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  1. S

    Disney's Photopass - worth the money??

    Do keep in mind...back when we were there in April you were able to enhance your photos and have those burned to your disk also, when we went back in May they were no longer allowing you to enhance ANY of your was a HUGE disappointment!!!!!!!!!!!! Personally it is a great deal, I...
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    Character Breakfast recommendations

    We have done them all...and probably our favorite breakfast was at Ohanas...I would definitely check that out...GREAT good!
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    swan / dolphin

    And another thing that I was disappointed that we could not get on the dining plan while staying there!
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    Best Beds at the Resort

    HANDS DOWN it is the Swan and Dolphin...they are AWESOME!
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    By way of Tampa or Orlando? What would you choose?

    We have done the drive from Tampa to Orlando twice...really not a bad drive...but the people are not prepared for TRAFFIC and CONSTRUCTION...we sat in stop and go took a good hour to get to Orlando...just give yourself plenty of time to get back to Tampa from Orlando...
  6. S

    Honeymoon packages

    Steven, As for perks within the parks...there won't be too many...obviously if you get the honeymooning button and wear the cute ears people will make comments, but as for getting "perks" there really aren't any...outside of maybe getting fast passes. GOOD LUCK and enjoy! Kim
  7. S

    Annual Passes or No expire tkts What would you do??

    I totally agree...go with the AP...we went in April and then had an "unexpected" trip in May...I wish we had known about the May trip before I had purchased tickets because th AP would have been so the previous poster said...then you can go in just for a couple of hours and not...
  8. S

    anything stolen?

    We actually had an amazing thing happen when we were at WDW in April...I had gone to get FastPasses for Soarin' and somehow I lost on of the passes. I went to see if anyone turned it in at the desk by the ride and had no luck...they told us to try guest husband (and I) thought...
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    The Enchanted Magic Kingdom 6-25-06

    LOVE the pictures. Do you...or anyone else for that matter...have a picture of the barber shop at the front of MK...we had my daughters first haricut done there when we were there in May and I totally spaced out and didn't take a picture of the outside and it would be cute for her scrapbook...
  10. S

    Photo Pass Questions

    I purchased the CD on our last two trips...on our trip in April we were able to enhance the pictures which was GREAT, not they don't allow you to enhance them which stinks but it is still a good thing to buy. You get pictures that were taken with any PhotoPass person (and the Breakfastsaurus in...
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    New Baby Swap Method?

    She is is kinda odd because it depends on who is working how it will work. One day we were at AK going to go on EE and I was told that I had to wait in line and then when we got to the front where the cast member was they would give me a ticket to go on later and then I could hang...
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    EMH Question?

    I know when we there in May they didn't scan our cards, just looked at the card, asked us how many bands we wanted and handed them to us and we had to put them on ourselves.
  13. S

    How young is too young?

    We took my daughter when she turned two and she had a good other posters said, you have to take it slow. Do I think that there is a TOO young? Yes, the people that are out there in 95 degree heat with a that is TOTALLY crazy! I couldn't even imagine the number of...
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    Cute Fastpass Story

    It is so nice when you have that little bit of pixie dust sprinkled on you! When we were there a few weeks ago we went to ride on the Pooh ride and the girl working the lines gave my four year old daughter fast passes so we didn't have to wait. Then we went back to the Pooh ride a couple of...
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    And you cannot be on the dining plan there.
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    We were told though that if we wanted to drive to the parks all we had to do was show our roomkey and parking at the parks would be free...because essentially you already paid for it at the hotel.
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    We stayed there from May 25th to the 29th with that special $149 a night deal...we paid (like $30 more for $179 a night) for an upgrade of the room and I honestly have NO clue what it was for...I ran out of time to ask them because whatever it was wasn't worth it! They charge you $8 a day to...
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    Going down in April

    DH is Dear Husband DD is Dear Daughter DD1 is what I do to say my 1 year old Dear Daughter It is lingo that you will learn on the boards...I know I was TOTALLY lost when I started.
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    Going down in April

    Yeah we just let our DD sleep when she wanted...and most times by the end of the night she was sacked out in the stroller and I would just go shopping with her with my DH and other DD went on the rides. I was amazed to see a baby that was like 6 weeks going on that orbit ride in...
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    Going down in April

    We just had my daughter down there with us...she was just a year old and she could go on all of those ride...she rode Dumbo, the Magic Carpets, The Orbit Ride, Buzz Light Year...she even could have gone on the cars in Tomorrowland, but my DH chose to sit out with her. It is hard to be there...
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