What are your "waiting in line" pet peeves?


New Member
True story and a piece of my family's lore:

Many, many years ago our family was waiting in line and this kid behind them was sitting on the railing and slowly but surely sliding ahead of many people in line. My uncle noticed this and when the kid reached our party he just gave him a little shove that sent him falling off the railing into the shrubbery below. Mortified, the kid then exited the line.

Since that day, war has been declared between line cutters and my family.:drevil:


Active Member
jmaxwell007 said:
4. PDA couple....... the couple that thinks it is going to be the last time they ever see eachother alive, so they do everything (but that) in front of you in line. there is nothing more in this world that makes me want to puke (maybe see #1 above) then to see some mullet boy and his sweat hog groping eachother while in line to get on a kids attraction. they dont mix.

oh my goodness... that makes me just soooo angry to be stuck behind a couple who proceed to play tonsil hockey with each other for the duration of the wait in line... and if you're lucky, they just have a heavy make out session, and don't proceed to something else....:hurl:

Another one that bugs me is being stuck behind a girl/woman wearing one of those little tiny tank tops/tube top, who is quite confident about it and proceeds to play with it the entire time... flexing her arms out... stretching... this happened to me once... it frustrates me when people don't dress appropriately for a park where there are lots of kids around. I don't want to have to stare at most of your exposed body for several hours while in line...

ok, I'm done ranting...:rolleyes: for now...


New Member
It is so incredibly annoying when people play music really loudly. When we were in line for Space Mountain in Disneyland there were there teenagers blasting music from their iPods on this speaker thing they had. It was so rude because we had no choice but to listen to it.


Active Member
Another true story

A few years back, it seemed like everyone (except us) at the parks that week was from Indiana. The fourth or fifth day there, we were getting off the monorail at MK and suddenly the exit line just stopped. People who were in a hurry to get off the ramp started bumping into those ahead of them, lots of people were startled. As we got to the source of the bottleneck, I saw a large family group, in matching T-shirts, looking at a bunny rabbit in the grass next to the garden by the ramp. They all had their cameras out, and were taking pictures of the bunny. I said (more loudly than I had planned to) to my partner "I guess they don't have rabbits in Indiana." I thought the group behind us were going to wet their pants, they started laughing so loud!


Account Suspended
I didn't finish reading all the posts because there is one thing that annoys me more than anything in the world and I am basically FUMING right now... I am extremely annoyed thinking about it... so this mighta been said but here it goes... oh yeah and even though it is WDW somehow these people find their way in

MALL RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those 14-17 year olds who think because they rebel against their parents and because they are in a group with their friends that they are tough... and "cool" I mean I see a lot of groups of kids from ages 14-18 and I'm not saying all of them are problems... but those kids who belong at Six Flags and who hangout at the mall from 5 p.m. till close just lottering and people a problem to the entire community for their worthlessness...

They stand in line and they are so obnoxious because they think the world revolves around them. They yell they try and do that "i'm sitting on the rail and i REFUSE to get down to walk 5 feet... let me slow down this line by sliding along the rail like I am somebody" I admit I have down the rail slide before... but like.. 2-5 feet, they do it for like 25 yards and just cause a problem to everyone around them...

They aren't the kids that are out smoking or drinking... they are just the kids who feel everything revolves around them and they can do whatever they want cuz they're "cool." Oh my god I am furious...

This is the only thing thats ever made me legitimately mad in disney... and if i come across any of these mall rats doing any mall rat-like things and being completely obnoxious and being a complete disservice to the WDW community... I might have to knock them and their entire "clique" out because this makes me angry :mad: :mad: :mad:

So with that off my chest... :sohappy:



Well-Known Member
Nansafan said:
One thing that bothers me is in the thinner queues like Peter Pan, Snow White, that have chains separated the line, people sitting on or leaning on the chains which causes them to block up half the next line. When you try and move past them, you get the nasty look if you bump them when they are clearly blocking the line up.

One way we stop people who cut in front of you is this way. We usually are traveling in a group of 5 to 8 people. If a queue is wide like Pirates for example. When we notice someone trying to edge up around us, someone will say, "Go wide". Then we all move over a bit and line up so that we fill the width of the line. This works pretty well.

We've done this before. In fact, that's what I was trying to do in the story in my first post, but I let my guard down, and she was persistent, so she was able to pass me. But, most of the time "Go wide" works pretty well.


New Member
I love being at Disney and that includes standing in lines for the attractions. (I'd give anything to be standing in line right now than sitting at my computer in NJ)

People are "interesting" wherever you go, and it's just part of the experience. I'm too wrapped up in having a magical experience with my husband and children to let other guests annoy me. 90 more days to go!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hcswingfield said:
A few years back, it seemed like everyone (except us) at the parks that week was from Indiana. The fourth or fifth day there, we were getting off the monorail at MK and suddenly the exit line just stopped. People who were in a hurry to get off the ramp started bumping into those ahead of them, lots of people were startled. As we got to the source of the bottleneck, I saw a large family group, in matching T-shirts, looking at a bunny rabbit in the grass next to the garden by the ramp. They all had their cameras out, and were taking pictures of the bunny. I said (more loudly than I had planned to) to my partner "I guess they don't have rabbits in Indiana." I thought the group behind us were going to wet their pants, they started laughing so loud!

