have puke and problems like 1 will happen making people mad and so on .

i hope that you can see while this looks good on paper it WILL NOT WORK and because of it i will be leaving mission space very soon.


Well-Known Member
chupamiubre said:
I currently work at space this is a VERY BAD IDEA............

....i hope that you can see while this looks good on paper it WILL NOT WORK and because of it i will be leaving mission space very soon.

I understand that there may be differing opinions on whether or not it may work, and yes I am not a cast member, so I can only speak from indirect experience. But I hope that everyone who does work there will try to remain positive and focused during the adjustment. Your first couple of weeks may not be great, but its necessary to iron the kinks out of whatever new line system is created, and maybe it won't be so bad after a while.


New Member
Pete C, no, I agree with you, and understand why they are making the changes to Mission SPACE. Not using one of the centrifuges is already a waste of money, so its more efficient to use it, even if it involves switching it off. Like you said, at least they will be getting something out of their investment.

My point was, it's a shame that they built such a huge, high-tech, expensive machine, simply to switch it off and run it as a typical motion simulator. I guess if they'd known about the lack of demand before they built the attraction, they wouldn't have built 4 centrifuges.

My point about moving the existing capsules was more of a joke. I'm not actually suggesting they should do that. But they could do that, have it set-up in a shopping mall, and the ride experience would be exactly the same as in Epcot.


Account Suspended
I don't see how this will be a problem to setup...

M:S has 4 centerfuges and 3 different queues. If they get rid of singles and make that line the No-motion standby, then merely direct fastpass guests to the correct side, what's the problem?

I've worked simulators and understand restaging when a vehicle/fuge goes down, but with 2 of each running what's the problem?

Pete C

Active Member
eightieschild said:
My point about moving the existing capsules was more of a joke. I'm not actually suggesting they should do that. But they could do that, have it set-up in a shopping mall, and the ride experience would be exactly the same as in Epcot.

Very true...that is funny. I make the same arguement about Star Tours. It is such old technology and needs to be updated. At least to the Stormrider level...bigger and better.


New Member
Yeah, I mean there aren't any/many ride experiences at Walt Disney World that you could fit into your dining room. But this new version of Mission: SPACE will be one of them.

And as for Star Tours, yeah, it's almost 20 years old! I think it was amazing for it's time, and still high-tech 10 years ago. But now, in the year 2006, it seems pretty old-fashioned.

Bigger and better, like Stormrider, would be fantastic. But just a new film, an all-digital HD projection, and THX surround sound would go a long way to making the ride high-tech again.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
I don't see how this will be a problem to setup...

M:S has 4 centerfuges and 3 different queues. If they get rid of singles and make that line the No-motion standby, then merely direct fastpass guests to the correct side, what's the problem?

I've worked simulators and understand restaging when a vehicle/fuge goes down, but with 2 of each running what's the problem?
They don't even have to get rid of singles. Merge FPers and Stand-by's before the 3 lines and ask guests where they'd like to go. Make the right line for the tame version, middle for normal, and left line for singles.


Premium Member
I love the armchair M:S CMs in this thread. They make me chuckle.

ISTCNavigator57 said:
They don't even have to get rid of singles. Merge FPers and Stand-by's before the 3 lines and ask guests where they'd like to go. Make the right line for the tame version, middle for normal, and left line for singles.

You need to have separate lines for each side. The two sides are not in sync. One line might move while the other stands still. If you have a mix of Orange and Green riders in a single line, what happens when the next 10 people in line are Green, but the only line moving up ahead is Orange? You're going to end up with empty seats on the Orange side when there may have been plenty of people in line for it. This is what's going to happen in the Fastpass line, and from what I hear Fastpass is very close to being axed at Space altogether. We'll see in a couple weeks, I guess. A lot of this depends on how popular each choice ends up being.

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