What's the sickest you've been at WDW?


New Member
Had to ________ really bad once, but didn't wanna go. Don't enjoy public restrooms when I have to ________. Finally did though, and felt much better. If you wanna count that as sick.


Well-Known Member
I've gotten sick twice during different Disney cruises (neither were Disney's fault - one was sun poisoning after too much fun at Castaway Cay and the other was a halfday stomach illness while we were at Key West).

Mission: Space completely messed me up for a good 3 hours the first time I went on it (back when it was only one version). I almost passed out and could barely attempt to eat hours later - and that was only white rice from Japan. Green Team for me from now on...
On my March '07 trip I got a stomach bug and spent the majority of two days in our hotel room in bed. I knew it was over for me when I went on DINOSAUR (normally one of my favorites) and felt like I was going to die from the pain. It was one of those whole-body ache things where you're constantly in the bathroom too, not fun.

I have to disagree with other people's comments-- I think it's so much worse to be sick at Disney than at home. I kept thinking about how I was paying all that money to be lying in bed in miserable pain, when I could have been in the parks having the time of my life.

On another trip, I rode Mission:Space (bad idea) and the other two people in my party were puking for the rest of the day. That's not too fun either.


Well-Known Member
Last year my DH got blistered (literal blisters) after spending a day at typhoon lagoon. The rest of the trip (3 days left) were miserable. Animal Kingdom's asphalt/sun combination didnt help. It was in April afterall and pretty hot. It was so bad he couldn't take a shower or bath just a towel bath. And he was about to cuss out goofy at Liberty Tree because you know how they like to slap your shoulders and back. But it is Disney World so you can't help but to be happy.

Thats a second degree burn! :eek: You have to be careful and wear sunscreen all the time in Florida. They want you to wear it year round all over now, no matter where you live. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I always got sick when we went to disney. The worst was when it was so cold that I got broncitis! I think that's how you spell it!

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
I've been lucky to say, ( or maybe I shouldn't ) say I've never been sick on any of our trips. I can't say the same for the rest of my family, my wife and oldest son needed to go to centra-care, and my youngest son had a nasty cough, but it didn't seem to slow him down. But now that I realize it, I may have cursed myself, we leave in 2 days. :eek: :zipit:


Well-Known Member
The sickest ever was when I was younger and I got a double ear infection. Not fun.:( Most recent one was at my 2nd P&P party I got a horrible stomach ache and almost missed seeing Captain Jack.


Well-Known Member
When DH and I were on our honeymoon at WDW, DH started to get a little cold, but I got the worst of it. I got bad allergies which turned into a sinus infection, I lost my voice and couldn't talk, and I was consistantly blowing my nose. And on top of it all off, and I'll be a polite and try not to be gross, but I also had my monthly girlie thing...ON MY HONEYMOON?!?! How lame is that?


New Member
When my husband was younger, he went to WDW with his parents. His dad got so sick. He had to pass his kidney stones and he had to stay in bed the whole time. I would've been EXTREMELY upset that my vacation was ruined. As for me, I've never been sick at WDW....and hopefully never will.
ooooh...."that trip" my entire family minus my mom was struck down by a stomach flu. My mom was sick about a week before we left, no one else got sick and we all got on the plane excited about the trip. On the way there, my brother who was 1 at the time threw up. But we just blamed that on him being little and on a plane for the first time. The next day at the MK, I started to feel a little queasy, but my mom insisted it was because I hadn't eaten all day. Then we stopped for taco salads (was horribly cursing that plan a few hours later) My other brother, who was about 3 starting puking in the girft shop of Pirates, so we decided to head home. In the parking lot, my other brother (about 13) starts throwing up, to which my mom yells "watch your shoes!! theyre the only pair you have." I managed to make it back to the hotel before I started. All 4 kids collapsed into beds, and we took turns on the bathroom floor. A few hours later my dad fell victim. I remember watching tv, and whenever a food commercial came on, having to run to the bathroom. The night was miserable. Everyone was terribly sick, except for my mom, who in the middle of the ngiht, between taking care of 5 different people, let out a quote that will live in family vacation history forever...."it's 3 oclock in the morning, we're in the happiest freaking place on earth and i cant help anyone!!!!!!" 2 days later, we were all well enough again to start the trip over again. without the stomach virus.


