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  1. T

    Dole Whip's anyone?

    Dole Whips are such an important part of each visit to WDW, that I include "Get Dole Whip" right on our itinerary (usually several times over) and get much teasing from anyone who sees it! I don't care, they can poke all the fun they want- I know that Dole Whips are heaven in a cup!
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    What is "Your Spot" in WDW?

    So hard to narrow it down to only one, but if I had to, it would be sitting with my husband on one of the swinging benches on the beach at the Polynesian. One in particular has a fabulous view facing Cinderella Castle, especially when its lit up at night. Boy, what I wouldn't give to be there...
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    How many more days????

    :slurp: Just 42 more days until my next Dolewhip! :slurp:
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    Hallowishes- The Video! - by Tk421-sw

    You are simply the BEST! Thank you so much for once again keeping me in touch with the magic of WDW. You made my night! (Probably my whole week!) :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
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    Pooh's Playful Spot added to the MK map

    Thanks for sharing- we just started planning our trip for next May, and just seeing that map is starting the familiar old heart palpitations!
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    Where do you go first when you arrive at Magic Kingdom?

    If it's the first day of our trip, without fail, we have one of the CMs on Main Street take our picture in front of Cinderella Castle- it's always my favorite souvenir! If it's not the first day- we usually make a b-line for Aloha Isle for yet another Dolewhip!!! :slurp:
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    how many more days for you?

    :D Oh Boy! Only 264 more days to go... :D
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    Boatride from Port Orleans to Downtown

    The boat ride to DTD from Port Orleans French Quarter is the very reason that makes POFQ my favorite moderate resort! It's nice not to have to take a bus, and such a relaxing way to end a long busy day. (Not to mention you get to do a little more shopping every night when you get there!) ;)
  9. T

    Admit it, you felt it...

    It begins on the shuttle from the airport as soon as I see the WDW sign and enter the property. After that, just about any and every little thing overwhelms me with such strong emotion that my husband just passes me napkin after napkin. It's really quite pathetic, but in a good way. Walking...
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    And you thought the new napkins were cool... (2005)

    :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: Hip, Hip Hooray for Classic Mickey! (I've got to get a life....) Once again Patrick, thanks so much for keeping us in the loop! You are simply the best! :wave:
  11. T

    Favorite Country in World Showcase ?

    I love visiting all the countries, but if I had to choose- it would have to be a tie- USA- because I love the Fife and Drum Corps, and UK- because I just love visiting with Mary Poppins!
  12. T

    Village Haus has burgers no more

    :cry: Along with American Adventure in Epcot, Pinnochios Village Haus was my favorite place to grab a burger for lunch, too. I wish they could have just added to the menu instead of replacing the burgers. Oh well. I'll get over it. Maybe.:cry:
  13. T

    Did you convert your spouse?

    :brick: *big sigh* I'm still working on it............... I have always loved all things Disney since birth, and thankfully he doesn't mind being constantly exposed to (more like surrounded by) it. But, for me the love snowballed into an uncontrollable obsession in 2000 when I worked at the...
  14. T

    Big News - New Walt Disney World Napkins

    I second that banana cream pie :p, and looove the new napkins! (Yes, I do understand it may not exactly be normal to love napkins, but I love them anyway! ) :o Thanks for the update Patrick, and please keep these updates about every little thing coming- after all it's all the little things that...
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    The Not-So-Obvious Update

    Thanks so much for the great pictures and neat tidbits- keep these awesome update coming! :wave:
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    SW1k- Video! A Must see, true Disney magic!

    Your finest video yet! :sohappy: It makes me soooo happy to come to these boards and be reminded that there are still many kind, wonderful, selfless people in this world who delight in simply making others happy.
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    SW1K - The Plan

    Thanks for sharing this truly heartwarming story with us- only in Walt Disney World could an ending turn out as happy as this one! :sohappy: I'll be looking forward to hearing about Ben's 2000th ride!
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    April 16th Video Update!- Soarin', Main Street Rehab,Poo, and much more!

    Once again, the two of you have outdone yourselves- I especially loved the ending! Thank you so very much for keeping these video updates coming- I'm sure I'm not the only one who REALLY appreciates all the effort and extra time you put into bringing the magic home for those of us who live much...
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    Add Another Update To The List-ISTCrew's April 17th

    Awesome update! I want those stickers!!!! NOW!!!! I guess I'll be calling WDW mail order again.... :D
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    mkt's Soarin and Flower & Garden Pics

    Great pictures- I especially love the topiary pics- but I love their captions even more! You are a riot! :lol:
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