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  1. M


    Actually, your best bet may be a stop over in Atlanta, since that's where Delta's hub is. Several years ago I was flying Delta from Rome to NYC. We ended up missing our connecting flight in Rome and it took us two days to get another flight (I was traveling with a friends 16 year old daughter...
  2. M

    Disney Direct

    I love Disney Direct. And Disney Auctions and Disney Deals and and and... I think that's all of them. LOL
  3. M

    Another Fuel Shortage Topic!!!

    Here's an example of a price increase I experienced this weekend. On Thursday evening I was speaking with my sister and discussing that the prices of gas were probably going to affect air fare as well and our planned trip to see our other sister in Dallas would probably be out of the question...
  4. M

    Walt Disney World Research Survey

    Have you ever considered setting up a free web mail address to use for things of this nature? I tend to do that whenever completing registration forms for sites I'm not 100% sure of. That way they don't get my "good" email address and I can scan through it once in a while to see if I have...
  5. M

    Fuel Shortage

    I live in NYC, the gas station I passed on my way home from work tonight was up to $3.65/gallon.
  6. M

    Most Beloved Disney Item You Own

    Mine is a Mickey Mouse doll I received when I was very young (5 or 6?) from my God Mother who lives in California. He's about 5 inches high and full of beans. LOL That sounds funny. LOL I slept with him for years, but he's worn out so much that he keeps spinging leaks and losing his beans...
  7. M

    Considering Easter 2006...

    I was there this week during Easter week, we thought it would be bad but hoped that it wouldn't be too bad because the schools in the east were out the week after (we went when my nephew was out of school, Florida is out the week before NY). It was PACKED!! We managed to do everything we...
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    Dining Plan Scenario Questions

    This is something that I've been confused about since we booked our trip. I'm going with my sister and two nieces, ages 2 and 4. We were told that we didn't have to pay for the 2 year old because the meal plan is for ages 3 and up. Does that mean she eats for free?? She eats a wider variety...
  9. M

    Good luck for Disney Dinner Ressies Late Sept.!

    I'm going 9/26 - 9/30, and we gave our restaurant choices to our travel agent last week, she made us reservations with no problems. We told her any time after 4:30 pm would be fine. Maybe you just aren't flexible enough?
  10. M

    Crowded with free dinning?

    We're going the same exact dates! And we were also there last September. LOL Are we related? LOL We had our travel agent make all our reservations for us, and she didn't say that she had any problems, so I'm hoping everything will go smoothly. Maybe we picked less crowded restaurants, I...
  11. M

    Dining Plan with kids menu question

    I'm going at the end of September with my sister and two nieces. One of them is 4 the other is 2. The 2 year old actually eats more than the 4 year old does. We've been trying to figure out how it works for the 2 year old. We didn't have to pay for her dining plan, so does she just get...
  12. M

    Boat ride or Carriage Ride?

    So all fat people who work at Disney are automatically rude because of one woman you observed?
  13. M

    Southwest Airlines/other airlines and ME

    When you say that they will handle your luggage from the airport to the resort, does that mean they'll pick up the luggage at the baggage carousel? This is the part I'm confused about, do we pick up our own luggage and take it to the ME check in, or do we just take ourselves to the ME check in...
  14. M

    Vonage at Innoventions

    I have Vonage with cable and I LOVE it! Plus I'm saving a fortune on my phone bill. I didn't worry about the 911 thing since we have a second land line in the house, plus I have a cell phone which is always handy.
  15. M

    Should Herbie Replacing Indy Speedway

    My four year old niece can't wait to go back to Disney in September so she can ride the cars. It was one of her favorite spots (of course Dumbo is her ultimate favorite). As for the Jungle Cruise, I LOVE going on that ride!! It's so silly and the boat captains really make the ride so much fun...
  16. M

    NJ Members of Chapter

    Hey, I'm in Staten Island too! Howdy neighbor! LOL
  17. M

    Huge Rollercoasters?

    Because size doesn't matter? <g>
  18. M

    Fireworks/Illuminations Cruise?

    My family did the Illuminations in September '04 and Wishes in March '05, which was also my nieces 4th birthday, so they decorated the boat with balloons and a birthday banner and they had a giant cake and sodas. It was really great. I really think it's the best way to see the fireworks, you...
  19. M

    Vacation Home rentals

    My family has rented vacation homes twice now from the same place. They are called Sterling Vacation Homes, their website is The first home we rented was smaller, and further from the parks. The second one we rented was in Formosa Springs, a private gated community...
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