Did you convert your spouse?


I had gone to WDW and DL with my family at least twice a year, every year, till I was about 18. When I met my husband, he had never been and had NO DESIRE TO EVER GO!!. I planned the trip to florida, and he was excited to go away.

We arrived at the Mk and were waiting to board the monorail. He just kept complaining and whining about "he just wants to go back to the hotel" and how he'd "rather sit by the pool, than be here" .. and on and on and on! He got me so upset that I was about ready to tell him to just go and leave me there. I held my tounge and my tears. We got on the monorail and went thru the Contemporary. I happed to glance at him, and much to my suprise, he was GRINNING LIKE A NUT!! I aksed him "Is that a smile I see?" he started to laugh and deny it but I knew at that exact moment that the magic hit him!!

Once we got into the park he turned into a child and enjoyed himself GREATLY!! He later admitted to me(even though I thouroughly described Disney to him) that he thought WDW was "like a carnival" with cheezy rides and games. This will be our seventh year going, and now I can't get him to stop talking about it!!


We've been married 20 years, and my hubby has not been a big Disney fan - too hot, too crowded, too expensive, too artificial and on and on. We've been 4 or 5 times, I guess, but he was always tolerating it for me and the kids.

That was... until our last trip in mid-March. For some reason he really enjoyed the trip. Kids are older, weather was cool, and I had carefully planned for us to be where the crowds weren't during the day. Plus, we stayed onsite for the first time, with MYW Dining, so he didn't have to open his wallet during the whole trip.

The result? We have an unexpected week without kids coming up the first week in June, which just happens to be our anniversary. We discussed Myrtle Beach (our standby), Outer Banks (never been), NYC (love it), a cruise (never been), New Orleans (too hot), and more. Finally, he said, "Why don't we just go back to DisneyWorld!" I couldn't believe my ears. I think he has finally caught it!

We'll be back in the magic on June 5!


New Member
My fiance grew up without Disney. A couple of months into our relationship we were planning to go away for Feb. break (we were both students at the time). We initially looked at a beach vacation but when I realized that we could go to Disneyland for just a little more we decided to go there. (I hadn't been to any Disney park since I was a kid and this was his first trip to a Disney park). Although it took him a day or so to realize how great it was (and that it wasn't just for little kids and that it was not a typical theme park) he quickly fell in love with it. I knew he was fully converted when he cried the night we had to leave. Now we try to go to WDW or Disneyland as often as possible. We both love everything Disney which is a good thing because I always said I would never marry someone who didn't. :lol:


Neither of us had been since we were young kids. With me, I always loved Disney but never really gave much thought to going back. We toyed around with the idea for our honeymoon, but for some reason, it never happened. It wasn't until a close friend of ours IM'd me one day. "Sen when are yall gonna take me to Disneyworld?" (background info: this friend of ours Joey.. he's like family to us. He lived with us for awhile when we first bought this house. He was a close friend of Kirk's in high school and then after Kirk moved back down here in 98.. Joey started coming around again & that's where we became friends. His family life has always stunk. He's been pretty much the family outcast all his life so he thinks of Kirk & I as his family and cares more about us because we've cared about him and taken him in. He calls me "mama Sen"!) Anyhow.. I get this IM. I was like "uhh why?" Turns out his entire family trooped out the door that day with luggage. Poor Joey was sitting on the couch watching tv clueless. His dad told him "We're going to Disneyworld. We're taking your brothers & sisters. You stay here. (edit: All of his siblings are grown too!)" :eek: They even flew in his sister that lived in Korea and didn't bother taking Joey. How rotten! Anyhow.. that really got the wheels turning for us. Kirk & I started talking about it and decided "Well.. we haven't had a real vacation in years & going to San Antonio every year just doesn't count...why not?" So that started it. Since then, Kirk & I have really rediscovered the magic of all things Disney. We've both just really been bitten hard by the Mousebug. LOL It's the funniest thing too. One of us will ask the other "Where we goin?" and the other is supposed to put their fists on both sides of their head. LOL It's mouse ears! Cmon!! I really don't know if I could be happy knowing he didn't genuinely enjoy Disney. Ya know.. just doing it to humor me. There's so much stress & bs in daily adult life.. you've got to have some sort of escape from all of that where you can enjoy the magic & wonders of the *small* things & go back to being a kid...especially with your Prince or Princess of choice. That's somethign truely magical. JMO :) *AND* We leave in 18 days! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I brought my husband for his first time in 1994, right before we got married. His mom and dad came with us also, for their first time, and my mom and sister flew down later that evening to join us. It's not that my husband didn't like Disney, but being a product of the 70's; he'd plan a weekend around the Allman Bros concert rather than save for a trip. 50% of folks from around here have rarely ventured past Biloxi, Miss.........It's not a money issue; they take vacation for the opening of deer season, and shrimp season. Now, all I have to say is get ready, and he's game for WDW.


