EE: The Yeti

Brick Tamland

New Member
Original Poster
JKovach said:
What happened??? Why did the yeti attack you??? Were you taunting it???

Yeah sometimes I just go up into the mountain just to mess around with the yetis... I have this thing, called a yeti rocket... and I shoot at it them and it really annoys them... then i just wade their in the moutain... and they come at me, but i'm really good at alluding them... I know this hip move... its something porpoises do, and I pretend I have a bottle neck and I stab them in the stomach... and it really is effective

HAHA OMG I love Dane Cook


New Member
NeedABreak said:
Ok, here is the real yeti pic.


Who gave DISNEY permission to use MY WIFES PHOTO as Yeti....I will sue.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
DisneyRoxMySox said:
I think you are thinking of the abomidabal smow man..two totaly different people. :p

No, everyone knows that they're called Bumbles. Right? :lookaroun :lol: :p

And remember folks, Bumbles bounce! :lol:


Account Suspended
Woah hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, you need to put a message saying this picture will cause hemorrhaging and severe blindness but bea arthur is the yeti, They need to put up some kind of warning for small children, and by the looks of that picture of her I dont think I will be able to shut my eyes again!.....................................ew.


Well-Known Member
SirGoofy said:
:lol: THis is one of the funniest threads I've seen. Hey mkepcotmgmak, how are the snowcones?

man, you have NO idea 'till you try his two specials... Bubblegum, and the Sneti (half snowcone and half yeti, he will fit into disney's word making world, fantasmic, spectromagic... etc.)


Account Suspended
I would love to have a pet Yeti... imagine having a crazy pet yeti in the house? And I would dress him up in armour and give him a sword... and we'd have sword fights...

How pumped would you be driving home from work knowing there was a yeti somewhere in your house ready to do battle? You just walk in, put on the armour grab the sword and be like "YETTTTI?!?!?!?!"


Burgstressera said:
Originally Posted by spies13
Reports out of WDW claim that the Yeti will be a true to life version of Bea Arthur from the Golden Girls. That hideous woman would make satan weep.

:lol: The Bea Arthur comment just totally cracked me up.

I'd scream if I were on EE and she jumped out in front of the train!!!

Thanks for making me smile today. I'm a bit depressed since I just got back from a 10 day trip to WDW....:cry:

A photo of the new Yeti
OK, I know this post is couple days old, but I'm just getting to reading this thread.

WOW, this pic scares me more than the Matterhorn one. Is that Bea Arthur, or Phyllis Diller?


Account Suspended
if it is such a waste of time why did you waste your time to even bother replying that is in fact a waste of time? To make yourself look superior to everyone else, to feel above all? Don't say "no" cuz it obviously was, otherwise you could have sat there and gone "eh... that was a waste of time, i'm gonna go do something with my fascinating life because i'm better than the rest"

yet, instead you decided to post your arrogance and your rudeness

So, i think your a waste of time, but then hey... look at me wasting time on you... a waste of time


I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul...


Beseiged Yeti Injures 3 Disney Imagineers

Associated Press

ANAHEIM, Disneyland -- A 15 - 20 foot tall yeti is reported missing from is keep inside of Disneyland and roaming somewhere is Southern California. The Yeti has been described as a cross between Bea Arthur, Richard Simmons, Star Jones, Chewbacca, Ricky Williams, and some guys wife.

Details are sketchy but it appears the Yeti got aggitated during obedience training and resorted back to his instincts. When the police arrived the 3 Disney employees where badly beaten but all said after the beating the Yeti gave them ice and explained that it was nothing personal.... This would coencide with the theory that there is a Moral behind every Disney incident.

If you come into contact do not try to capture it yourself. Immediatly call Yukon Jack or the local authorities
Wheres The Van?!

JKovach said:
I would love to have a pet Yeti... imagine having a crazy pet yeti in the house? And I would dress him up in armour and give him a sword... and we'd have sword fights...

How pumped would you be driving home from work knowing there was a yeti somewhere in your house ready to do battle? You just walk in, put on the armour grab the sword and be like "YETTTTI?!?!?!?!"

Hey thanks Dane. You gonna take him on a heist too? "WHERES THE VAN?!" haha do you have his new cd/dvd? its awesome.

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