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  1. Brick Tamland

    is there ANYTHING "southern" about the Orlando area?

    The best thing about the 'Orlando South' is Sonny's Real Pit Bar-B-Que
  2. Brick Tamland

    Everest Opening/Preview Question

    I will be in WDW during the last week of March, and I'am aware that the 'suspected' opening date is April 7th. I was wondering if an E:E preview would be out of the question during my up-and-coming trip? Any help would be appreciated. BTW: I made this in the TRIP PLANNING forum to make room...
  3. Brick Tamland

    The "Not Going Soon" Support Group

    *shivers* I haven't been *gulp* to the world in over 66 days and i wont be back until at least *breaths heavy* 167 days :cry: :cry: *loud obnoxiuos scream* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Good luck, i know im gonna need it
  4. Brick Tamland

    Weight limits

    im 6'1 180 (formerly 5'11 240), but with size 18 feet. Space mountain is a tough squeeze for my feet.
  5. Brick Tamland

    Walt Disney World Timeline.

    1972-If you had wings opens in tommorowland
  6. Brick Tamland

    Dueling Dragons and Beastly Kingdom: A Connection? (Dreamfinder Campaign update too!)

    I cant see the dragon in the AK logo, if someone could point it out that'd be great.
  7. Brick Tamland

    Exclusive New Photos of Inside Everest!!

    How many Yeti AA's will there be? Cool pics by the way, this thread is really interesting
  8. Brick Tamland

    EE: The Yeti

    Ya, Know what comercials scared me as a child? the ones where the Giant Yeti would come crashing through your wall screaming OH YEAH, OH YEAH. And the kids were all like Yes, yes.
  9. Brick Tamland

    EE: The Yeti

    HAHA OMG I love Dane Cook
  10. Brick Tamland

    Mel Gibson and Disney Strike Deal

    The movie comes out in the summer of 2006, so by summer of 2007 el rio del tiempo will be replaced with a mel gibson themed ride
  11. Brick Tamland

    EE: The Yeti

    Yes that was from the Matterhorn, but the Yeti will really have brown fur and dreads? wow it'll look like Ricky Williams
  12. Brick Tamland

    EE: The Yeti

    I have found a very secretive picture of the Yeti, please if you dont want to be spoiled DO NOT scroll down. Here you go :animwink:
  13. Brick Tamland

    EE: The Yeti

    that sounds awesome
  14. Brick Tamland

    EE: The Yeti

    With initial test runs going on over at EE, could the Yeti already be installed? If so does anyone here know how big the yeti is? Or how scary the Yeti will be?
  15. Brick Tamland

    What are your "waiting in line" pet peeves?

    I hate it when, in a line that "snakes" like one in Fantasyland, when you keep seeing one person every 5 minutes and they give you a dirty look everytime they see you. I didnt read all of the posts so i hope this one wasnt already mentioned
  16. Brick Tamland

    EE now in merchandise

    they have a simlar logo on tickets now also
  17. Brick Tamland

    Is Alien Encounter Open this year?

    I really don't mind Sticth, i went on it with an open mindand was pleased with the show. It is only a tamef down version of AE, which i didn;t like that much anyway.
  18. Brick Tamland

    TTA Rehab

    Yeah the TTA has been running pretty rough for a couple months. Back in March I was on it and it stalled for about 30 minutes. Itwas cool because we were inside Space Mountain at the time. Some new track would be very very cool, I would be a big supporter of this if It was possible.
  19. Brick Tamland

    Do you have any secret spots in Disney World to sneak a Power Nap???

    MK: TTA, Hall of Presidents, time keeper. Epcot: American adventure, Universe of energy, The living seas (find a nice window sill(sp?) and nap away, any of the WS shows. MGM: Little mermaid show, sounds dangerous, muppets 4-D, backlot tour AK: Bugs life
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