Well-Known Member
I didn't really grow up with WDW I just knew it was somewhere I knew I wanted to go one day, Glen wasn't very keen to go as he thought it's just for kids etc etc, but one trip was all it took for both of us to be hooked!


New Member
I'm just lucky I found Scott.. he loves DIsney (probably a lil more than me) but I absolutely love it. I always have wanted to get married at WDW and now I can say for sure I will be! :kiss:


New Member
:brick: *big sigh* I'm still working on it...............

I have always loved all things Disney since birth, and thankfully he doesn't mind being constantly exposed to (more like surrounded by) it. But, for me the love snowballed into an uncontrollable obsession in 2000 when I worked at the Disney Store part time and I became completely consumed by the magic. We went on our first trip to WDW in May 2001 for our 5 year anniversaryand had the time of our life! This is when the obsession with WDW began. Twice since we've been back with bells on, and while he definitely enjoys vacationing in WDW, (who in their right mind doesn't :p ) we are still not in the same place. :cry:

Me: "Let's sell eveything we own, say goodbye for now to all our freinds and relations, and move to Florida to become full time cast members!"
Him: "No."

Does anybody around here have any extra pixie dust? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Trying to find that spouse first. (Any volunteers, let me know! :cool: ). But, law school is taking up a bit more time than finding that Disney-fied young lady. So, I will post on this thread in a couple of years, but I doubt I will have to convert because it will be part of my decision to make said person a spouse! ;)


While I always loved Disney, I had never gone to WDW until my husband(then boyfriend of 5 months) took me in 1996. He had gone with his family as a kid but wasn't as fanatical as I am. Sometimes he probably wishes he never brought me there, because now I can't get enough.


My family started going to WDW in February 1973. We would go down every 3 to 5 years. So, imagine my surprise when my husband (then boyfriend) said he'd never been to WDW when my parents decided to take him with us on our family vacation in 1993. We married 2 years later, and spent our 2nd anniversary in WDW. After that, we waited until our son was 2.5 years old before going back (2000). At that point, I had him hooked, and we bought into DVC. It's been twice a year visits since then, and he is as hooked as I am!


Well-Known Member
i have been going to WDW since i was a kid and while we lived in orlando. my fiance had never been down there and i mentioned to him it would be great if we took a trip after graduation. i bombarded him with disney info, planning guides, past pictures, and the planning DVD.

on the first day, he proposed and throughout the week he became hooked! now, we are so anxious to go back down in oct. everything is disney now! i'm so happy i was able to convert him :D

Stitch's Cousin

New Member
I spent years describing the magic of Disney to my husband, but he couldn't shake his image of a kids-only theming of WDW. FINALLY, he saw a story about the EPCOT Food & Wine Festival on the Food Network and said that a trip to the festival was a way to entice a visit. That was over five years ago, and he's been the initiator of a trip every year since then (obviously without any resistance from me!) In addition to our F&W visit this year, we will be embarking on our first cruise (a Disney Cruise) -- I've created a monster!!

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