My friend and I went together in 2005 and we both had some kind of sinus infection, so we were both on antibiotics. I can't swallow pills and my doctor didn't believe me when I said there'd be a minifridge in our hotel room, so he gave me chewable tablets that I couldn't get down. I had to crush them up every morning and every night and mix them in a bottle of Coke and it was disgusting and pink and down it as quickly as humanly possible.
It didn't matter; I was still at WDW. :)


Well-Known Member
OmG I feel sooo bad for u guys. I have only gotten sick @ Disney Once, I had a sinus infection and sun poisoning the last day of the trip, which made me really sick on the plane ride home.
My Father got sun poisioning on the first day of the trip, so it was me , my mom, and my mom's dad came with. My grandma stayed with her son-inlaw- HOW CUTE!!!
My mom also got a sinous infection.
But I'm sure that isn't the worst.
I feel bad for the people who have it worse!
~ A dream is what your heart makes~
~When You wish upon a star~


New Member
The sickest I've ever been was back in '93. I treated my entire family to a 10 day WDW vacation. When we went to check out, the CM at the front desk handed me my bill. I still haven't recovered.
BTW Never, ever get on the Tea Cup Ride with two 9 year old kids. They just turn evil.


Well-Known Member
Spent 3 days and nights in bed in a $350 a night Deluxe resort with a 104º fever once while my wife did the parks by herself.
Had a flu and was miserable. Luckily I didn't get sick until the last 3 days of our 7 day vacation. It took me 3 weeks to get over it. The plane ride home was Hell....coughing and sneezing, one minute sweating, the next minute freezing. I hope I didn't make anyone else sick. I wouldn't wish what I had on my worst enemy.


Mission Space. I don't want to hear others say it is no big deal but I was sicker than a dog after that. I have never been sick after a ride. It took hours before I felt better.

Never been sick there otherwise.

My head was a mess for atleast 2 days after I went on this. My daughter loved it.


Well-Known Member
WE have never realy been sick for any of our vacations to WDW except for maybe a cold and I do not really consider that bad. Now on our last trip we had some issues. My DD and I were already at WDW a week before my DW and MIL came down. So we head out for dinner that night and have a great meal. The next morning we wake up and off to Epcot we go. Now I am starting to feel a little weak and just not right which is very unusual. We get to Epcot and we are there for about an hour and I am sweating up a storm and it is about 60 degrees out and my stomach does not feel good. My wife is now starting to have the same symptoms I have. Well I head back to the room myself and the rest of the family hangs at Epcot. I get back to the room and find myself not leaving for 3 days. During the three days I probably spent 2 days sitting on the throne with gut wrenching pain. I could not even sleep since I was fearing making a mess when I was sleeping. This was the most miserable I have ever been in my life. Now my wife had some minor issues and showed up back at the room only about 1 hour after I did, but she was mostly better the next day.
Now we had the same meal the night before and she anly had a few bites of hers and saved the rest to take back to the room and never ate it. I on the other hand ate may whole meal and ended up not so happy the next day. Was it some thing I ate or a stomach virus? Well I had not seen my wife for a week (she in NY me in FL) and then we had at the same meal the first night I saw her. This time I would say something in the food, but you never know.

I just hope this doesn't happen again. I will now never be able to eat that meal again at WDW and it was the only restaurant that we have hit every trip we have ever made to WDW and I have always eaten the same thing. Well not any more.


Well-Known Member
It was Jan 2, 2005. I felt kind of crappy the whole vacation, but never admitted it to myself or my family. I'm a firm believe of the power of positive thinking. Well, I got sick, but still went out to MGM with my family b/c it was our last day. I was so sick I thought I couldn't ride ToT, but I knew I had to b/c it was my last day. So I rode and it was the scariest time ever b/c I needed to keep that vomit down.

When I sat I got naseous, so I walked home to Yacht Club instead of taking the boat. I got under the covers and fell asleep and awoke about 2 hours later in a puddle of sweat. The sheets and I were soaked. I felt a million times better and called Mousekeeping to come up with a change of sheets after sweating that nonesense out. I explained what happened and helped her change the bed (b/c she wouldnt let me do it myself). It was rough.

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