The "Not Going Soon" Support Group


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Is anyone else not going to WDW soon? :lol:

My last trip was in 2002, and the next trip is..... well, I just don't know. Not sure how much spare cash will be hanging around once I move out to my own place (which is soon).

Is there anybody else with no plans to go soon? :| Do you feel that everyone else is going apart from you? :eek:

Things I haven't experienced:
Mickey's Philharmagic
LMAX @ Florida
Stitch's Great Escape

The Mummy
Jimmy Neutron
Shreck 4D

Brick Tamland

New Member
I haven't been *gulp* to the world in over 66 days and i wont be back until at least *breaths heavy* 167 days :cry: :cry: *loud obnoxiuos scream* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Good luck, i know im gonna need it


Well-Known Member
we feel your pain. we haven't been for 2 years and will not be returning till april and after that who knows when :cry: . most of the things on your list we haven't seen either :( . hey congrats on the new place!!!

tracy & alex


Well-Known Member
Haven't been since September, but the worst part is that we are going to a wedding in Florida in 3 weeks, but we won't have time for a "Disney fix".:mad:

We'll be going in February though.


New Member
I haven't been since August of 2003. My mom just left for WDW today for a 4 day conference. I wanted to go with her but I had to get knee surgery right before her trip! I have no idea when I will be back. I am hoping maybe a year or 2???


Well-Known Member
After going 4 times in 12 months, since my 1st ever visit last September....

It will be at least a year before we return........

Due to a little Mickey on the way etc, it will be at least next Nov/Dec.

It might be longer depending on how the work situation settles down....

My company brought in an investment group... and it has not been pretty.


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain. The last WDW trip was in 2003. Recently, we went to DL for the 50th Anniversery. But DH and I want to go back to WDW again, but we'll probably go in another year or two.


Active Member
Things Fantasmic!329 hasn't experienced:
Mickey's Philharmagic
Wishes - (didn't get to see it in 2004)
LMAX @ Florida - (wasn't open when I was there in 2004)
Stitch's Great Escape - (wasn't open when I was there in 2004)
Mission:Space - (don't want too, either)
Soarin' (not in WDW; but did in DL)

Universal: (never been to Universal)
The Mummy
Jimmy Neutron
Shreck 4D

The earliest chance at going to WDW for me will be Summer 2006. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Okay, we're going next Sunday. :lookaroun But we had to cancel last year's trip so I know how you feel. It sucks. But try to hang in there. Focus on the positives in your life, like getting your own place. That's exciting! :) Then soon as you can, start saving your pennies for the next trip. You might surprise yourself. Even if you can't go back for a while, there's always this site to keep coming back to. It sure helps take the edge off!


We did get to go last June, but we won't be going back for at least four years. Dang college costs! But hopefully after that we will be retiring down there and should be able to go lots then.


New Member
Less then 2 months for me.....

Sorry your not going soon.



New Member
We leave tomorrow morning for WDW. But I'm sure I'll participate in this support group the moment I get back!


New Member
Hello All, we were just there in December 2004 and got to see everything that was created between 1997-2004. We now can't go back until 2007 since my wife said it was her turn to decide on the 2006 vacation, so Europe for our 10th Anniversary and then back to Disney for Halloween 2007. I'm sad we can't go back until then but I guess I have to be thankful that i'm able to travel on a yearly basis but I do miss it alot . I rely on this website and all its great contributors to get me through until the next WDW fix. You'll get through it!!!



It's been almost 3 years since we were there (short trip that time, just a weekend) and it will be a long time before we go back. It's not just finances-- our relatives live in opposite parts of the country, and honestly, what vacation time we get really needs to be spent with family. That's more important.


Well-Known Member
ogryn said:
Is anyone else not going to WDW soon? :lol:

My last trip was in 2002, and the next trip is..... well, I just don't know. Not sure how much spare cash will be hanging around once I move out to my own place (which is soon).

Is there anybody else with no plans to go soon? :| Do you feel that everyone else is going apart from you? :eek:

Things I haven't experienced:
Mickey's Philharmagic
LMAX @ Florida
Stitch's Great Escape

The Mummy
Jimmy Neutron
Shreck 4D

Well, I got you beat by 2 years (my last trip was December 99/February 2000), and I really don't know when I'm going back, now with the baby coming and all that. Every couple of months I get serious withdrawals, so I gotta pop in a Planning Kit and spend the day listening to Park music.

And I'll add all the new parades and shows to that list, including stuff that has come and gone already without me ever experiencing it, and POP Century. :cry: I don't think there's anything else that opened between 2000 and 2002... Is there? :brick:

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