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  1. N

    Finally! GF with my mom!!!

    That will be a great trip for you and your mom. :) I'm in a similar situation myself-- my mom and I are going for 2 days next weekend! We're going to Epcot one day and MK the next, and have dinner reservations at Coral Reef Restaurant and Narcoossee's. I'm sure the weekend will fly by, but...
  2. N

    Does any one find test track to be boring

    Now that sounds like a completely different type of ride. LOL
  3. N

    Magical Express problems?

    I have used ME two times and had different problems each time. The first time, we waited in various lines and took 3 hours from the time we landed to get to our hotel. The second time (about a month ago), my luggage was delayed until the next morning in arriving at my room. I would still...
  4. N

    New Park Rumored in Missouri!

    Maybe they chose Missouri because Walt Disney had so many fond memories of Marceline. It does seem like an out-of-the-way place, but then again, not many people were travelling to the groves of Central Florida before Disney bought all that land. WDW definitely made a difference in that case...
  5. N

    What's the sickest you've been at WDW?

    Wow, that definitely takes the cake for worst way to spend your trip to Disney! That sounds horrible-- I hope she doesn't have to go through something like that again. :(
  6. N

    What's the sickest you've been at WDW?

    On my March '07 trip I got a stomach bug and spent the majority of two days in our hotel room in bed. I knew it was over for me when I went on DINOSAUR (normally one of my favorites) and felt like I was going to die from the pain. It was one of those whole-body ache things where you're...
  7. N

    Dining Suggestions

    I second that vote for Narcoossee's. It really feels like a seaside restaurant to me, and is very romantic. It will use up 2 of your full-service meals per person, but is well worth it especially for dinner. On my trip last week, our group (3 adults) had a dinner there that rang up to be $290...
  8. N

    Just got back - some thoughts...

    They were everywhere on Friday (the 23rd) to Sunday (25th). After that they mysteriously disappeared and were replaced by high school band groups.
  9. N

    Just got back - some thoughts...

    Believe me, I feel your pain on that one. I just got back from WDW 3 days ago, but instead of the cheerleaders, I had to endure several men's college sports teams. (I have no idea what event they were there for.) Being a mid-20s female, and often on my own at night, I was subject to a lot of...
  10. N

    Peak Season wait times for ME?

    Hi Eric, Thanks for your reply. The reason I asked is, the one time I used ME I had one of those "widespread problems" where it took exactly 3 hours to get to my on-site hotel after getting off my plane. I'm definitely willing to give ME another try (hey, it's free!) and I'm confident it...
  11. N

    I have only one thing to say........

    Only 2 more days for me!! But hey, does anyone else think WDW flies by too quickly? I get a little sad at the halfway marker during my trip just knowing it's a few days from being over. (sniff)
  12. N

    Peak Season wait times for ME?

    Hi everyone! I will be leaving for WDW in 3 days (yippee!!) and most likely taking Magical Express from MCO to the Contemporary (provided the wait times aren't horrendous). Does anyone know what the average wait time is during spring break season? Oh, and I don't know if it makes any...
  13. N

    ToT chickens

    I love ToT up until the drop. I think the special effect with the disappearing family is so cool, but I'm already in a cold-sweat because I absolutely hate the drops. Ah well, I've survived it 3 times and hopefully won't chicken out this time. And P.S. to Fizzle75: Rock n' Roller Coaster...
  14. N

    Attraction Posters

    At Art of Disney, do you know what the smallest size is that they sell? I would LOVE to get all the attractions in a 5x7 or 8x10 size and line them up on a wall. That is, as long as it doesn't completely break my budget!
  15. N

    Question about Magic Kingdom entrance....

    Yes you can. If you leave the front entrance of the Contemporary's main tower, turn right and walk past the waiting area for the WDW buses, you will continue on that same walkway for about 10 minutes (at a leisurely pace), and that will get you right to Magic Kingdom's main entrance.
  16. N

    Need help w/ Magical Express

    I think several factors contributed to our long wait. I stood in the check-in line for about half an hour, then we were in the individual bus line for over an hour. It seemed they got through two rotations with the other lines until we were able to board. Plus, our hotel was the last drop-off...
  17. N

    Need help w/ Magical Express

    Thank you so much for the suggestions! I think what I'll do is sign up for Magical Express, then decide what to do when I reach the airport and see the lines. I can't wait! Thanks again!
  18. N

    Poly vs Contemporary

    i've always loved the Contemporary because that's where we stayed during all my childhood trips, so... it contributes to many fond memories. But maybe that's just me. It can seem very sterile if you've never stayed there before, especially compared to many of the themed hotels. But, it has it's...
  19. N

    Need help w/ Magical Express

    Hi all, I will be flying solo to meet my family at WDW this March. On our last trip, we used Magical Express and it took exactly 3 hours from the time we landed at MCO to when we arrived at our hotel. It was a rather long-winded affair, and I'd almost rather shell out the money for a taxi this...
  20. N

    Wyland Gallery at Polynesian Resort

    I have no idea, but you might just want to call the Polynesian directly (407-824-2000) and have them connect you to the store. I'm sure they'd be happy to tell you who the artist is if you give them a description of the work. Good luck!
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