Cute Fastpass Story


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A few weeks ago I went to Disney for a day with two of my aunts. I was the only one who wanted to go on Space Mountain. Ok, I could have SWORN on my life there was a one person line like on test track but apparently not. I decided to ask anyways...I asked a younger guy at the Fastpass if there was and he said nope but I'll make one just for you :animwink: and he gave me a pass to get on right away. Now my aunt says I got the pass because i'm 21 and cute haha...but I thought that was uber nice of him!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks

I haven't been "cute" since I was under two and haven't been 21 for 25 years! :lol:


Hehe, That also happened to me once when I asked. Except I'm a guy and the person at the fast pass area was a guy...:veryconfu
I'm guessing they get asked that question a lot and they just hand out the printed fast passes for baby swap...but take what you can get!:animwink:


New Member
Tenny317 said:
A few weeks ago I went to Disney for a day with two of my aunts. I was the only one who wanted to go on Space Mountain. Ok, I could have SWORN on my life there was a one person line like on test track but apparently not. I decided to ask anyways...I asked a younger guy at the Fastpass if there was and he said nope but I'll make one just for you :animwink: and he gave me a pass to get on right away. Now my aunt says I got the pass because i'm 21 and cute haha...but I thought that was uber nice of him!

HA HA...I think I know who that was. Did he have blonde hair? Wearing dark sunglasses? If so, that was John. LOL. John's a good guy, I enjoyed working with him when I was working in Tomorrowland. John and I used to give Fast Passes to the cute girls all the time. Then I met my g/f and I had to stop :)


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Hahah...he did have blonde hair...but no sunglasses that day, he was under an was just funny I enjoyed it
I agree...take what you can get!! I used to be cute I'm just "mom" cute!!! Which is also cool, but different! :D

P.S. - love your avatar...I keep trying to talk my 4 year old into buying POTC fruit snacks because Johnny is on the box..she just says he's "scary!" :)


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well being a mom is awesome! go you, i can't wait!!

and i love my avatar...i think johnny is sooo bad a$$!! :)


Active Member
I've tried to give FP's away before, but sometimes it can be fairly tricky. On two separate occassions I had 5 FP's eligible to be used immediately, but the family I chose to ask apparently didn't trust me and refused to use them.
I only wish someday someone gives me a couple FP's, as I know I'll use them the second they're given to me.


Well-Known Member
I got to re-ride once on SM once because a semi-effeminate male CM took a liking to a good looking guy friend of mine at the loading dock, at unload we were told that if we wanted to they would put us right back on the ride again, so we went back up and rode again. He had a nice chat with my friend again and everybody comes out happy. The joys of being open minded and not easilly threatened heh.


shmmrname said:
I've tried to give FP's away before, but sometimes it can be fairly tricky. On two separate occassions I had 5 FP's eligible to be used immediately, but the family I chose to ask apparently didn't trust me and refused to use them.
I only wish someday someone gives me a couple FP's, as I know I'll use them the second they're given to me.

I have given away FP's a few times before. The people always stood there for a second and thought about it, then decided to take them, and said thanks. There have been a few times I have been offered FP's, but they have been for rides that I don't go on (like TOT and Rock N Roller Coaster).

I wish I would be offered a couple of EE FP's. That would be nice.


New Member
brertigger said:
I wish I would be offered a couple of EE FP's. That would be nice.
We gave away a pair of EE FP's on our last trip! Haha, we went to use them and the ride was stopped. They swore it would just be a few minutes, but we didn't feel like waiting so, since our fast passes had JUST become valid, we found another couple and explained the situation and they took them gladly :D

If we don't end up using FP's and don't give them to someone else, it makes me sad lol.


New Member
A friend and I once got FPs for Splash Mountain, but then decided we didn't really want to stay in the park long enough to wait around for the return we saw a little boy and his dad walking that way as we headed away from the Mountains, and they were talking about how excited they were to ride it. We gave them our FPs, and they were so happy!
A few weeks ago, a bunch of my friends and I were waiting in line to go on Space around 11 pm or so, with the park closing at midnite (Disneyland). We are a fairly loud group, so it was kind of hard to miss us. Well, we got to the loading dock, told them 12, and soon enough we were on our Space mission.

As we re-entered the unload area, the guy working there looks at us, asks "You guys have 12 in your party? Here you go!" And handed us 12 FPs that could be used immediately. So we ran around to the entrance, used our FPs, and as we came into the unload area from our second ride he was at the console. We were ready to hop out, and he waved, said "Have a good time!" and let our rocket continue for round 3!

Totally made our night :)


New Member
It is so nice when you have that little bit of pixie dust sprinkled on you!

When we were there a few weeks ago we went to ride on the Pooh ride and the girl working the lines gave my four year old daughter fast passes so we didn't have to wait. Then we went back to the Pooh ride a couple of days later, the same girl was working and she gave us more! It was too husband was convinced she thought that he was cute...LOL...I think not! But it certainly was nice with two little ones to not have to wait in the lines.
Most of the CMs, waiters, waitresses are so nice - my mom went with her three best friends from high-school when they were 40, and they were given free fast passes AND carded at two different restaurants. They called every night from the hotel laughing like...well, like they were my age! And I know people say that waiters and waitresses do things like that to get bigger tips, but it really made their day...she'll still mention it once in a while:wave:

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