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  1. MichelleBelle

    WDW Picture of the Day (Part 8)

    I LOVE this pic... I just had to point out something awesome I spotted (not sure if you took this photo on purpose for this or not), but you can totally see Cinderella and the Prince walking arm-in-arm on the left hand side! How cute!
  2. MichelleBelle

    Pirates 3 Discussion Thread *Where You Can Talk About The Movie After You See It*

    Speaking of her leg, how the #$&* does she manage to shave at sea admist battles and meetings??? There's no way her legs would have looked like that, unless she shaved on the boat ride to shore to meet Will.
  3. MichelleBelle

    Harry Potter coming to Orlando's Universal Studios in a big way

    I personally hate everything to do with Harry Potter so I'm happy it won't be ruining any part of Disney. I love the Lost Continent and I'm really upset that they're doing this. I know it's guaranteed $$ for Universal, but still, Harry Potter - ick. :hurl:
  4. MichelleBelle

    Pirates 3 Discussion Thread *Where You Can Talk About The Movie After You See It*

    I actually watched Dead Man's Chest last night after having seen At World's End this weekend and a LOT more stuff made sense. Mostly the whole compass thing... in DMC Elizabeth's heart wanted the life of a pirate and the whole thing that Tia Dalma says to Jack about "knowing what he wants but...
  5. MichelleBelle

    Pirates 3 Discussion Thread *Where You Can Talk About The Movie After You See It*

    I actually like spoilers, and I'm dying to know what happens... Do Will and Elizabeth end up together? I know from reading this thread what happens to them individually, but do they stay together? I'm bummed about Norrington, I love him. Oh well, someone had to go I guess.
  6. MichelleBelle

    Please please don't hate me, but...

    Thanks for the input so far everyone :) I am hoping Jack and Elizabeth don't have a romance and the whole compass and "not knowing what he wants" is just to throw us off. I just wish the darn 3rd movie would come out already so (hopefully) all this is answered!! They certainly did a good...
  7. MichelleBelle

    Please please don't hate me, but...

    Aww, thank you!! Well, my main question (which I'm sure has been asked and answered a bunch of times already on here) is Why doesn't Jack's compass work for him? Tia Dalma says "Jack Sparrow does not know what he wants? Or do you know and are loathe to claim as your own?" (or something to...
  8. MichelleBelle

    Please please don't hate me, but...

    I have a ton of "Dead Man's Chest" movie questions and I know there was at least one (or more) big threads on here where everyone discussed the movie when it came out last year. I've searched for those threads on here a bunch of times and haven't found anything - maybe i'm not looking...
  9. MichelleBelle

    Around the World in A Few Hours 7-11-06

    Those pictures are awesome!!! Thanks for sharing. Your night pics were amazing!! Love the shot of Space Mountain!
  10. MichelleBelle

    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I thought it only happened that one time though on the beach and that it was for the sake of a joke (because Elizabeth obviously is not a huge fan of Jack). Kind of like a "eeew, no, I don't want Jack" kind of a joke. Her and Jack seem to play back and forth and...
  11. MichelleBelle

    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    I'm pretty sure this only happened so she could put the handcuffs on him. Remember, earlier in the movie she flirts with him on the deck of the ship to see if he'll kiss her/make a move, and right as he's about to make a move he's distracted--then she knows she can trick him if she needs to...
  12. MichelleBelle

    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    Oh man, this thread has made me want to go see it again to search for all the little things I missed!! A lot of people that I know have seen it have only had one complaint - that it was confusing. I know I was a little confused in parts, but I think that some things happened fairly quickly (as...
  13. MichelleBelle

    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    Question About The Ending!!! Please Help!! ****************SPOILERS************************ ****************SPOILERS************************ Ok, so I loved the movie (albeit it was a little long), but I'm SO confused about the ending. I think I might have...
  14. MichelleBelle


    Shanghai may welcome Mickey Mouse<FORM name=alertbox onsubmit="return getSelectedButton()" action=> </FORM><!--endclickprintexclude-->BEIJING, China (AP) -- Is there a Disney park in Shanghai's future? Shanghai's mayor says the...
  15. MichelleBelle

    Yesterday's Observations - Everest changes - Soarin - SE & Breakdowns

    Poor WDW... seems like some major overhauls are needed. Keep in mind though, the scope of WDW and how it's open year-round. Things are bound to have down time, although when so many things are down/closed/broken all at once it kind of ruins the experience. I agree about the inept CM's or rude...
  16. MichelleBelle

    Disney OCD - The Little Things That Bug You

    HAHAHA, this made me laugh out loud at work. I HATE that kid... I'm always in line with that kid! Makes me want to pull the rope and knock him/her over. My pet peeves are when people are so ignorant of other people (line jumping, stopping in the middle of walkways, talking during shows...
  17. MichelleBelle

    New kitty needs disney name

    I think "Oliver" was a good suggestion... I also like Sebastian and Meeko (even though they weren't cats in the movies, still cute names). What about Toulouse (sp?) or Berlioz from the Aristocats? Simba?
  18. MichelleBelle

    The big ? Everest v's The Mummy which one wins?

    I've ridden ROTM but not Everest, but from watching the Everest video it seems to me they took what ROTM did and improved on it. It just looks so much more adventurous and fun. The Mummy didn't really "thrill" me... I was actually sort of disappointed with it. I mean, I haven't had the chance...
  19. MichelleBelle

    SPOILER for those who watched the EE video ONLY.

    Hah, Ok, I checked again and saw it! Yay!! I just didn't give the page enough time to load all the pics last time :hammer: By the way, thanks to every one posting pics and video of Everest! I know some people think it's ruining the surprise (and they have every right to want to be...
  20. MichelleBelle

    SPOILER for those who watched the EE video ONLY.

    I looked through a good portion of this HUGE thread and did not see any Yeti pictures. Were they taken down?
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