Hey now! Not everyone from Indiana is like that. Some of us are actually pretty normal!! And, yes, we have rabbits in Indiana. And, I've never, ever worn matching shirts with my family upon going to the parks.

Brick Tamland

New Member
I hate it when, in a line that "snakes" like one in Fantasyland, when you keep seeing one person every 5 minutes and they give you a dirty look everytime they see you. I didnt read all of the posts so i hope this one wasnt already mentioned


MadameCheshire said:
It is so incredibly annoying when people play music really loudly. When we were in line for Space Mountain in Disneyland there were there teenagers blasting music from their iPods on this speaker thing they had. It was so rude because we had no choice but to listen to it.

Why would you take an iPod to a park? :rolleyes: Unless you are going by yourself and you want something to help you pass the time while you wait in line, that's okay... as long as you keep your music to yourself and don't bug others.


New Member
hcswingfield said:
What I enjoy in the lines is when I am able to start up a pleasant conversation with someone I am in line with.

I like starting up conversations with people in line, as well. Helps pass the time faster and you meet the most interesting folks.

The funniest experience I've had in a line was for Rock and Roller Coaster. The woman in front of me was trying to ease the fears of her six year old boy. She said "You remember riding on It's a Small World? This is just like that!"

That's funny.


New Member
Like a lot of others have said, people that try to crowd in front of you drive me nutty. The worst I've seen it was my first trip to WDW. It was July, and their were a lot of tour groups. I won't say what coutry they were from, but they have some beautiful beaches and they are serious about soccer. You might have one or two from the group, in front of you at the beginning, but before long there are 10-15.
On the other hand, I've met and taked to some very interesting people. The good experiences have far out-weighed the bad. During our last trip, in the queue for Soarin', my wife and I struck up a conversation with a group of 6-7 high school age kids. They were very well behaved and very polite. As it turned out, they were from Colorado and were at WDW for their senior class trip. My wife asked how many from the class got to come. They said all but one was able to make the trip. My wife asked how many were in their class, and they said "twelve".


New Member
I can't stand when people are actually talking "Work" when waiting, and talking loudly. Also, I dislike when people are too close behind me where you think you can feel their breath on your neck.

98 more days! :)


New Member
All of the above mentioned problems are very real. I avoid these problems by not being in the parks when they are crowded. This is accomplished by being first in line for park opening. Waiting in lines is avoided by doing this. Being back at my resort pool for lunch by 100pm. Going back to the MK after the strollers leave, about 500pm. For all that complained get a life. Theres so much at WDW to do without having to fight crowds of people. Learn how to avoid the crowds. What happened to the day at WDW while sitting on a bench you'd watch the street sweeper following the small kid eatting popcorn, with a broom and dustpan.


Active Member
MadameCheshire said:
It is so incredibly annoying when people play music really loudly. When we were in line for Space Mountain in Disneyland there were there teenagers blasting music from their iPods on this speaker thing they had. It was so rude because we had no choice but to listen to it.

Mmmmmmmmhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!! :fork: :fork: :fork: That drove me crazy... they have earphones for a reason, ya know..


Premium Member
Original Poster
DisneyBunny said:
Another one that bugs me is being stuck behind a girl/woman wearing one of those little tiny tank tops/tube top, who is quite confident about it and proceeds to play with it the entire time... flexing her arms out... stretching... this happened to me once... it frustrates me when people don't dress appropriately for a park where there are lots of kids around. I don't want to have to stare at most of your exposed body for several hours while in line...

You beat me to it. That was my next one. That drives me insane.


Well-Known Member
Nansafan said:
One thing that bothers me is in the thinner queues like Peter Pan, Snow White, that have chains separated the line, people sitting on or leaning on the chains which causes them to block up half the next line. When you try and move past them, you get the nasty look if you bump them when they are clearly blocking the line up.

One way we stop people who cut in front of you is this way. We usually are traveling in a group of 5 to 8 people. If a queue is wide like Pirates for example. When we notice someone trying to edge up around us, someone will say, "Go wide". Then we all move over a bit and line up so that we fill the width of the line. This works pretty well.

One bad thing about the queues that have wide areas like POTC or when you come out of the stretching rooms in HM is that a lot of times groups will separate you from your family unintentially (spelling?) If you try to get back to them people think you are cutting in line. HM is the worst for it. Unless you hold onto everyone in your party it happens quite a bit. It is a pain...

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